4 Legged Friends



  • BT_rescuemom
    BT_rescuemom Posts: 284 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Oh and if he likes ice cream, he will love any meat based "popsicle" you make him! You could put tinned dog food in a small old container or ice cube tray you don't use and freeze it.. and whenever he wants an ice cream give him one of those suckers. That'll keep him busy lol.

    That's a great tip! Putting that one in my back pocket.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    @Foamroller I 100% agree with that - I've seen peoples pets turn completely around eating a raw or 100% meat based diet. Even their coats got shinier. Most of the dry pet foods are awful and loaded with corn and additives. I mean, they're affordable, but not the best especially for older pets. I think even canned cat/dog food is supposed to be better than dry.

    I'm not hating on you or judging you at all by the way @RowdysLady, all of this is a learning process for everyone.. both pets and humans :) Nothin but love!!

    No worries - I came here for help! I've always owned dogs but this is the first time I've ever had one get like this so I needed the advice. While I've always fed them table meat scraps the ice cream and bread is new since Rowdy and I have been together. When he moved in just over a year ago he took a special liking to Bagel and likes to share with him.

    After I posted this and got some answers from everyone I told Rowdy what I'd learned from you very intelligent people and he stopped giving Bagel the treats. Bagel, like the other dogs is back to only meat scraps now. He's also on glucosamine now.

    The food I buy is high protein and low fillers but I was wondering if I needed to get something better for him due to his age. We put the food out each morning in piles for the dogs but Bagel gets to sleep in the bedroom (when I traveled for work he used to sleep in my spot on the bed!) and he usually doesn't eat til later whereas the other pups eat in the mornings. I could feed him separately for sure.

    and I think I will make him some popsicles...great idea!!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Great, let me know how he likes them!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    QUOTE: " Bagel gets to sleep in the bedroom (when I traveled for work he used to sleep in my spot on the bed!) and he usually doesn't eat til later whereas the other pups eat in the mornings."
    IF for dogs, WTG, @RowdysLady!! :)
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    QUOTE: " Bagel gets to sleep in the bedroom (when I traveled for work he used to sleep in my spot on the bed!) and he usually doesn't eat til later whereas the other pups eat in the mornings."
    IF for dogs, WTG, @RowdysLady!! :)

    LMAO! Now if I could do it for this human!
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    I would check his blood sugar. Not sure what's considered normal for dogs though. Would have to check into that.
    Honestly, I'd consider a keto diet for him. Could help with the chronic pain and the overactive eating, which makes me wonder about his blood sugar.

    A friend's neurologist, who put my friend's DH on a ketogenic diet due to Alzheimer's, also has his own dog on a ketogenic diet which includes coconut oil. This is for a large German Shepherd.

    On the snappiness note, I had a golden mix who developed arthritis as he aged. He reached a point when, if someone other than my H or I touched him, he would turn and snap at them right in their face. It was frightening as I was afraid he would hurt someone. So I had to put a humane muzzle on him whenever company with kids were coming over. Adults will leave a dog alone when asked, but kids find them an irresistible draw.

    We now have a 120 pound Great Pyrenees who is developing hip issues. The vet suggested 1-TDC to help her joints (and it is also good for periodontal issues, too). It isn't cheap with a large dog (5 capsules per day for 30 days and then 3 per day thereafter), but it has been helping. Good luck finding a solution. It is so hard to so goodbye to a good dog. :'(

  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    thanks @suzqtme. One of our other dogs is a Great Pyrenees and she's huge so I get it. Interesting you mention periodontal issues with that dog. Miyuki from a very young age started losing her front teeth. She has none in the very front on the top now and she's only about 3-4 years old. Most were missing or broken when we got her. She was a puppy stray and I just figured it was due to whatever happened before she happened to us.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member

    Lucifer sounds adorable, and don't give up on him being a good mouser just because he's indoors as a kitten, as long as you let him outside and he has the mouser gene, he will get to catching those rats as soon as he's big enough to take them down...of course, he may bring them inside via the dog door to play with them, so that might not be totally good...

