Fearless October 2016: Week 3 (10/15-10/21)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Yesterday was OK.

    Today cals, carbs, steps, sleep all on track.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Goals for October:

    Exercise at least 3 days a week (recovering from a foot injury) :/ The shot I got did not seem to help. No real exercise. Just lots of shopping and party planning.

    Carbs under 50 net: I did good here. No overages. Even with cake decorating in the mix. wu0zpq0mxhla.png

    Get outside more and enjoy my favorite season:Threw a birthday party for my granddaughter at the pumpkin patch so that provided some nice outdoorsy stuff. Though it was VERY cold. wu0zpq0mxhla.png

    Fall clean-up of the home: Nope. Too busy with party stuff. My house looks worse than ever now! :(

    Food choices were good. No cheats despite having two b-day celebrations for my granddaughter. Wore myself out party planning. My kitchen looks like the baking aisle of the craft store exploded so I need to work on that this week. ugh. Overall an ok week and I mysteriously dropped 1.2 lbs.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 21 results:
    Water - 144 oz >:)
    Net Carbs - 32 :/
    Calories - 1675 >:)
    Workouts - 5/5 >:)
    Weight - 218 >:)

    Oct 22 Results:
    Water - 120 oz >:)
    Net carbs - 20 >:)
    Calories - 1685 >:)
    Workouts - 6/5 >:)
    Weight - didn't weigh