stages 2 & 4



  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    Finally finished stage 2 ^^' uff.. found it weird to have such a quick workout A compared to workout B. I got myself always wishing to do workout A ^^'

    Guess now is between matrixes and HIIT.. sounds tiring xD
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Okay ladies, bear with me here. I just did B workout on Stage 2 yesterday. And this may be a dumb question, I apologize.

    What is the difference between lunge/rear foot elevated, bulgarian split squat, and reverse lunge w/forward reach (and for that matter step-ups) ? In my very fitness-unedumuhcated mind, these are all just fancy-named lunges with the weights in different spots?? Do they work different areas? I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels and doing basically the same thing several times...

    Up to this point, I really like the workouts, so I'm sure I'm just being a ditz and missing something?

    Thanks in advance!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am working out at home so I am having to improvise quite bit. This is my week off between Stage 1 and Stage 2, but I wanted to try out Stage 2. For cable horizontal wood chop, it says for home gyms without cables, to lay on the floor with feet flat and do the same trajectory with a dumbbell. When I tried it, I felt nothing. No stress whatsoever, so I am either doing it wrong (probable) or the book is wrong. Has anyone had success doing it with a dumbbell? I am also considering doing it with stretch tubes. Thoughts or experience?
  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    I am working out at home so I am having to improvise quite bit. This is my week off between Stage 1 and Stage 2, but I wanted to try out Stage 2. For cable horizontal wood chop, it says for home gyms without cables, to lay on the floor with feet flat and do the same trajectory with a dumbbell. When I tried it, I felt nothing. No stress whatsoever, so I am either doing it wrong (probable) or the book is wrong. Has anyone had success doing it with a dumbbell? I am also considering doing it with stretch tubes. Thoughts or experience?

    I workout at home too. For the horizontal wood chop I used an 8kg kettlebell, I definitely felt it.

    Did workout B for the first time today. Picked weights that I thought would be light enough to get proper form for the whole set but challenging enough to feel it after I was done. Completed the workout, felt fantastic. Couldn't work out why everyone says that it was so challenging. That was until I stood up after my breakfast. Now my legs don't work, my abs hate me for putting food in my stomach and my arms feel like they weigh 50kgs each! I did the intervals on the rowing machine, which definitely contributed to the ruinedness!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hello everyone....I started Stage 4 today. Here are my starting stats for workout A:

    FSPP: 55 lbs
    Step-up: 25lbs
    One-point Rows: 15lbs
    Static Squat: 10 lb dumbbells
    Push-ups: Legs elevated, arms close to body with no elbow flare
    Planks: 90 sec (will have to work on getting up to 2 mintues)
    Wood Chops: 40 lbs

    I pretty much started off at the weight I left off at on Stage 2, except for a few exceptions. And decided to do 3 sets for the first 2 weeks and then 2 sets with higher weights for the last 2 weeks.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Today was Stage 2, workout A-1. I did the wood chop with one long stretch tube wrapped around an upright on my weight bench. It seems to work nicely. My plan to increase intensity will be by starting farther away from the bench or using a shorter tube. The one point rows with 10 lb. dumb bells had me either trying to fall over frontwards or backwards. I hope my balance gets better!
  • wooglealien
    wooglealien Posts: 2 Member

    I just started stage 2 today, will be nice to 'join in' with this group.

    I actually enjoyed the one point rows because I'm weird (also a dance background . .). Actually the heavier the weight the easier it is to balance i think . .

    Its funny how we are all different in strengths and weaknesses, I'm still doing push ups on a low step (actually the bar of a rowing machine), despite having exercised for years, and they are kicking my *kitten*. Other things I seem to be making much more progress.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member

    don't have my sheet to reference beginning and end weights. I'll add that later.

    I did one extra workout of each workout A and B for 5 total instead of 4.

    On to Stage 3 starting Monday. Going to take a break and just do cardio for the rest of the week.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Started Stage 4 last night - felt like I really pushed myself and was a puddle on the floor by the end of it! Feeling it today though - yikes!!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I finished stage 2 a little bit ago but figured I should post my stats finally!

    FSPP: Just the bar -> bar + 10lbs
    Step-up: bar + 45 lbs -> bar + 75lbs (I used the barbell so I could increase weight - couldn't with dumbells)
    One-point Rows: 24 lbs - >50 lbs
    Static Squat: 60 lbs -> 70 lbs
    Push-ups: T with 3 lb weights -> regular on low step
    Planks: 60 sec - > 75 sec
    Wood Chops: 20lbs -> 23 lbs

    DL from box: 40lbs + bar -> 70lbs + bar
    Bulgarian Split squat: 35lb plate whole time
    Underhand pulldown: 70lbs -> 90lbs
    Rear lunge with reach: 40lbs -> 45lbs (Really felt in my abs with the reach)
    Cuaban Snatch: 20lbs -> 24lbs
    Ball crunch: eventually went from 35lb plate to putting arms back with 5lb plate
    Cobra: 80sec -> 100sec
    Intervals did increase on the treadmill.