    I couldn't sleep last night so I went out to the living room and found Lucifer playing with a very small mouse! He is a mouser!! That thrills me, but the idea that the mouse may have been in the house doesn't! Serves me right for living on a ranch surrounded by pasture, I suppose.
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    Here's my favorite Pyrenees. So lucky she adopted us!

    zj8extch4xs6.jpg Daisy in the daisies!

    pgo4l7m05wll.jpg Snuggle time!

  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    edited October 2016
    suzqtme wrote: »
    Here's my favorite Pyrenees. So lucky she adopted us!

    zj8extch4xs6.jpg Daisy in the daisies!

    pgo4l7m05wll.jpg Snuggle time!

    Wow @suzqtme ...she is gorgeous!!!

    I've always wanted a really BIG dog; although, I've had my eye on a Great Dane but have shied away because of their tendency for short lives with health problems. So instead, I have a 12 1/2 year old rescued Shar-pei/Lab mix. She lost a few pounds when I started eating LCHF because I stopped baking carb-based doggy treats for her when I stopped baking 'healthy' oatmeal muffins and other 'healthy' carb-heavy treats for myself.
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thanks @bametals. She's beautiful and she knows it (and gets waayy too much attention anywhere we go). She has been an ambassador of the breed at various pet conventions, though that ended when I lost most of my vision.

    We have a champion Great Dane in our neighborhood. On their walks, these two woof out their respective windows at one another. I love watching the GD on a walk, just so regal and graceful.

    I'm picturing a really wrinkly lab, lol. Maybe we should start a thread for people to post pics of their pets!
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    She is beautiful! That's about the size of Archer, the Pyrenees that's decided to make Miyuki his girlfriend. She's smaller but still massive!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    @suzqtme Your puppy is ADORABLE. I want to babysit! haha
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Your Great Pyrenees is beautiful! I like big dogs. My brother & SIL had a Presa Canario. Her name was Suede (the kids named her that because her short hair was so soft & smooth - she was a great caramel red colour). We had a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Cobra. I think the smallest I'd get would be a Shiba Inu, they have such soft fur and very foxy looking faces. I'm not generally a small dog person, for some reason I feel like kicking them, and I really do like animals. They tend to have crap personalities & uptight dispositions from what I've experienced - maybe that's why I feel that way?
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    @canadjineh you read my mind on small dogs. I just can't do it. My smallest is medium sized and I don't want anything smaller. For a while we babysat a Chihuahua and it was cute but it was the rare mini dog that didn't carry on all the time yet he was always shaking like he was freezing to death...and I got to send him home eventually.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Update! I can already see Bagel slimming down a little and his disposition has been much better since we put him on a Keto diet! I took the suggestion from @Sarahb29 and made meatsicles for him to have at ice cream time. That's doing the trick. You guys are awesome.

    So I was about a week away from taking Miuyki to the vet to be spayed and she went into heat first (of course). I'm quite sure she's pregnant now. The Great Pyrenees that was hanging around because mine was in heat? Well he now considers this his home away from home and every day he shows up at my house (and now their other dog is following). He comes in through the dog door, up to my desk, says hello to me, has some water, and slides back out through the dog door to play with my pups and snooze in the sun. His owner, Ashley, and I have become best buds. She has to drive out here every day to load him up and take him home. They live about 4 miles from me - it's a trek for these dogs.

    I expect a Pyrenees litter in a few months. The upside will be these pups will be in high demand out here in the country because of their herding/guarding tendencies and I'll have no trouble finding good homes. Then, finally, the last dog will go to the vet. She's the only one we had left to have fixed. The problem is my kids will beg me to keep one...and as you can see from @suzqtme 's photos...they are beautiful, amazing dogs. The chances of me saying no to keeping one is very low. I'm a sucker for dogs. Because I need 6 dogs (and another snip/cut trip to the vet)....sigh...
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited October 2016
    Awee I'm so glad that's working and he's happy! And omg puppies! I love puppies so much, I wish I could have one but we are in an apartment. You'll have no problem finding homes for them for sure. Thx for the update :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hmmm, now you've got me thinking about possible bone brothsicles for the summer, for people...
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Hmmm, now you've got me thinking about possible bone brothsicles for the summer, for people...

    I love it. We make picklesicles with the juice all the time. So why not?
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    edited October 2016

    This is Cocoa my favorite little old man lol! He was pretty sleepy in this picture!