Group newcomer - seeking advice



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sounds like you might be trying to do too much all at once. Take a step back and focus on ONE thing to increase or change. If you focus on too many changes, it becomes overwhelming and frustrating. Also, too many things makes it harder to know if scale gains are coming from an increase in cals, or an increase in program or stress.. Pick the one thing you want to work on the most and that is the ONLY thing you put your focus on right now. If its getting those cals in, then everything else is left alone for the time being. Concentrate on getting the cals in, even slowly it will help make the changes more sustainable for you.
    it takes time... lots of time to get the cals up as high as we need, but keep at it. Eventually the hard days become a lot easier and the "low cal" days become few and far between. Be kind to yourself and realize that even a small increase in cals weekly is a HUGE step in the right direction.

    As for workouts, I wouldnt worry about adding in anything new right now. Make your focus the cals. Currently you are working out 6 hours a week. Thats a lot! Dont feel the need to add in more just because your program is only three days. Three days is the average I get in the gym right now.. If you really want to add something in, thats where something low key like yoga or stretching can come in and aid in recovery and give you a release. Your program already taxes your muscles enough, so let them rest!Again, once you have the calorie levels down pat and are ready for the next step, then you can worry about adding more days into your exercise routine.. But jumping head first into everything is diet mentality and it never ends well.

    One thing at a time.. one step at a time

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator