new here and wanted to ask a question



  • yuggybuggy
    yuggybuggy Posts: 20 Member
    hi all

    yes I realised about the magnesium, but since I have upset stomach almost every day at some point, I really don't want to make it worse

    I am going to try bathing in Epsom salts - which is magnesium, and can be absorbed through the skin and should help muscles along the way

    re. B12, I had bloods done 3 weeks ago and it was totally fine, as was my vit D - for the first time in several years

    I think I will get some rock salt as it clearly has far more sodium than sea salt (although I wonder about the mining ethics)

    I looked at the report section of mfp and the sodium chart - oh my word it was low, only once in the 10 days I have been on here has it almost reached 2500mg
    although of course it is only counting the sodium in the foods and not the added sodium as I never bother to include that because I cannot weigh a pinch of salt

    so - last week I lost 4.5 lb and this week? half a pound
    doing the same
    except for the humungous cheats of 1 small glass of milk, and 2 gf choc chip cookies - in the whole week for goodness sake

    my body is fighting to hang on to all the gross fat it can, and I hate it
    if its not refusing to lose, its giving me stomach upsets, or the opposite, or making me too tired to walk, or making my hips too painful, or something happens to my foot

    oh what a winge bag, but it feels like my body wants to be fat and stay fat
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm just going to drop this here. Full of truth, and not just because I wrote it.
    Scale = Lying LiarPants

    +1 Truther

    This one has link to Butter Bob's scalding scale scold:

  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited August 2016
    D- All of the Above.
  • yuggybuggy
    yuggybuggy Posts: 20 Member
    sorry slightly confused by what was said above
    but I think you mean hang in there as it is worthwhile, which is what I intend to do as and when I can
    since January I have lost almost 40lb
    and still have lots to go

    still don't feel fitter
    but it is nice to find I still have ribs!!!!