Short term/Long term goals...



  • CBalsinger73
    CBalsinger73 Posts: 2 Member
    Short term goal is just being able to commit the time and have the will to stay on schedule. Short term is also the weight loss. Long term is changing bad habits to live a healthier life to the point where it's no longer something different but just who I am.
  • breezerbike
    breezerbike Posts: 2 Member
    Short term goals: Keep my jogging schedule going (It's been about five weeks), and log my food every* day. It seems logging my food is really my best defense against indulging in junk food.
    Long term goals: Be toned and fit with good energy and a regular routine that feels fulfilling. Quit wasting time on the silly "to do list" items and focus on the things / people that nourish my soul :)
  • berbobio
    berbobio Posts: 3 Member
    Short term goals: To lose 10 pounds and be in shape to PR the 10K I'm running in September.
    Long Term goals: I'd love to get out of the 200s in weight. So as of today that would mean losing 45 lbs.
  • bryan8pizza
    bryan8pizza Posts: 3 Member
    Short term: Get back on track by tracking the calories and my weight again. MyFitnessPal database makes it easier to track the calories in, and I'm using fitbit for the calories out.

    Long term: I want to be at 170 pounds by August 2016
  • cubbycreaturem
    cubbycreaturem Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My short term goal is to exercise three times a week, whether that's cardio or weights (but more cardio than weights).

    Long term, it's to lose 9 pounds. And from there,we'll see. That might take a while, given my track record. But I've done it before, so know I can do it!
  • thissucks26
    thissucks26 Posts: 1 Member
    Short term goal is to exercise four times a week and lose 15 pounds, which is another 6.2 before the end of the school year.

    Long term goal is to get to 150 pounds.
  • lillian1979
    lillian1979 Posts: 2 Member
    Short term goal: count calories without being restrictive and obsessive (past history there) and being happy with me right now.

    Long term goal: lose the 25 pounds I have kept on since the birth of my youngest (now 4.5).

    I've not been able to lose ANY weight even with a lot of activity (running, karate 90 minutes twice a week) and softball. Oh. And two dance classes a week.

    I wear my Fitbit Charge HR 23/7 and count calories on and off. We produce most of our own veggies and cook from scratch, but our diet isn't perfect (who's is?).
  • jdibiase79
    jdibiase79 Posts: 1 Member
    Short term goal - exercise during the week at least once

    Long term goal - lose 10 pounds to reach 140 pounds, by the end of the summer.
  • shawnthepep
    shawnthepep Posts: 1 Member
    Great job getting everyone motivated Chuck!

    I've been up and down with my weight, and I go through phases of trying to lose it and times of saying "screw it, whatever" but for short term goals...

    By the fall, hopefully drop off 10/15lbs.

    Maybe by next year, getting closer to my goal of 160/170lbs.
  • waynehinkin
    waynehinkin Posts: 3 Member
    Short term: Set realistic initial exercise plan and increase level in increments each week. Also, improve my nutritional habits.

    Long term: improve my overall health in terms of increased strength, endurance and weight. My general health (respiratory, blood sugar, pain, and heart) are poor. I need to reverse this spiral for myself and family.
  • wedjensday
    wedjensday Posts: 1 Member
    Short term goals:
    - Drink water everyday (I rarely drink water, haha)
    - Get on a good sleep schedule
    - Work out 3 times a week
    - Walk 10,000 steps every day
    - Lose 20 pounds

    Long term goals:
    - Reach a healthy weight
    - Be able to hike a MOUNTAIN! A small mountain.
    - Be able to do 10 pull-ups

    I am really weak right now! Now I will work at becoming stronger and losing weight.
  • Irizzzle
    Irizzzle Posts: 12 Member
    My short term goals are to:
    -wake up earlier so I can workout in the mornings
    -run a minimum of 3 days a week
    -Go to orangetheory once a week
    -do 10 push-ups

    My long term goals are to:
    -lose 25 pounds (I had a baby last September)
    -run two half marathons this year

    I look forward to using this group for accountability and camaraderie!
  • cameronhopman
    cameronhopman Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All,

    I started a few weeks ago at 217.2 lbs and decided that my first goal weight was 199! I'm well on my way weighing in now at 212 lbs... Still have work to do, but I'm glad to be a part of an awesome group like this!
  • michellelalexander477
    Hello all! I'm a proud mama of a toddler but need to refocus on my own health too!

    My short term goal is to meal plan better during the week and exercise at least 3 times a week!

    My long term goal is to say goodbye to 50 lbs by my girlfriend's wedding I'm in September 2017!
  • Yabbo1138
    Yabbo1138 Posts: 4 Member
    I wanted to reward myself for losing weight, but let's face it - most of the time we reward ourselves with food, which got most of us to this undesirable weight in the first place. So I started treating myself with little gifts every ten pounds. I love reading comic books, so every ten pounds, I get a new volume of Scott Pilgrim! But you can choose anything! Keep it small so you aren't putting yourself in the poor house! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • TheDominantJean
    TheDominantJean Posts: 2 Member
    I need to quit smoking! I either eat or I smoke and, during my last try at quitting, I put back on the weight I lost. Time to try again!

    In the short term, I'd like to see my energy and stamina go up. Looking to just feel better in my body right now
  • Spencer2112
    Spencer2112 Posts: 2 Member
    Started the year at 217. Now at 208. goal to get to 190. working out 4-5 times a week. My main culprit is the food. I've never met a hamburger I didn't like.
  • jen2929c
    jen2929c Posts: 2 Member
    Short term: keep work/life in better balance since I tend to prioritize work over things like sleep, exercise, and eating non-take-out.

    Long term: make general healthiness a habit, so that it doesn't feel like an oppressive goal or an aspect of myself that I am perpetually unhappy about.
  • happymommy321
    happymommy321 Posts: 60 Member
    Short term:

    Continue to make exercise a goal and don't allow myself to feel guilty for making that time.

    Make good choices that set a positive example for my children

    Long term:

    Feel strong
    Feel healthy
    Be at a weight where I'm not putting stress on my body (probably around 170, but we'll see!)