What is your weakness and how do you fight it



  • Oldsoul_3
    Oldsoul_3 Posts: 5 Member
    My weakness is moderation. I try to limit the junk food to small amounts, but it doesn't always work. Kettle popcorn is the worst. I can try to just have a little, but before I know it, most of the bag is gone. I try to keep temptations out of the house, but sometimes the desire to have it is stronger than my will-power to moderate.
  • wxfisch
    wxfisch Posts: 3 Member
    Junk food and bread. My family is Italian, so bread and carbs are a given all the time. I generally don't fight them though. I account for the extra calories each day for a little bit of sweets (usually something baked and chocolate), and then focus on moderation. As long as I give myself a small helping of my craving, I am almost always good. I eat smaller meals, exercise every day (usually only about 30 minutes in the mornings, but it is something), and this generally seems to work pretty okay for me.

    What really helped was getting rid of soda (or pop for some of you out there) from my diet, though I replaced it with sweet tea which I am now working on replacing with unsweetened tea. Getting rid of the sugar, and the bad sugar at that, has made me feel much better, even if that particular change didn't lose me any weight.

    Additionally, I graze. I find it really hard to sit down and eat three square meals a day, instead (especially on weekends) I just snack all day long. I still have not figured out how to stop (this was never a problem when I ran in HS, the last time I was really fit, because I figure I burned nearly 1500 Cal a day just in a work out. Those days are behind me for now, but I am working back up to it).
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Refined carbs. So I don't have in house.
  • Dubuque
    Dubuque Posts: 49 Member
    Honestly, it is fried chicken.
    The only thing I can do to fight it, is not eat it. If I have it once, I crave it for days and weeks. Moderation is not an option. I have tried to substitute it with healthier versions.
  • sh5408
    sh5408 Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely snacking at night. I've started just leaving the family room/kitchen area altogether, going upstairs to read/clean/do chores, going to bed earlier, basically distracting myself and doing productive things instead.

    My biggest weakness is self-critical thoughts when I don't meet a diet or exercise goal for the day. I'm such a perfectionist. It turns out, the game changer for me has been making a list of short and long term personal goals that I want to implement. Most of these having nothing to do with weight loss, but are still important to me. As I start crossing those off my list, I feel more optimistic and self-confident. I'm better able to quiet the self-criticism when I have a bad diet or exercise day. "You can't do it all at once, but every little bit helps." has become the mantra I rely on. Hang in there, everyone! Be good to yourselves and keep going!