Does anybody eat extra carbs if they've under eaten in week

rachelbl72 Posts: 64 Member
Hey just a thought, does anyone eat back carbs if they haven't eaten what they set themselves in the week for example I've set my carb goals to 25g a day and I've say eaten 128 so far, so in my calculation my weekly mpf goal is 175, so if say you were struggling and fancied something really carby at the end of the week as a treat would you eat it but still stay within your weekly goal ignore the urge and struggle through.


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    edited June 2016
    While I see the appeal in hoarding carbs for a treat, I don't do that myself. I am on a 25g net carb limit daily and it doesn't always leave a lot of room after I get my veggies in.

    I don't know how your body would react to 200g of carbs at once compared to 200g over 4 days though (50g a day).
  • rachelbl72
    rachelbl72 Posts: 64 Member
    No it wouldn't be 200g all at once it would be what's left of my weekly carb allowance which this week in 6 days I've had 128 so another 25 allowance today brings it to 153 leaving me with 23 carbs I could play with.
    All i want is a packet of Pom Pom crisps but I know by the time I get my veggies in by tonight I'll be over the 25 for the day but the week target would still be on track.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I used 200g as an example number but that doesn't matter.

    To be honest, I don't know what would happen. It's the same idea as banking calories that some people do - undereat by a small amount for like six days to have a treat on the seventh. You could always try it as an experiment.

    Sorry for not being much help!
  • rachelbl72
    rachelbl72 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes you've been of help just by giving your view, I'm new so still learning about everything. I've just posted in another post nothing to do with carbs but I fancied Diet Coke the other day, big mistake even though I felt like I'd had some sugary substance and felt good temporarily my stomach bloated and felt uncomfortable after so I've learnt not to do that again for now anyway.
    I suppose it's the same with the extra carbs trial and error.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    A daily limit of 25g is pretty low, so ya, you've got some wiggle room if you wanted to use it.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    No, I don't even think about the ones I don't eat. I am amazed at how easily I can avoid them now. I'm so focused on the goal that eating banked nutrients or calories doesn't seem productive to me now.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    My mindset is I shouldn't eat carbs not that I can't.
    Carbs play hell with my blood sugar. :'(

    >:) or o:)

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I seem to feel best when my blood ketone level is in the 1-2 range. A week ago I was sick and the blood ketone level climbed to 3.2 (a safe range but I just do not feel as good) because I was off food for a day so I ate more carbs to knock it down some. I try to eat just under 50 grams daily and many of them come from tree nuts. I check my breath acetone level a few times a day often with the cheap $15 version off ebay. Typically I do it before I get out of bed each morning but doing it then with ketostix would not work so well. :)

    I eat Keto for pain manage but the weight loss side effect is good in my case.
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    I don't. If I did it would send me on a binge to end all probably. Lol
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I don't view the missing carbs as anything to miss... So no. I would be thrilled that I actually ate less than my upper limit, which is how I always saw that number. More of a maximum allowed than a goal to hit.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm delighted if I get all of my fiber, vegetables, and protein without reaching my calorie and carb limit, and have some extra fat. It doesn't happen often.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I am learning in my case the source of my carbs can be a huge factor in how I feel. Just being off dairy for 3 days I noticed just now while reading in the first chapter of The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy that my caral tunnel in my left wrist was much improved. After googling dairy and carpal tunnel syndrome look what I found. Drop down to the heading of Complementary and Alternative Therapies to read what I learned from the University of Maryland Medical Center this morning.

    While I am glad I am learning this stuff at age 65 I do wish I had done the same at age 25 but the info was either unknown or unreachable by most.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Thanks @GaleHawkins and @Foamroller for the impetus to revisit possible food allergies. It's been a while, and BK, to boot!
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    rachelbl72 wrote: » if say you were struggling and fancied something really carby at the end of the week as a treat...

    Not me. I do my best to think carby stuff is NOT a treat. Fat bombs, chewy bacon, pepperoni and Gouda sandwiches -- those are treats. Carby stuff is my poison, not my treat. @RalfLott, "He likens it to a former smoker lighting up," precisely! As a former smoker I know one cigarette will be my undoing. I'm learning to treat carbs the same way.

    Oh, so much of this WoE is a mind game and we all have to learn to play it to win it.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    rachelbl72 wrote: »
    No it wouldn't be 200g all at once it would be what's left of my weekly carb allowance which this week in 6 days I've had 128 so another 25 allowance today brings it to 153 leaving me with 23 carbs I could play with.
    All i want is a packet of Pom Pom crisps but I know by the time I get my veggies in by tonight I'll be over the 25 for the day but the week target would still be on track.

    Ultimately, the only WOE that will work for you long-term is the one that you can adhere to for life. So, if you want the PomPom crisps, work them into your carb count. But do it because you're choosing to-- own the decision. Don't make it a math game or a manipulative situation. Being overly restrictive will lead to its own issues down the road.
  • jetsamflotsam
    jetsamflotsam Posts: 170 Member
    Although I'm one of those people that uses some of my carb budget for a little chocolate treat most days because I want this to be sustainable for the rest of my life, if I don't use all my calories or carbs in a day, when the clock strikes midnight, those are considered gone forever... Maybe your carb limit is too low? I have mine set at 50 g/day and it's a comfortable place to be. I know I don't have to eat all of them, and I can see how eventually there will be days I don't "need" them all, but having that flexibility makes this seem more doable for the long haul (I have about 125 lbs to lose).
  • Adi4Fitness
    Adi4Fitness Posts: 97 Member
    I like to hoard my carbs for chocolate...
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    rachelbl72 wrote: » if say you were struggling and fancied something really carby at the end of the week as a treat...

    Not me. I do my best to think carby stuff is NOT a treat. Fat bombs, chewy bacon, pepperoni and Gouda sandwiches -- those are treats. Carby stuff is my poison, not my treat. @RalfLott, "He likens it to a former smoker lighting up," precisely! As a former smoker I know one cigarette will be my undoing. I'm learning to treat carbs the same way.

    Oh, so much of this WoE is a mind game and we all have to learn to play it to win it.

    Oh, yes, it IS a mind game!

    As you've figured out, the clearer the rules (which should include sticking to your rules...), the less mind you need while you're playing. (In other words, no moving the foul lines during the game, however clever the rationalization and however weak the opposition.)

    And the golden rule of nutrition ...... No Mind = More Matter.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    If you want the PomPom crisps, work them into your carb count. ... Don't make it a math game or a manipulative situation.

    Bingo! Perfect answer.

    Get your carb level established in advance and don't, er... fudge the numbers to hide cheats.