How fast is a "run"



  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I think I'm the slowest so far (17 min mile) but I'm good with that. I've taken the advice that was given here and by definition, I'm running (both feet off the ground). I started off a lot faster than that but could not finish the intervals. Once I slowed it down, it made a huge difference. I was able to finish the intervals, I began enjoying the runs, my legs got stronger and now my lungs are getting stronger as well. To be truthfully honest, when I slowed it down, I was at a 18 min/mile pace and as you can see, that has improved. It may not have improved by much but every little bit counts.

    I suggest that you take the advice given in this group. They speak from experience and give great advice and support!

    Slow it down to YOUR pace so you can complete each interval, speed will come later. Have fun on your future runs!:smile:
  • locoducky
    locoducky Posts: 31 Member
    I start running around 3.8mph and 4.0 is too fast for me to walk, I would have to run at that point. I don't think my legs can go much faster than 6.0, I would definitely look like a squirrel on espresso, if I was able to even go that fast. I also go slow, at my first 5k (that I ran, I have walked others) I got passed by a woman that I go walking with, she was walking, I was jogging. But I did it (although I did learn that I shouldn't try and keep up with her, took me too long to realize that). We all go at our own pace and a lot of things go into it, such as I am shorter than my husband so I have a shorter stride, so I just can't go as fast. I like the explanation of if both feet are off the ground, you are running. And I never thought about the thing of there being no such thing as a jog. I guess I always figured I was jogging because I was slow, but I have struggled with not getting through the workouts because I try and go to fast. I think I have figured out that on the treadmill, 4.0 is about right for a steady run. Although I am a sprinter at heart so I always tend to go too fast and fizzle out quicker. But I really don't think I could safely go 7.0 or higher, and I am really not sure I could even go over 6.5. When I was trying to compete with the walking lady during the 5k (instead of competing with my old self), I really worried that I wouldn't finish. I got slower and slower and had to walk (which was fine, but for quite a while I still tried to keep up which meant my walks weren't a break and I was getting more and more worn out). I finally stopped competing with her(the fact that she was far enough ahead to be out of sight probably, went to a slow run for as much as I could, stopped beating myself up, and starting telling myself over and over "I am still lapping everyone on the couch". Wasn't meant as a slam to anyone, but it reminded me of what I could have been doing right then compared to what I chose to do.