Can I just rant for a minute?

cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
Please? I'm having a really bad day (emotionally, not food-wise), and I'm just tired of people. I asked an honest question in the main forums, regarding pros and cons of keto, and while some people answered from experience, sooooo many completely disregarded my question, and went straight to CICO. I'm not stupid, and I lost 100 pounds in the past (have only put 25 back on, and I'm going at those 25 now).

I mean, seriously, I feel like I asked "what are the pros and cons to joining a gym," and everyone's saying "I've never joined a gym; you can just work out at home." If that makes any sense.

Sorry for the pity party. Hope everyone else's day is going better than mine!


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    People tend to latch onto the first idea that kind of works for them that yet still allows them their indulgences that they aren't willing to give up, etc. They justify unhealthy habits that have hidden consequences, and then use it as a bat with which to beat anyone who dares shine the light of truth on their false idea...

    That being said, different plans work for different people at different times in life. That's just the way it is.

    This is a "sister" group to us, and their Launchpad has a ton of websites and information.

    For me, personally, the best things I've gotten from keto.

    Steady energy.
    Not starving 24/7.
    Mostly control over my ridiculous sugar/food cravings.
    Mental clarity and energy.
    Ability to fast through/skip a meal if I choose.
    Better ability to manage my conditions.
    Being able to find the true health issues that were hiding under the umbrella of obesity so as to attack and change them.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited May 2016
    Oops...hit send too soon.


    Difficulties getting water/electrolyte balance.
    Interruptions to menstrual cycle.
    I miss fruits - but I've worked out how to add SOME of them back in.
    I miss some higher carb foods, but I've figure out substitutes or times/ways to include them.
    Slow progress (I've got major metabolic/condition issues).
    Tendency to compare myself to others making dramatic progress when mine only crawls.
    Relapses are hell...
    Being judged for "whacked out diets" (admittedly, this doesn't bother me much most of the time.
    Realizing just how broken and messed up I've been my whole life without even realizing it...
    Accepting that life is unfair
    Realizing that exercise will be a requirement
    Learning Curve
    Artificial Sweeteners and Carb Creep
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Thanks. I appreciate the support :)
  • ivanfawcettgibson
    ivanfawcettgibson Posts: 193 Member
    Sorry, I've not read through the thread.
    I found that there are some slightly educated people on the main forums who think they know best. The trouble is they have come at research from the wrong point of view, in a view to disregard it in light of what they know. This is not how science works, these same people would tell you that.
    I have found that scientists are the worst people to convince there is change. Similarly with doctors being the worst patients.
    They are taught a view and they stick with it. The best scientists are always unbiased and have no care for the outcome of an experiment, only that there is a credible outcome that is repeated doing the same test.

    The food and pharma industries are linked. Pharma make money from poorly people - call me a cynic.

    I started keto as an experiment. To see what would happen. I adjusted Cals in MFP to maintain. I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I was told I was in deficit. Nup, just cut carbs and raised fat. It was like banging a drum to tell deaf people their tea was ready.
  • ivanfawcettgibson
    ivanfawcettgibson Posts: 193 Member
    I've read back.
    Ok pro's
    I can see my abs
    I'm not bloated
    I'm not grumpy from hunger
    I don't need to eat so often
    I'm alert
    More energetic
    Probably won't get type ii, Have a stroke, CVD or other metabolic issues.

    Cutting out stuff I like - beer, pizza
    Finding sugar and carbs in everything sold at the supermarket
    My wife unable to see that while slimming world will work for a period, she will always put the weight back on.
    People with no idea of keto, including doctors.