Fearless October 2016: Week 3 (10/15-10/21)

baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
Obligatory challenge blurb: :wink:
baconslave wrote: »
Ahhh...it's that time again. Fall. Temps turns cooler. Leaves change color. At least in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. But, regardless, all those holiday foods start creeping in on us. Pumpkin this and that. Parades of Halloween candy-crack...And shortly after that Thanksgiving (for some). More and more holiday parties smack us in the face with all those goodies. Before you know it, it's the New Year, and you're wondering "What the heck happened!!!" You're sporting extra weight. You feel guilty and unhealthy. And disappointed in yourself.

And now you're justifiably afraid. In honor of this being the scary month, you can tackle fear or a scary pattern that often derails you or inhibits your progress.

It doesn't have to be scary! This month's theme is Fearless October. This will be month 1 of a "prepping for the holidays" basics crash course: This is my 3rd holiday season as a low-carber. And I have lost weight during this period in the past. It CAN be done.

The keys to success in this WOE, or any eating plan for that matter, is three-fold:
  • Consistency
  • Persistence
  • Time

Well, isn't that trite and overly simplistic? I'll admit it is simple, but not easy.

Don't freak though. To let those 3 keys work for you, you need to be prepared. PLAN PLAN PLAN. I can't stress this enough. Plan ahead; log ahead. When you have a firm plan and procedure in place, you create good habits. And good habits work for you by keeping up momentum even when things get busy, chaotic, or just plain scary. You've already paved the road for yourself! All you have to do is stay on the smooth way and enjoy the scenery.

So in this challenge, and in the months ahead, we'll be working to set up and reinforce those good habits before you get in the thick of it. We'll be setting up those easy paths and building up that momentum by practicing a habit pattern to predispose us to sail through the holidays. There will be a weekly thread where you can keep track of the goals you reach. We can encourage one another, get advice about any trouble spots, share low-carb-legal recipes of our holiday favorites. Identify scenarios or patterns that absolutely scare you to death, and tackle the hades out of them.

We're going to compete with ourselves, trying to get the max daily score and collect the max daily pumpkins, or work toward collecting more than you did previously. We'll set up good habits in the following areas: water, electrolytes, staying under carb goal, logging daily, staying close to cal goal, hitting our exercise goal, and for resisting a temptation or working on our "fear."

This is what your daily entry would look like:
  1. Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
  2. Calorie goal within 100: check.jpg
  3. At or under carbs: 28g/30g net check.jpg
  4. Exercise as planned: 20min HIIT check.jpg
  5. Hit electrolytes: check.jpg
  6. Logged food (carbs):check.jpg
  7. Resisted the office candy bowl. Again. check.jpg

Earned 7 pumpkins.

Daily Pumpkins collected: 7

Weekly Pumpkin Count: 13

The above is certainly just a template. You all may want to add a goal like: "Pre-logged Day" or "Planned Ahead" or "Resisted Off-Plan Halloween Treat" or "Packed On-Plan Lunch". I do not recommend nixing the logging calories or carbs, however, if you are one who becomes stressed by calorie counting, that's ok. But I recommend at least keeping track of your daily carb intake. Portion and carb creep are real. And it helps to occasionally reset our ability to "eye" our carb-count. Now would be a good time to recalibrate your carb-sense. I want every single one of you guys to coast through the holidays, enjoying them to the fullest. Preparation and consistency are key.

On the First of the month, or now if you just can't wait, sign in to let us know your personal goals.

Goals might look something like:
SW: 160
GW: 155
Get in the habit of pre-logging before things get nuts so I don't accidentally go over carbs and calories.
Stay on top of electrolytes so I don't get low.
Find low-carb-legal treats for the Halloween party.
Not shy away from events and interactions because I'm afraid I might fall off-plan.

To keep it orderly, on Oct. 1, a thread will be pinned in the stickies at the top of the group page and all you will have to do is go to it if the Weekly thread is buried and click on the weekly link at the bottom. (So if you've already read the challenge parameters, try not to get too upset with me when I repeat them at the start of each Weekly Challenge thread. :smile:) We'll accept challengers at any time of the month. Remember, you are competing against yourself, and starting on getting the basics down (or refreshing them like I am), before the hectic holiday season is fully upon us, is our goal.

