The Dog Food Diet

Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
I've been hesitant to put this out here because I know there will be people who think this is stupid, unsafe, ridiculous, and just plain old a bad idea. But I've done it before and it works.

I've been on & off diets many times and am usually moderately successful. I'd always end up quitting because I just didn't give a crap. I had no serious motivation to lose the weight. I was only 30-35 lbs overweight, and my health was ok. But deep down I needed something to really really REALLY motivate me because I knew that life would be better when I was at the peak of my health, as I've been there before.

So...I set up a negative consequence for failing to reach my goal (I also have rewards set up). I made a very public vow to eat a whole can of dog food in one sitting if I don't weigh 30 lbs less on June 18th than I did on March 12 when I started this. I keep this promise out in the open and remind people that I am doing this. I have at least one person (my son) who will absolutely hold me to this if I fail, so my motivation is strong.

My goal is ambitious and I need to lose 2 lbs/week, which I know many people will think is too much. But I set it up at this level because I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. I've had years & years of experience with dieting & exercising and I know what's possible. It won't be easy (and hasn't been!) but it is achievable. I'm telling you all this just as another layer of people who know, and who can understand my need to be a little bit more aggressive in my weight loss effort (which does NOT include eating M&Ms!!!!!).


  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    500 million dogs eat it everyday. Can't be all bad. ;)
    And if it keeps you motivated.
    Chive on.....
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    >My goal is ambitious and I need to lose 2 lbs/week, which I know many people will think is too much. But I set it up at this level because I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. I've had years & years of experience with dieting & exercising and I know what's possible

    Might be possible, but is it sustainable?
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    >My goal is ambitious and I need to lose 2 lbs/week, which I know many people will think is too much. But I set it up at this level because I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. I've had years & years of experience with dieting & exercising and I know what's possible

    Might be possible, but is it sustainable?

    Yes. I lost 42 lbs in 2005 and maintained it for several years.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    This (and some of the suggestions on your other thread) seem to promote an unhealthy relationship with food.

    I guess the approach I took was to find low-carb foods I LOVED and eat them. There was no incentive to go "off plan" and no need to visualize germs or eat dog food. :)

    I am definitely learning to love some low-carb foods! I never knew there would be so many options.

    I feel I've always had an unhealthy relationship with food. I've used it to "medicate" myself for years and it's been an emotional crutch. I'm trying to make it less so, so am curious as to how this goal of mine promotes and unhealthy relationship. Not saying that sarcastically, I really want to know & learn.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I have no issues with a funny challenge consequence so that others will razz you about it and hold you to it, but I do think the goal is too aggressive. The problem is that the entire focus is on losing scale weight, and very rapidly at that! Of course a person CAN force it to happen. Even at a larger amount than that, but isn't that what they do on the biggest loser? And isn't there a whole thread about how detrimental that kind of aggressive weight loss is on your metabolism and ability to maintain it afterward?

    Maybe it's not as aggressive as it seems. How much do you have to lose in total?
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    If you feel you respond better to negative consequences, I would recommend something a little less risky than eating dog food, like offering to pay him $100 if you don't meet your goal.

    As you knew when posting, it's going to be tough for most of us to get behind the idea of eating dog food or any other type of dangerous (or even less risky) physical punishment. I would definitely encourage a positive reward instead. I don't know how old your son is, but if he's excited about forcing his mom to eat dog food, I'm guessing he's a teenager. I think there are better ways to motivate yourself and I think it's easier to succeed if you have positive support from your family. Perhaps you could offer to do something really fun with him, like going to a concert or amusement park (or buying him tickets to go with friends if he's too cool to hang with mom). That would incentivise him to support you in your goals.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    You're trying to motivate yourself with a negative incentive. First, negative incentives are less effective than positive incentives. Second, your "will power" is a limited resource and a poor tool for controlling your diet. That's why diets fail.

    Find LC foods you love. Avoid the triggers long enough to make LC a habit. And stick with it for the rest of your life.

    Yeah, it's difficult because your environment is fighting against you, but try to mold your environment as much as you can for success.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited May 2016
    Easy there, folks.

