Paleo and carb nite program?



  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    epcooper wrote:
    I'm mostly paleo, except for homemade yogurt and the occasional cheese. I also IF though, so I'm not sure how everything will work together.
    A good friend of mine follows Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Exec) for eating, including IF, Bulletproof coffee, etc. and then adds in Kiefer's Carb Nite Solution. He is a heavy lifter and has cut his bodyfat by 2% and added 10 lbs of lean body mass since switching to the Bulletproof/CNS combination.

    You might want to look in to The Bulletproof Exec for your normal paleo/LC eating, it is very clearly a good solution for my friend. I am personally using a combo of Mark Sisson, Gary Taubes, and Dave Asprey from a nutrition and fitness perspective.

    Thanks for the tip! I'm definitely going to start drinking bulletproof coffee again. I did for a short time a few months ago, and it made a huge difference in my energy level.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I do it....
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    I got through my first carb night and did not do it Paleo style, needless to say, I feel like crap today, and will have to rethink my eating :ohwell:
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    Can somebody explain to me what's the difference between this and Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (that's been around for years and for free)? Cause it seems to me that that is precisely what that guy is selling...
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    Can somebody explain to me what's the difference between this and Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (that's been around for years and for free)? Cause it seems to me that that is precisely what that guy is selling...

    I've done keto in the past but never got into the cyclical refeeds. With the exception of a few more carbs allowed, there's not much difference. I haven't paid anything for CNS but plenty of folks have. The internet is my friend, so I usually get all the info I need at zero cost.
  • Tamiam68
    Tamiam68 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in my 10 day re-orientation. How goes it so far for you?
  • Epcooper!
    I know this is an old post, but you're (or were) basically in the same boat as I am right now. I have been low carb/paleo for 4 years,so that part is nothing new..but I have a history of eating disorders & the idea of having a planned binge on ice cream scares the **** out of me. I know I need to up my carbs just for my overall health/mind/sanity (I discovered sweet potatoes last year & fell in love,but since they are so carby & I'm not a hardcore crossfiter I've only had them maybe 3 times..& that's just depressing BC they are incredible) & I don't have much to lose..more like maintain. My friend got me thinking about starting carb nite BC she's had a lot of success with it,but I'm wondering if you had any luck with it by making your carb nites a little more paleo friendly. I think the worst thing I'd eat is plain old noodles with butter, my old favorite ha.
    I don't know if I want to try the carb nite schedule or if I should just start including small paleo things here & I'm so strick I don't eat honey, so I hardly ever make the desserts & I haven't had fruit in what seems like maybe all I need is to just loosen up on my crazy strick low carb deal & just go with the flow.I know we're all different but I'd be interested to see how this worked for you. Thanks!

    Ps- do you drink wine? That is my number one want/ need to add in. I know its not the best but its my favorite & I'm tired of being the only sober person when we go out ham