So go get them punkins! Or you could do ghosts or vampires...whatevs. :wink:



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Welcome to Week 3.
    Week 3 already!

    I'm off to go camping.
    I'll see you all on Monday afternoon.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Dang. Week Three!!!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    October 15th:
    Outside my pumpkin shell: >:)
    Deskcycle: 60mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 7g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Oct 15, Saturday: zip
    Oct 16, Today: 70 minutes, 4.11 miles, 3.51 mph walk to the grocery store for seltzer water. Plus rotator cuff PT. Done. :)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Adding "No Nightshades" to my list because they're potentially giving me trouble (maaaad inflammation). Also adding meditation because I need to stomp on my stress.

    October 15:
    Avoided Nightshades: Fail - Peppers in my omelette in the morning, cayenne in my dinner
    Meditation: Nope
    1 serving or less of dairy: 2 - cheese in my omelette and HWC in a coffee (which I didn't even finish, so it's like 1.5)
    >5000 Steps: (4583 - not bad for sitting most of the day)
    < 20 g Carbs: 32g (whoops, erythritol, though I think the onion carbs in my Doro Wat recipe are overstated)
    Eating only when satiated: Yeah, but I ate too fast to listen to my satiety at dinner.
    Exercise: Parking far away em7od5ymabaq.png

    October 16:
    Avoided Nightshades: Fail - Peppers in my omelette in the morning, cayenne in my dinner
    Meditation: Nope
    1 serving or less of dairy: 2 - cheese in my omelette and HWC in my afternoon coffee
    >5000 Steps: 5120! em7od5ymabaq.png
    < 20 g Carbs: 27g (again, I think the onion carbs in my Doro Wat recipe are overstated)
    Eating only when satiated: Yeah, but I ate too fast to listen to my satiety at dinner. (this is a trend, yes)
    Exercise: Parking far away em7od5ymabaq.png
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I missed yesterday, so here we go!
    Day what? 16?

    I feel thinner. I feel good.

    I've been super active. Big YAY!
    Last night I ate a ton of snacks, but then I got the visit from special lady time this morning, so no biggie, kept it keto.

    Okay this week I'm going to ramp it up with some weights. I hope lol
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 16th:
    Outside my pumpkin shell: >:)
    Deskcycle: 30mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 37g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Monday morning check-in:
    Sunday Oct 16:
    Water - 120oz -> >:)
    Net Carbs - 18 -> >:)
    Calories - 1541 -> >:)
    Workouts - 1/5 (5 weekly) >:)
    Weight - 219.5 (SW 223) >:)

    This was the first weekend in the challenge that I didn't slip and trash the progress for the week!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm terrible at checking in on this thing! I've been pretty consistently on plan, close to my carb range, bad at water and bad at exercise. I'm losing and feeling good. :)
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    October 17th

    OMG where has the time gone! I'm still back at last week!

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - FAIL - But I think I'm okay with that. Still got a good amount.
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - Used some heavy whipping cream and cream cheese FULL FAT over the weekend and ate FULL FAT Alfredo sauce!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Ok I realise I posted on the wrong week!

    For ketogenic for cancer

    1. Carbs 30
    2. Protein 3 1/2 oz X 3 a day
    3. Drink 10 glasses of water
    4. Eat enough healthy fat
    5. Get moving 30 minutes a day
    6. Log in food daily
    7. Check in with this group daily
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited October 2016
    October 15:
    Avoided Nightshades: Fail - Peppers in my omelette in the morning, cayenne in my dinner
    Meditation: Nope
    1 serving or less of dairy: 2 - cheese in my omelette and HWC in a coffee (which I didn't even finish, so it's like 1.5)
    >5000 Steps: (4583 - not bad for sitting most of the day)
    < 20 g Carbs: 32g (whoops, erythritol, though I think the onion carbs in my Doro Wat recipe are overstated)
    Eating only when hungry: Yeah, but I ate too fast to listen to my satiety at dinner.
    Exercise: Parking far away em7od5ymabaq.png

