Step-It-Up September Week 2 (9/8-9/14)

baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
Welcome to our September monthly challenge! Week 2.
Re-hash o' the challenge parameters:
This month we're doing "Step-It-Up"
increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something.
So we are going to focus on a goal we've let slack a bit. Some people might go literal and try to increase step count (walking) or ramp up exercise frequency or intensity. Or maybe someone has been letting good habits slide a little bit.

Choose whatever it is in your life that requires you to "step up" your effort to improve your health and/or fitness.

Every week we'll have a thread to talk about our goals, progress, life stuff, and to encourage one another.
Go ahead and post your goal for this month.
I'll plop a stickie at the top of the group for easy access should the thread get buried.

This is your challenge.
The bad news is: You are the ONLY one who can make positive changes happen in your life.
The good news? YOU are the only one who CAN make positive changes happen in your life. You have that power. Believe it.
And make it happen.

Get to steppin'! :wink:



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Running late this morning.
    Homeschooling and soccer...ugh.
    Had to get some meaty chili on so we can shovel food in fast before we have to run kids all over town tonight. 3 practices, 3 different locations, 2 vehicles. Lord ha' mercy... :sweat:

    You guys are doing great meeting your goals. KIU!
    And have a magnificent day.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new to this group. I spent a large portion of August reading up on Low Carb/LCHF, Keto and just started eating this way on 9/6.

    So I guess what I'm stepping up this week is carb reduction. I've been at ~25-30 net carbs so far and have resisted cookies twice thrust in my face. Monday felt great, yesterday a little tired and headachy, today great so far.

    Glad to find this group!

    FYI: Remember to read the sticky about electrolytes. That often helps with headaches. Track your sodium. We often think we are getting enough, but if we aren't tracking it, chances are we're not. I had to track my sodium in the beginning to make sure I was. And it turns out I was getting less than I thought.

    Great job on avoiding the temptation. It gets easier. I promise. Just keep exercising that resistance muscle.
  • sherrirollins4
    sherrirollins4 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone! My goals are to get at least 10k steps in daily, drink at least 66 oz of water daily and log, log, log! Have a great week!!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    September Step It Up Goal: 1200 minutes cardio
    September 8: 30/30=60 minutes

    Too freaking hot outside (96) so walked only to the library and turned around. 3.58mph, 1.96 miles, 32:46 duration. + 30 minutes Adapted Low Impact Aerobics. Adaptation is due to torn rotator cuff and subluxated bicep back in May. Obviously not swinging the left arm too much or too fast but getting some body movement. 800 minutes remaining to goal.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    I thought what I'd do to Step It Up is not only to meet (or beat) my step goal daily, but to "step up" my goal each week as well. So since last week my goal was 7500 steps a day, this week it will be 8,000. I'm well on my way today already!

    I like this idea. For my second week I'll step it up to 11,000

  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Last week was great I managed to get my 30 plus minutes of fitness in. I was actually getting in an hour on most days. This week has been a little rougher and tougher battling a bug. I think that this is an awesome challenge. I'm getting in a lot more gym time than I have in a very long time.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    My step it up goal for Sept. was to lose 2lbs. So far I gained 1 lb. :'(
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    My first week I was successful at consistent logging and holding myself publicly (profile page) accountable whether I met my steps, carbs or calories or not (unfortunately I had more fail days on that count than I would prefer).

    For week two, I want to do a better job of having more days of success than fail.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    For right now I seem to be back in my keto happy place again; yay! Not hungry all the time, not craving carbs (e.g. a friend posted about pumpkin muffins, which I normally LOVE, and I thought about making a keto pumpkin shake instead and that sounded totally satisfying to me). I realized I ran out of Prilosec on Tues and so far after 3 days, I haven't needed it again!

    Cals: Under
    Carbs: 24 net (goal is back down to 20-30 net)
    Exercise: Hit 10k steps plus did my PT/strength exercises
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I struggle w/Fitbit step goals b/c on days I swim or do strength training for exercise, I won't necessarily hit 10k without pushing myself too hard (I have MS so that can backfire), but I hate that it looks like I've failed or am slacking! Maybe I should just set a lower goal. Fitbit also doesn't seem to count as "active minutes" stuff I log on my own (e.g. other forms of exercise).
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Running late this morning.
    Homeschooling and soccer...ugh.
    Had to get some meaty chili on so we can shovel food in fast before we have to run kids all over town tonight. 3 practices, 3 different locations, 2 vehicles. Lord ha' mercy... :sweat:

    You guys are doing great meeting your goals. KIU!
    And have a magnificent day.

    Dang, that is a lot! And DH complains if we have two extracurriculars in a week. ;)
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Steps: 11,462/10,000 - did some meandering around the new neighbourhood and wandered around a giant grocery store helped this a lot! I ended up with a grocery basket full of bacon hehe
    Water: 2000ml/1500ml - surpassed my goal! Very proud!

    Keep up the awesome!
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    17,344 steps (15,000 step goal)
    Food measured/weighed- for the most part yes, but had some cubes of cheese at daughter's school curriculum night which I eyeball measured (DH enjoyed the wine though! His kind of curriculum night!).
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Day 2 on my new treadmill, I think im getting the hang of it. It's truly a workout, hoping to see some good slimming and tightening in my thighs by the end of the month. 20k steps is starting to feel normal to me now.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    120 minutes dancing
    10- 5.8 lbs =4.2 lbs to sept goal
    Basic plank/ unscheduled rest day.

    Not perfect: but, not bad. Did have some extra carbs at a brewing co...hope it didn't mess me up too bad.
    Two more dance days this week, so hopefully I can undo the damage, and will be prepared with my own vodka flask next time!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Beat my goal into the ground on 9/8...

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    Yesterday was another fail. I have to travel for work tomorrow so my head is not really in this.
    Plank - yes
    7500 Steps - no
    Food variety - I had PB & J (sugarfree) on cloud bread for breakfast.