Over 40, over 75lb to lose, 365 days committment to logging.



  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm new to this group and been with MFP for years. I have lost up 65 pounds but sad to say gained about 40 pounds back do to stress and loss in my life.

    I recently learned about keto and did a lot of research on it and decided to give it a try. Loving it, the food taste good and I've lost 11 pounds in two weeks. :smiley: I'm wanting to make this a life change not a diet. I need to loose about 100 pounds, yuk!

    You all have done a great job and I know you can continue on too.
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    That lovely little crap stunt I pulled with the wine and cheese and not really being meticulous with logging cost me FOUR pounds! I'm so glad I caught myself and put a stop to it.

    Welcome to @jetsamflotsam and @2Behealthier2. Glad to have more and more people here to encourage one another.
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    juana604 wrote: »
    I'm 40. 30ish more pounds to lose. Sure feels weird to be adding whipping cream to my morning coffee. But it works! Over the years, I programmed myself to completely steer clear of all fat. And I carried on being fat. My mom was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when she was my age, so I'm on a mission to get out of the "overweight" zone.

    My parents, husband and son are all diabetic and im right with you I dont want it either and will do this for the rest of my life to stay this way. I love my family and someone has to be healthy to love and protect them and cheer them on letting them know if I can do it so can they!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Hi all. I'm 56, female. I've been on here for a few years, logging faithfully. Ok, I may miss a day here and there but for the most part, I'm very consistent. My fear of diabetes, insulin resistance is what brought me to LCHF, which I love.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    43 with easily 70 pounds to spare. And yes, my nickname might be "yo yo".
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Those four pounds are GONE. Besides the sudden drop of the scale (yes, I weigh daily) I was up several times during the night so I'm convinced it was mostly water weight. But, hey, weight is weight, right?

    A few years ago I dieted myself down to about 205. Now at 235 I have only another 30 to go and I'll then start going into all new territory. Yes, the previous weight loss was with the help of MFP. What was missing that time was any knowledge of LCHF. The only thing I knew was Dr. Atkins and any time I would stray from the induction phase I would start to gain it all back. Besides, I was still thinking fat = bad so I was eating only lean meat and fish. Boring! Thank you to everyone here in the LCHF group, especially the mods, for sharing and caring.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »

    I laughed - with recognition. I'm dairy intolerant, but today, big work day, bringing on new staff, advocating for a 16 year old and a few big things, I'd only eaten about 300 calories by dinner time. I don't really register hunger in my belly, but I wanted to eat- and fast - so in the self deluded fashion of an addict, I went to the local cafe to buy a vegetable frittata- (not a bad choice)- but had a craving for cheese - and bought 200gms of Jarlsberg - and 100 gms smoked salmon - and ate the lot.. I am dairy intolerant!! Luckily its a very long time since I ate cheese and haven't had a bad response yet, so may not - phew...

    But wow, that's the power of how addiction takes over when my body needs food and I haven't eaten enough. I did prowl the store hunting for chocolate, even as I did it I watched the ludicroucy of it - Read headlines - MAD woman - read - WOMAN WHO HAS EATEN TOO LITTLE - Prowls the supermarket looking for vaguely healthy dark chocolate that won;t make her sick because of food intolerances.

    I did think, I need to change some things at work so I don't run so low again, lest I am prowling again.

    I would never tell these stories to the never been obese.. It does feel like a kind of madness watching the craving and addiction lead you around the store like a testosterone filled teenage boy being led down dodgy paths sometimes.. :):):)
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    gorgeousma wrote: »
    juana604 wrote: »

    BABetter1 wrote: »
    43 with easily 70 pounds to spare. And yes, my nickname might be "yo yo".

    Welcome aboard, I've really noticed there are some things that only people carrying large amounts of extra weight really get.. including the long haul is not 2 or 3 months of dedication, that last 10 % to lose isn't 3-5 lbs, it might be 20 lbs, .. so many things.
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    It's always so exciting to go into new territory. I am not there yet, but gosh I am looking forward to getting to the weight that was my highest weight 8 years ago.. then to the next weight down, which was previously my highest weight- and so forth down the scale over the next 365 days.
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Bumping this for updates. This topic was started April 25th, 39 days ago. How is everyone doing with their commitment? There were a couple of days where I didn't log everything but that was just me lying to myself. I got over that snag and am more dedicated to doing this. How about the rest of you?
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Doing well so far. But, I just jumped in a few days ago. :)
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    Thanks so much for bumping
    April I dropped 8 kg. May was a few rounds of up 2kg, and down 2kg.
    In that way that an arbitrary date can just give some structure and meaning, I've stepped up in June and aiming for 5kg further loss this month.