    October 16:
    Avoided Nightshades: Fail - Peppers in my omelette in the morning, cayenne in my dinner
    Meditation: Nope
    1 serving or less of dairy: 2 - cheese in my omelette and HWC in my afternoon coffee
    >5000 Steps: 5120! em7od5ymabaq.png
    < 20 g Carbs: 27g (again, I think the onion carbs in my Doro Wat recipe are overstated)
    Eating only when hungry: Yeah, but I ate too fast to listen to my satiety at dinner. (this is a trend, yes)
    Exercise: Parking far away em7od5ymabaq.png[/quote]

    October 16:
    Avoided Nightshades: Yup! em7od5ymabaq.png
    Meditation: Nope. I meant to before bed but I fell asleep! :D
    1 serving or less of dairy: 0! em7od5ymabaq.png
    >5000 Steps: 4889 (SO close! I allllmost got out of bed to get that last 111 but figured it'd disrupt my sleep)
    < 20 g Carbs: 11g em7od5ymabaq.png
    Eating only when hungry: And then some. I actually fasted until after work so I was definitely hungry. ;)em7od5ymabaq.png
    Exercise: Walked a bit at lunch em7od5ymabaq.png

  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 17th:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    River walk: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 30g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 17th results:
    Water -> 112 oz >:) (I reduced this to 112 because 120 is just too much!)
    Net Carbs -> 25 >:)
    Calories -> 1517 >:)
    Workouts -> 2/5 >:)
    Weight -> 218 lbs >:) (SW - 223)
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Oct 17th progress.
    Water - OK
    Carbs - again too many 110
    Calories - too many
    No exercise
    Weight - continue to go in the wrong direction.

    This is nuts. I am finding it difficult to get back on track again. I have my hamburg meat patty for lunch today. Steak dinner planned out too. Plan to eat just lunch and stop nibbling on treats people bring in to the office.
    Feeling burnt out and unmotivated. Overwhelmed with life today.
    On the upside - It is a nice New England weather day. Maybe a walk at lunch will boost my spirits.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Carbs - Good
    Logging - Yes
    Water - Good
    Exercise - nope
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited October 2016
    Monday: Zero
    Today: Walked: 3.31 miles, 52:20 minutes, 3.8 mph to the Indian Market. Rotator Cuff PT. Done.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    On track today with tracking, cals, carbs, exercise (strength training).
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I should add, I had several higher carb days over the past few days but now I'm back on track. It's like sometimes I have to remind myself the hard way of why I stay low carb. :tongue:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 18 results:
    Water - 120 oz >:)
    Net carbs - 35 :/ (dam bread)
    Calories - 1575 >:)
    Workouts - 3/5 >:)
    Weight - 219 >:) (up a pound from yesterday but still down overall)
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 18th:
    Outside my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Exercise: >:)
    Carbs: 20g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    October 18th

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - FAIL
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK

    October 19th

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - CHECK - Pretty darned close anyway. I'm good with it!
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - Sour cream and cream cheese!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 19 results:
    Water -> 128 oz >:)
    Net Carbs -> 25 >:)
    Calories -> 1665 >:)
    Workouts -> 4/5 >:)
    Weight -> 217.5 >:) (down 1.5 lbs from yesterday!)
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - CHECK and BAM!
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - Coconut oil - ok honestly I am not sure I like this stuff. It may be the brand I bought.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    10-19 Zip
    10-20 3.88 miles. Forgot to hit stop when I was done but it was about 65-70 minutes, ~3.6 mph. The usual route to the grocery store for a head of cabbage. B) Got in my vitamin D via sunshine and checked my BP @ CVS: 114/74. Fine. Dreaded rotator cuff PT also. Done.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 20 results:
    Water -> 112 oz >:)
    Net Carbs -> 33 :/
    Calories -> 1833 :/
    Workouts -> 5/5 >:)
    Weight -> 218 >:)

    Not my best day but not a bad day either.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Back from vacay. Working my way back to my normal food plan. I wasn't able to keep myself as on track as I have on other vacations. Luckily, it was a great time with my son, good times in general, and great for a mental reset.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'll post here since it's the 21st. Dragged myself out the door finishing in the dark. Forgot to hit resume but I've walked this a million times. 3 miles, ~50-55 minutes.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    October 21

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - :(
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK