Over 40, over 75lb to lose, 365 days committment to logging.



  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    I've maintained a 35 day streak so 365 more means I'll be shooting for an even 400 days of logging. I'm in! Let the fun begin!

    ^^^That was April 26th. There were a couple of days where I think I missed some things on my log, but I'm still hanging in there.

    How is everyone else doing? Still going strong?

  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    @PamamaJane - I have now reached 46 days but I must admit that some of those days have been unlogged but have been on the site every day - I have logged completely the last 2 weeks and definitely going for as long as I can - really striving for the full 365 days
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Day 43 and going strong!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I think I'm at 45 days and I have logged everything. Start weight was 294 down 29 yay! I have a long way to go but I set up mini goals. My first goal was 10 percent loss. Second goal is 50 lb loss....can't wait to get there.

    Been slacking on my exercise...must exercise
    Went to movies an's brought ice water and a small handful of dark chocolate covered almonds....such a treat and so much better then a huge thing of popcorn and a giant slushie.

    How is everyone doing g?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I will be 55 years old this month and at my highest I weighed 281lbs. Half of my body is still fat as of my last weigh in. I need to lose at least 100lbs more! I have made a life (-style) commitment so I am ready to take this journey.

    I was diagnosed with Diabetes March 2015. Fast forward to March 2016, my weight was 263lbs with an A1C of 9.8. I have read so many testimonials of the healing power of eating low carb. It took me a year to lose 18lbs by giving up sugary drinks and late night eating. Now I have lost 18lbs in less than 2 months by counting carbs and calories (this is my 50th day on MFP). I have lost a total of 36lbs since March 2015.

    My motivation is: I am a T2 diabetic and I also have diabetic complications. If I don't cut carbs, I could ultimately kill myself and/or negatively affect the quality of my life. After haphazardly losing 18lbs after a year of not really taking control of my eating, my diabetes became worse and I began experiencing complications. I have some nerve damage and my vision has been affected. I am practicing portion control and I have made some "hard" changes in my carb consumption. Most of the time I consume between 90g and 120g, but I want to go lower as I recover my health. 120g is significantly lower than my consumption of carbs at 281lbs! My body could not make insulin fast enough to control the sugar my carb consumption was releasing into my body. I was a carb addict!

    There is so much confusing info out there because most doctors are against very low carb diets. The American Diabetes Association tells us to count carbs but I am at the low end of their daily recommended amount of carbs.

    Is this accurate? I think I read this on a LCHF site somewhere.
    less than 50g is a very low carb diet
    51g-100g is a low carb diet
    101g-150g is a moderate low carb diet

    I have read on some of the LCHF sites that for optimal ketosis one must intake 20g or less. I want to go lower but I am afraid of diabetic ketoacidosis even though this known to happen only in Type 1 diabetics. Irrational fear, maybe???

    I am ready to go 365 days and beyond...

    "I AM NOT ON A DIET because diets have start dates, end dates, and maintenance phases; I am eating healthy forever."

    No reason to worry about that. You can't get Ketoacidosis unless you're T1D because of their inability to make insulin. Even my T1D daughter has no reason to fear Ketoacidosis unless she stops taking insulin or her insulin pump fails. She eats a Keto diet and took her A1c from over 14 down to 7 in less than 3 months.