Fearless October 2016: Week 1 (10/1-10/7)



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited October 2016
    1. Carbs under 45: no pumpkin for me.

    2. Quiet, peaceful, restful, at home day. Spent time reflecting about my current body/mind status. Feelings are in line, acknowkedged. Coping skills utilized are: talking with a friend, watching a movie, basic household upkeep, painting, moderate retail therapy.
    Good enough.

    3. Will weigh in on Wednesday.
  • rhonda6375
    rhonda6375 Posts: 32 Member
    1. Complete workout - done
    2. Log all food - done
    3. Stay within carb goal - 51/50 went over
    4. Stay within calorie goal - 1430 met
    5. Only 1 Diet Coke per day - 3/1 went over
    6. Stay hydrated - 68/64 met
    7. Meal prep on weekends - working on tomorrow

    Sw - 196
    First gw - 175
    Final gw - 140

  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Joining in again because September challenge really helped me

    1. Log all food
    2. Start official exercise challenge (ideal shape 12 week challenge)
    3. Drink 100 oz/ day
    4. Net carbs under 30. I'm a huge veggie/salad lover, most are veggie carbs
    5. Average 12K steps/day
  • ttd71
    ttd71 Posts: 5 Member
    Just starting again! Have been gone awhile and gotten waaaay off track!
    My Goals:
    1. Log all food
    2. Stay within calories, fat & carb goals
    3. Exercise daily
    4. Drink atleast 64 oz. H20

  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Every darned month I try to stick with these challenges!
    So, here I am again!

    SW: 213
    CW: 212.8

    1: record food daily!
    2: Journal Daily!
    3: Steps weekdays 10k weekends 5k
    4: No cheats!
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day!
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!)

    Weekend Bonus!
    6: Measurements!
    7: Extra movement! (I'd call it exercise, but anything extra out of my norm I'm going to count!)

    That's it! Going to try to stick with it this month! If you all don't see me posting here CALL ME OUT!!

  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    First challenge I'm joining...well, first of @baconslave 's challenges I'm joining... Lol

    Daily Goals:

    1. Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    2. Keep up that salt intake!
    3. Eat at maintenance (and for goodness sake stop restricting!)
    4. Keep carbs 20g< total
    5. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min MINIMUM -No skipping workouts! (I may add some extra classes, but I need some information on them first)
    6. Log honestly
    7. Sleep 8 hours

    Notes - my goals are building a little muscle at the moment, not losing weight. I've been in a carb-craving rut lately, which is the reason for the super low carbs.

    And then the workouts - well, I like working out. Lol, I may decide to work out for 2 hours a day
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    10/1 checkin
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout - check
    2. Carbs within goal - nope
    3. Drink 100 oz water - nope
    4. Log all food - check

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    I'm late to the party :(


    1. Log everything accurately
    2. Stay Hydrated (I don't set a hard and fast rule on this. I use pee color! (Sorry TMI))
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me)
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year)

    10/1 = Yesterday's Check in -

    1. Log everything accurately - FAIL ... we went out with friends to a restaurant we are not familiar with and I had no idea where to start to log that.
    2. Stay Hydrated - Check
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - *sighs* FAIL - I know I can't be certain but since I usually do I probably did here too.
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - Check!! - I ate 28 grams of full fat cheese yesterday AND already this morning have had cheese and full fat yogurt!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    edited October 2016
    Oct. 1
    Out of my pumpkin shell: >:)
    Deskcycle: 60mins :D
    Carbs: 23g :D
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    For October 1:
    1. 100 oz of water per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. <100g gross carbs per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week.
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 4 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Monthly Total: 4 of 5.
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    edited October 2016
    I wanted pumpkins this morning. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Here's one url to put inside img brackets: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/lw/em7od5ymabaq.png
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited October 2016
    1.Carbs under 20: pumpkin for me!

    2.Slept in, another lazy day, facebooking, TV Halloween movie, food is good. Have a couple projects if I feel like motivating...and I might. Mood feels like it shifted back to weekday safety mode and that is always a relief.
    No big plans for this week yet, Wed and Fri dance nights. Days are looking like homebound projects to conserve cashola.
    It looks and feels like moody autumn outside...a little bittersweet, leaf colors changing a bit, some falling.
    Not noticing any of the emotions that trigger my binges in action today, so I'm hoping for a nice slide into keto land for this week. Another pumpkin for me.

    3.Weigh in on Wednesday.

    4.Minimal activity today. Somehow that feels okay. No pumkin, though.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    SW: 213
    CW: 212.8 (this is today's weigh in)

    Check in for the 1st:

    1: record food daily! :disappointed:
    2: Journal Daily! :smile:
    3: Steps weekdays 10k weekends 5k :disappointed:
    4: No cheats! :smile:
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day! :smile:
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!) :smile: made myself some of my favorite trail mix.

    Weekend Bonus!
    6: Measurements!
    7: Extra movement! (I'd call it exercise, but anything extra out of my norm I'm going to count!) :smile: made a point to park far away from my destinations

    How do I get Pumpkins?? Or Bats!

    4 out of 6 plus a bonus for the weekend!!
    So 5 pumpkins!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    October 1 30/30
    October 2: 45 minutes walk, 15 minutes stretch, 20 rotator cuff P.T.

    Here we go STEELERS here we go!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    For October 1:
    1. 100 oz of water per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. <100g gross carbs per day
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week. em7od5ymabaq.png
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 4 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Weekly Total: 8 of 9 thus far...

  • reneebeardshaw
    reneebeardshaw Posts: 5 Member
    1. Log food <3
    2. <30 carbs <3
    3. <1000 kcal :'(
    4. >10,000 steps <3
    3/4 pumpkins today
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Hi all! Let's do this.

    SW: 165
    CW: 159
    GW range: 135-140

    1. Keep cals under 1400 (plus exercise calories)
    2. Keep carbs under 25 net
    3. Exercise 4-5 days (strength 2x and walk 2x, 1 wildcard)
    4. Log at least 5 days
    5. No wine til the weekend : )

    My fall keto tip: make bulletproof coffee with butter, coconut oil and add pumpkin pie spice ... I call it my "pumpkin spice nah-tay"