POLL: WW membership?



  • slimriptide
    slimriptide Posts: 328 Member
    Technically I am a lifetime member, but I don't pay the monthly fees. I attend a monthly lifetimers meeting and pay as I go until I am back to goal. I find that meeting helpful and worth the $15

    Same with me.
  • slimriptide
    slimriptide Posts: 328 Member
    crewahl wrote: »
    1. Yes.

    2. Well, it moved me from "heck, yeah" to "yeah". It's the first WW program for me that's mostly a diet. In other words, they no longer say "eat what you want; here's the bill." Now it's more "eat this; don't eat that." There's still enough flexility that I can ignore them - but I'm not sure I'd have succeeded originally on thus program.

    3. No; it really just confirmed a lot of what I thought about WW as a business.

    And this is same with me too.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,032 Member
    1.Yes Online only and have been since I joined over 5 years ago.
    2. I'm still out to lunch on the new Sprint because it seems to be so restrictive with the sugar.
    3. Not just yet but I have always been partial to the calorie approach MVP however losing 100 lbs on WW gives me thought to pause leaving. At this point the roles of these two companies have taken on a flip in their roles. I'm finding myself now just posting in WW and coming back to GoaD board for connectivity and accountability also being a part of something which helps me.

  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm a LT member for almost a year now. SP hasn't affected my status.

    Over the course of changing my eating behavior, by the time SP rolled out, I was pretty much eating consistent with that plan anyway so it was not a major impact.

    Though I was POd about WW discontinuing the message board, that in itself was not going to affect my membership. More important to that aspect is my weekly meeting, which most weeks I still attend. I have a fabulous leader! If she were to leave, THEN I would seriously consider leaving WW. Realistically though, assuming they continue to honor the LT status benefits, I have no reason to leave and only incentive to keep doing what I've been doing.
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    Are you a currently a member?
    Yes, Lifetime member so it's free.

    Has the SmartPoints program affected your membership status decision?
    Not really, I like the changes SmartPoints has brought. My plan is to remain a member as long as WW is in business.

    Has the elimination of message boards affected your membership status decision? (Yes, I know you could access without being a member.)
    I wish the boards were still part of the website features, but I adopt change pretty easily and removing the boards was not enough to walk away from all the rest.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,017 Member
    I'm a lifetimer, but haven't been back to WW in years. I wouldn't pay for a weigh-in just to attend a meeting at this point.

    I guess, however, if I really felt like I needed WW again, I would cough up the $$$, weigh-in, and get the new materials to learn the SmartPoints system. Thankfully, at the moment, I feel as though MFP is actually perfectly fine for my needs.

    Again, if I really felt like I needed WW, I guess the loss of the boards wouldn't matter to me. The presence of the boards didn't impact on my initial decision to join, so the loss of the boards wouldn't matter either.
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Philtex wrote: »
    Like Steve, I'm Lifetime so my membership continues as long as I WI each month, which is my only tie to WW at this point. I never switched to SmartPoints.

    Just to be clear (for those who might be confused), your lifetime status doesn't change if you don't WI once a month. I've been a lifetime member since 1993. I've never done a monthly weigh-in for an extended period of time. From 1997 until 2002 I never attended a meeting. When I rejoined in 2002 (WAY over goal), I was still re-registered as a lifetime member (didn't have to pay a registration fee). I had to pay for any meeting I attended until I was back to no more than 2 pounds over goal. As soon as I reached that point, I no longer had to pay for meetings.

    You can go for YEARS without attending a meeting and, if you attend a meeting and you're no more than 2 pounds over goal, you pay for ONE missed meeting.

    Once a lifetimer, always a lifetimer.
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    lilybbbbb wrote: »
    Are you a currently a member? -- I'm a lifetime member but haven't attended a meeting in over 18 months.

    Has the SmartPoints program affected your membership status decision? -- No -- because I never used the program.

    Has the elimination of message boards affected your membership status decision? (Yes, I know you could access without being a member.) -- No. But you can't access the message boards whether you're a member or not, because they no longer exist.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 970 Member
    your lifetime status doesn't change if you don't WI once a month.

    Once a lifetimer, always a lifetimer.

    Better said. I use the term 'Lifetime' loosely, as in free.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 970 Member
    But you can't access the message boards whether you're a member or not, because they no longer exist.

    I can still get there, but nobody is posting to GOAD anymore. Even when I am not logged in as a member, I can get there using: https://weightwatchers.com/community/mbd/threads.aspx?board_id=15&forum_id=1

  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Philtex wrote: »
    But you can't access the message boards whether you're a member or not, because they no longer exist.

    I can still get there, but nobody is posting to GOAD anymore. Even when I am not logged in as a member, I can get there using: https://weightwatchers.com/community/mbd/threads.aspx?board_id=15&forum_id=1

    Thanks! I was able to get there using the URL you provided! I had to set it to see posts for the last 10 days in order to see anything, but at least I was able to get there!
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 970 Member
    edited August 2016
    Cindy, did you remember to turn off the lights when you were done in there? :)
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    Not much there. But when you do get in, you can find the old 'hidden threads' as well.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Yes I am currently a member (lifetime) and attend weekly meetings to visit with my WW friends. Message boards haven't made any difference either although I like the peeps here.

    I tried out the smartpoints plan for a couple of weeks of tracking and found no real difference for me in terms of my eating habits. I have my eating memorized and weigh portions.

  • nick197785
    nick197785 Posts: 40 Member
    Are you a currently a member? Yes- Lifetime. I attend meetings 2 or 3 times a month (for free)
    Has the SmartPoints program affected your membership status decision? No, but I think it's stupid. I am using old school WW Points Log where I record water, fruits/veg, dairy, activity. I frankly don't know how anyone looses weight on new program.
    Has the elimination of message boards affected your membership status decision? No.
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    1) Planning on leaving WW officially (I.e. stop paying) on Friday. I haven't been "doing" it for some time.

    2) Smart Points - yeah I had a hard time adjusting to that. Kinda turned me off.

    3) Message Boards - were the only thing tethering me to WWW, so yeah...kinda the last straw.
  • lilybbbbb
    lilybbbbb Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your input. While I'm technically lifetime but well over goal weight, I had "rejoined" through my company, who was paying for it. Since I'm not using the SmartPoints plan, I finally cancelled my membership yesterday.
    I've used Lose It for tracking some in the spring and early summer and will probably go to doing that. I find that tracking for me is more about keeping track of my overall intake as opposed to the math, so it doesn't really matter to me if I use points or calories as long as I'm noting my intake (like Podkey, I basically know what I'm eating.)

    It's nice having the community here, and another community I follow on the proboards.
  • 0ysterboy
    0ysterboy Posts: 192 Member
    darn, i just posted on the WW goad board. :o
  • bigguy075
    bigguy075 Posts: 118 Member
    Member here and currently using this board and FB
  • MurpleCat
    MurpleCat Posts: 229 Member
    I think the points system, in whatever version, has become obsolete with the advent of apps that will do the math for you. 30 points was easier to keep track of in your head (or on a paper tracker) than 1800 calories, when you had to do the math yourself. But now, you just enter the food, it looks up the number, subtracts it for you -- so what's the big deal if its counting calories or counting points? That meant that WW lost any advantage of having a 'simpler' system.