    Loses, or gains in inches (I am pretty small but fairly curvy and right side dominant):
    Biceps: No change from stage 1, +0.25 stage 2 (+0.25 total)
    Upper Chest: -1.5 stage 1, -0.5 stage 2 (-2.0 total)
    Chest: No change from stage 1, +0.25 Stage 2 (+0.25 total)
    Waist: -0.25 stage 1, -0.5 stage 2 (-0.75 total)
    Bellybutton area: -0.75 from stage 1, -0.5 stage 2 (-1.25 total)
    Hips: No change from stage 1, -0.25 stage 2 (-0.25 total)
    Thighs: Only the left went -0.25 from stage 1, both went -0.25 stage 2 (-0.50 left, -0.25 right)
    Calf: -0.25 stage 1, nothing stage 2 (-0.25 total)

    My weight still fluctuates too much to tell if anything is happening there.Gain 1-2 lbs and lose 1-2lbs daily.
    My butt is starting too look real perky, but is coming at the price of my jeans fitting tighter in that area :)
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi I am starting stage 2 tomorrow.
    I have a noob question.
    In stage 1 the book has the sets go from 2x15 to 2x12 to 3x10 to 3x8.
    In stage 2, there is no such indication.
    Do I just do all of stage 2 with 2 sets of 10?
  • sorrrento
    sorrrento Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    I'm new, and just off to do my first Workout B for Stage 2. It's been great reading this discussion, as a lot of my questions have already been answered.

    I'm not looking forward to the wide grip deadlift from a box, as I'm not up to lifting Olympic weights, and so the barbell I'll be using will be closer to the floor.

    I'm glad that this stage is short!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Did the first stage 2 workout on Monday and it was so much fun. I was really proud that I got 60 seconds on the plank at both reps!
    Loved the one where you stand on one foot in a T shape and pull dumbbells. Even at beginner level I really felt the work.
    Also I finally found a good box for step ups and really understood the exercise. Took a while...

    I was gonna do workout B tonight but I have cat emergency issues and will not have the time, luckily those cat issues are going to make me work from home tomorrow so I can squeeze the workout during lunch and no one needs to know. :)

    Am nervous-it's such a long routine with 9 exercises and 15 minute intervals training.
    Which cardio do you do for that? The treadmills at the gym take long to go from rest to high speed, which is so annoying.
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    This Saturday I'll end up stage 4. This has been really tiring with one workout so much bigger than the other. It doesn't make sense! Makes me wish to get the smaller one, always :x And this week it's the opposite, argh... And I'm not lifting heavier because I'm not waiting between reps and sets, to make it quicker. Specially workout B
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Did the first B workout yesterday, and it's such a drag.
    I really hate the core exercises (Swiss ball crunch, prone cobra, lateral flexion, reverse crunch...). They are uncomfortable and I never feel like I am doing them right and I don't feel it enough in my abs. This entire stage, to me really overlooks the abdominal area, which was what I set out to work on.
  • sorrrento
    sorrrento Posts: 3 Member
    I'm struggling with the Prone Cuban Snatch - my arms don't seem to be able to move in the way they're supposed to with anything more than 4kg. I can't rotate once I've done the snatch. Anyone else have a problem?

    I can do a standing Cuban Snatch ok, so I think I'll stick with those.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I struggled too. I reduced the weight to 5lb per hand (about 2kg), and it was challenging but possible. I will simply go up slowly.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Hey ladies! I have a few questions for y'all, since I am starting Stage 2 today. 1st - I have no idea what starting weight to use for the front squat/push press. I squatted 75 lbs in Stage 1, but my shoulder press was only 40 lbs (using two 20 lbs dumbbells). Should it be a compromise between those two numbers (maybe 50 lbs?) or will this keep my glutes from being challenged properly?

    2nd question - I have been having serious problems with the lunges & step ups, because whenever I do them, my wrists get horribly bruised & sore from the plates of the dumbbells pressing on them! Has this happened to anyone else? How can I avoid it?
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    For squat press I reduced a lot. It's too heavy for my arms. I hate that though because my legs/butt/abs have it too easy.

    For step up you can use a barbell. I saw some helpful videos on YouTube for form.
    Another suggestion is gloves. They sell them at my gym, maybe yours does too. My husband wears them, it really helps with the chaffing.


    My own entry for today is that I finished B-2 on Wednesday and saw some improvement all around. But reverse crunch is either too easy or I'm doing it wrong. I only start to feel it after 10 reps so I do 20. Flexion is still a big mystery to me.

    Other than that I am a bit bummed out. I have been taking pictures of my progress and while a month ago showed improvement, this month looks worse than when I started. I know my diet was a problem. I struggled a lot lately. I just downloaded an app to remind me to drink water, hoping it will help a bit. Maybe hydration can stave off some false hunger signals and help my range of motion in the gym.

    Final side note, during interval training I was listening on my phone to a random playlist and it played "smells like teen spirit" by Nirvana. That is one heck of a song for intervals! Doing high intensity during the chorus is too exhilarating. So awesome!
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you for the tip! I'm definitely going to try out some gloves & see if that helps. I skipped lunges today, because I'm just so tired of the wrist pain they cause. :(

    Turns out I way overestimated my strength on squat press - I had to go down to 30 lbs! Hopefully that number will go up very soon!