    I am surprised by the ways I delude myself, and the ways that the focus on weight loss slips away from me.. when in reality, with around 120lb+ still to go, there is actually nothing more important in my life. And I'm grateful to have made a 365 day commitment - regardless of ups and downs - to keep dropping.

    How are the rest of you going?

  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    have had a bumpy few weeks and haven't logged anything !!!! but also struggled with stomach pain which I am hoping is now sorted with meds - so getting back on track logging tomorrow and back to the LCHF WoE
  • Ange_Armano
    Ange_Armano Posts: 5 Member
    Hello!! New here - did low carb for three weeks before I found keto and switched it up to LCHF. I have been logging since Tuesday and doing well. Feeling hungry though - mostly in the afternoons before and after dinner. Even though I am not that far from my fat macro, I've been told I may need to increase my fat intake a little bit.

    I will be 46 in a few weeks and have about 90 lbs to lose (YIKES!) I don't exercise much but would like to start (but I hate it haha). I have lost 12 lbs already so I am excited about that. I am hopeful that this WOE will be something I can stick to long-term (i have already invested a small fortune)!! Thanks for including me!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    have had a bumpy few weeks and haven't logged anything !!!! but also struggled with stomach pain which I am hoping is now sorted with meds - so getting back on track logging tomorrow and back to the LCHF WoE

    Heh girl, we all know how bad that can feel. we re all right here cheering you on to living in the body you want to live in, to living the life you most want to live, to eating like you love yourself, moving like you love yourself and logging like you love yourself!

    keep dreaming of what matters for you, what you want, how different life will be in 1 years time, how much freedom you will have -- and then one day, one meal at a time.:)
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    first day back on track and feeling so much better already - it feels good to be doing whats right for me - stayed under all goals and didn't get much discomfort at all
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    I've been very consistent with my diet for just over 4 months now and have gone from using 310 units of insulin a day to just 10-20 units

    This makes me quite relieved to hear...I'm also T2 and on about 116 units/day. It is no longer acceptable to me to live this way, so I've recently begun to try low-carb/HF (hoping to get into keto way of life for good). I had done some low carb eating back around 2005-ish when Atkins diet books were hitting a revival, it was very good for me. I only stopped because I think I was doing it wrong and it got expensive, plus life happened and got in the way of my focus.

    btw I turned 43 in April. And you can do this, O.P.!

  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Sticking to it is sooooo worth it! If your foods don't love you, like you love them, you should consider kicking them to the curb! It's no different than a toxic relationship with a human, or a drug, or alcohol!
    Heh is that a new photo, you look amazing.. what a great photo.

    and @bjwoodzy, aint it great there is sooo much more info out there now about low carb, /keto, the problems that some of us have, as well as the amazing positive differences. I love @Karlottap words - if your foods don't love you, then you don't want to be in relationship with them. Soooo simple.. (just hasn't always been easy.. BUT, so simple!:)
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    Exactly. We're blessed. The internet is amazing.
  • RobinK228
    RobinK228 Posts: 63 Member
    Best of luck in your journey, you CAN do this! I'm 1 month shy of my 39th birthday (or 18th year celebrating my 21st...). I started at 260 lbs. (my heaviest was my wedding in Feb. 2015) and have lost a little over 70 lbs. since September (LC since January).

    My goal weight is to have a healthy BMI as calculated by my insurance company (I know, I know...BMI isn't the best way to calculate healthy weight.) I started out with a BMI of 40.7 (obese) and am now 29.4 (overweight) and aiming for "normal" of 25 (28.5 lbs. to go.) I am a diabetic and my A1C came down from 8.8 to 5.5 in 3 months. My cholesterol is in the normal range. I just recently started training for a 5k (for fun!!!).

    It takes time and dedication but you can do this!!!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    RobinK228 wrote: »
    I started out with a BMI of 40.7 (obese) and am now 29.4 (overweight) and aiming for "normal" of 25 (28.5 lbs. to go.) I am a diabetic and my A1C came down from 8.8 to 5.5 in 3 months. My cholesterol is in the normal range. I just recently started training for a 5k (for fun!!!).

    Well done you.

    and, that's inspiring to read