    EDIT: Nevermind. My browser is being stupid and laggy. All I saw, even after refreshing a couple times, was Kirkor and Wab's first 2 posts. Carry on.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    You bring up a VERY good topic: motivation. What is it that will finally kick us in the rears to get healthy, stop our bad habits, say no to stuff we know is not good for us, make the effort to cook fresh instead of eat drive-through...etc? And just as importantly, what will keep us on track?!! I have to admit, the 'dog food' plan is one I never heard of before! But oddly, I can see it working.

  • kmn118
    kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
    Good luck (sincerely) with your plan.

    For myself, it's more about that question on how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Perseverance and patience will win the day when you want to reach a goal.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    If you feel you respond better to negative consequences, I would recommend something a little less risky than eating dog food, like offering to pay him $100 if you don't meet your goal.
    I've tried financial rewards/payments and it didn't work well for me.
    As you knew when posting, it's going to be tough for most of us to get behind the idea of eating dog food or any other type of dangerous (or even less risky) physical punishment. I would definitely encourage a positive reward instead. I don't know how old your son is, but if he's excited about forcing his mom to eat dog food, I'm guessing he's a teenager. I think there are better ways to motivate yourself and I think it's easier to succeed if you have positive support from your family. Perhaps you could offer to do something really fun with him, like going to a concert or amusement park (or buying him tickets to go with friends if he's too cool to hang with mom). That would incentivise him to support you in your goals.
    My son is almost 27 and is in no way excited about the thought of me eating the dog food. He is just being what I need someone to be, and that is to hold me accountable. I'm telling others as reinforcement. He believes - as I do - that this is an achievable goal if I am disciplined.

    I'm working on the details of my reward after I achieve my goal :-)

  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    What do you do after you reach this goal or not? Do you have a long term plan for sustainable healthy eating that will keep you at your goal weight or help you to continue towards reaching. Then one you have reached it, what happens? Are you going to have negative consequences for each time you stray off track for the rest of your life?

    I like the moderate low carb plan and will likely stick with that. I am going to begin running again, which is what helped me with everything in life back when I did this in 2005. I only started gaining weight when there were several crises in my life and I turned to food. As with any new habit, it will take some training to not turn to food for comfort in the future, as I'm sure there will be many times it would be easy to do.
    ETA: Sometimes we do things to ourselves that we would never envision doing to another person. Think about it like this; would you ever force another person to eat a can of dog food for not reaching their goals by a set date?

    If that person came to me and earnestly pleaded with me to keep them accountable to something, I would do it. My son and I are very close and he knows how badly I want to lose this weight and get back in shape. My whole world is better when my health is better, but for some reason even knowing that wasn't enough to get my butt in gear!
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    Dog food is pretty high carb. I think it's a bad idea to reward yourself with food after being so dedicated to the LCHF lifestyle.

    If you insist, have you made considerations as to brand? dry vs wet? Or maybe just get Beggin' Strips. I mean, dogs don't know it's not bacon...

    LOL!! I already have a can of Alpo sitting on my kitchen counter (and I don't have a dog). It honestly doesn't look half bad...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I guess I'm really not understanding this then. If you have set on a plan that was successful in the past, why the deadline, with punishment? Since you've already purchased the dog food does that mean you are planning on failing? you also state it doesn't look half bad, so is that really punishment then?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I guess I'm really not understanding this then. If you have set on a plan that was successful in the past, why the deadline, with punishment? Since you've already purchased the dog food does that mean you are planning on failing? you also state it doesn't look half bad, so is that really punishment then?

    I think she's just being flippant and joking.

  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    I guess I'm really not understanding this then. If you have set on a plan that was successful in the past, why the deadline, with punishment? Since you've already purchased the dog food does that mean you are planning on failing? you also state it doesn't look half bad, so is that really punishment then?

    What I've been most successful at in the past was doing this same thing. I've had a few somewhat successful attempts, but not significant. When I did this dog food thing in 2005 I lost 30 lbs, then went on to lose 12 more after the original goal was met. I kept that weight off for a long time.

    I bought the dog food so I can look at it in disgust, as a reminder to me when I'm feeling like eating something I shouldn't.

    I never plan on failing, and I was joking about it not looking half bad ;)