Fearless October 2016: Week 1 (10/1-10/7)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Sorry I've been sucking at checking in! Crazy week.

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 133.4
    GW range: 130-133

    Daily goals:
    1. Keep cals under 1350 (plus exercise calories). :)
    2. Keep carbs in the 20-35 net range. :)
    3. Exercise and/or hit step goal. (Strength 2-3x/wk and run/swim 2-3x/wk.) :) Did strength plus hit step goal!
    4. Log at least 5 days/week. :)
    5. Go to bed at least 8 hrs before I need to get up the next morning! :)
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Check in for the 4th....
    SW: 213
    CW: 213

    1: record food daily! em7od5ymabaq.png
    2: Journal Daily! em7od5ymabaq.png
    3: Steps weekdays 10k em7od5ymabaq.png
    4: No cheats! em7od5ymabaq.png
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day! em7od5ymabaq.png
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!) em7od5ymabaq.png

    Hopefully my pumpkins worked! Cause that's 6 for yesterday!!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited October 2016
    Results for Oct. 4:
    1. Water -> 114oz (>120oz) - :/
    2. Net carbs -> 10 (<30) - >:)
    3. Calories -> 1250 (<1700) - >:) (forced myself to eat last night, just not hungry)
    4. Workout -> 3/5 (weights/lunges) - >:)
    5. Weight -> 221.5 (sw 223) - >:)

    4/5 for yesterday, 8/10 so far.

    Wanted to add that I am definitely back in keto after Sunday's carb binge (>100g)... bent over at the gym this morning and got a whiff of myself - OMG! :o
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    October 4th:

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day >:)
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600 >:)
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams >:)
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week >:) (walking)
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day. >:)

    Yesterday was a great day!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 4:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 60min em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 34g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    For October 4:
    1. 100 oz of water per day
    2. <100g gross carbs per day
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week.
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 2 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Weekly Total: 14 of 17 thus far...

  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    edited October 2016
    10/4 check in
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout - fail - went to bed early
    2. Carbs within goal - no - net 30. I'm having a really hard time hitting net 20 with the amount of dairy and vegetables I eat. They're my only real carb source, so maybe I need to either up my goal or cut dairy. :/ OK, looking at my diary I'm lying...I've been using SF international coffee mix to flavor my coffee and it's adding 8 carbs/day. Without that, I'm much closer to net 20. I will finish what I have, but not repurchase.
    3. Drink 100 oz water - check
    4. Log all food - check

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol

    7 out of 16 points for the month
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    October 4th:

    1. Practice mindfulness around food and eat slowly. o:)
    2. Journal nightly to the questions: "Did I eat and move in a way that supported my health?" "What could I do better tomorrow?" o:)
    3. Keep carbs <50 gm. by logging. o:)
    4. 4. Move 30 min. daily, minimum. o:)
    5. Stay off the scale. NO
    6. Check in with this thread daily! o:)
    7. Drink tea first before deciding to eat after 8pm. o:)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1. complete all workouts - no
    2. carbs within goal - YES
    3. no chocolate - YES
    4. no alcohol - YES
    5. sleep 8 hours - no

    Total: 11 pumpkins
  • rhonda6375
    rhonda6375 Posts: 32 Member
    10/3 No pumpkins except for logging food. Very stressful day and did emotional eating as well as not exercising.

    10/4 Much better day

    1. Complete workout em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. Log all food em7od5ymabaq.png
    3. Stay within carb goal 46/50 em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Stay within calorie goal 1202/1430 em7od5ymabaq.png
    5. Only 1 Diet Coke per day - 4/1 not met AGAIN! - I am taking this goal off for the future until I make up my mind to REALLY cut down.
    6. Stay hydrated - 80/64 em7od5ymabaq.png
    7. Meal prep on weekends - Not applicable

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1. Carbs...no dice
    2. Emotions check in: a little compulsive
    Coping strategies: napping, tv, errands, talking...not really effective, but a good effort was made.
    3. Wednesday weigh in... pass.
    4. Some walking above usual....pacing, actually.

    Rough day: food plan was total fail, but kept steady with the life plans.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :mrgreen:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :mrgreen:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :neutral:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen:
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Didn't do too well with my plans - haven't managed any of them today, will be easier when the wifi is sorted as will be able to log on properly
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    1. Keep cals under 1350 (plus exercise calories). :)
    2. Keep carbs in the 20-35 net range. :)
    3. Exercise and/or hit step goal. (Strength 2-3x/wk and run/swim 2-3x/wk.) Yep, 25% over step goal today! :)
    4. Log at least 5 days/week. :)
    5. Go to bed at least 8 hrs before I need to get up the next morning! Not quite, but close.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy October!!!! :)
    SW: 196.6

    Drink 2 quarts of water daily
    Once more: start an exercise regime, seriously though!
    Keep carbs to 20 total
    Stay away from peanuts and winter squash!!!!

    I'm kicking *kitten* this month, I'm going to make it count.

    SW: 196.6
    CW: 197
    The scale is a lying B.

    I drank the water!! Woo hoo!
    I exercised yesterday!!!
    My carbs were less than 20!!
    I stayed away from peanuts and squash.

    I posted some before and current pics.... The change is pretty drastic.
    I've lost a bunch of inches, and I'm feeling fairly victorious.

    Okay!!! Day Three!
    SW: 196.6
    CW: 194.2

    Got that whoosh on!!
    I drank my water!
    I exercised!
    My carbs were on point.
    And I didn't eat anything that might cause a catastrophe!!

    It was a good day, and the house is clean. I've lost inches, and I'm down a couple pounds. What a wonderful world.

    Woo hoo! Day Four!!!!
    SW: 196.6
    CW: 195

    I definitely drank tons of water!
    I exercised, there's no entry for push mowing the side of a hill. Sad.
    My carbs are bad *kitten*!
    Only keto foods in the face!!

    Another great day!!

    Another day complete!
    Weight the same.

    I drank... Not enough water. Boo!
    I did not exercise. Boo!
    My carbs are okay. Meh.
    I ate sf peanut butter cups. Not great. Boo!

    So....an okay day....
    But, i didn't smoke so... YAY!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited October 2016
    For October 5:
    1. 100 oz of water per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. <100g gross carbs per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell/bodyweight/weight at least twice a week. em7od5ymabaq.png
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 5 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Weekly Total: 19 of 23 thus far...

  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Oct. 5 Wed.

    1. Practice mindfulness around food and eat slowly. o:)
    2. Journal nightly to the questions: "Did I eat and move in a way that supported my health?" "What could I do better tomorrow?" o:)
    3. Keep carbs <50 gm. by logging. o:)
    4. 4. Move 30 min. daily, minimum. o:)
    5. Stay off the scale. NO
    6. Check in with this thread daily! o:)
    7. Drink tea first before deciding to eat after 8pm. o:)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    October 5th:

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day >:)
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600 >:)
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams >:)
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week >:) (walking)
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day. >:)

    PT today, so I should be getting in lots of exercise!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    rhonda6375 wrote: »
    10/3 No pumpkins except for logging food. Very stressful day and did emotional eating as well as not exercising.

    Sorry! I hope today is much better for you!

  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 5:
    Get out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 30mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: >:)