

  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,259 Member
    @SmashleyM914 Have a great Honeymoon! All your hard work this week, will pay off.
    Hang in there
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    I hurt my back while doing burpees! I went to the store to walk tonight to at least get some time in. I hope that works! I've been to the chiropractor twice this week to try to fix my back, but I'm still hurting. Doan's have been my very close friend.
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    @scherzie and I had to get creative here in SWFL (flat flat flat) with the stairs but we did it! I just got some new shoes for running so hopefully they will reduce my blisters and sore knees :)
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Finally put my minutes up, bumped us up to 1st place this week. MUAHAHHAA :D
    We've got some people leaving blanks. RuthQ1 was blank all week last week, too so I'm thinking she's gone for good.

    @lynnbaum ugh same with my mom! My step dad when they got back says "So did you like staying at our house? Isn't our bed the best?" Umm, no sir. It is certainly not and I seriously hated staying at your house haha. He said oh, well we like firm beds....I told him they would have saved money by just buying a rock
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    OMG a little sore today. I will be knocking the rest of those steps out today. I have 3 days under calories sofar this week. Dhusband wants to go out for my B-day tonight. He said something about mexican restaurant. I love chips and salsa. It would be a true test. Either a true test or cruel and unusual punishment. could take today as my 2nd non under day but then I am really pushing it to the limit for those extra points. Maybe I should of drank the frog drink. That would of involved a trip. I could of done the real steps. I think it would of been a blast. Oh well next time. I have been to NY which was fun seeing it in the challenge. Anyone else traveled to places in the challenge?
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    @lynnbaum I have not been to any of the places, not even New York... I have loved learning about them though.

    I took a day of rest today. TOM + lack of sleep, left me with very little energy. I had to work this morning & all I have on my mind is leaving on Sunday for our cruise. The next couple of days will be spent running around & deep cleaning our house. I really like to come home to a clean house too!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited December 2016
    We went on a cruise on our honeymoon. So would love to do another. Have a great time. To all my teammates stairs are done. I wanted to craw some of them tonight. BTW went out to Mexican restaurant tonight for dinner. I had a salad and maybe 4 chips. This was really hard for me. Under calories.

  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Slowing adding things for week. Stairs are hard, knocking some out each day.

    Totally missed the dances were with mundoguyi. I have danced to his videos off and on for a while, love them. Done deal
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    I started out this morning doing work stuff. I could have kept on, but I took a time out and went walking and to the grocery store. I have a super busy week coming up and I didn't want that to lead to me eating junk. Eating junk does not help me be my best. I'm glad I did that for me (and those who have to live and work with me.) @smashleyM914 - look at you go with all those minutes. Wahoo!!! Now, it's time for me to start whittling down my list.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I got up and got my hair done this morning. Went downstairs when I got home and put on a kettle bell workout. Then I jumped on my mini tramp while I watched the 5 exercises that should go to the grave yard. Then I turned on walk it out 2 miles. I then had to clean some house which added many more stairs. so I am counting it as 2 hours. Stairs were really tough so I am feeling @melissasue0317 pain. I was almost monkey crawling some of them yesterday. Feeling really good today.
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry all, I'm doing my best but I am still in a lot of pain. I did get the videos done but I can't say that I was able to keep up with them at all! I see the chiropractor again on Monday. Hopefully I will be better by then and ready to go again.
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    Oh yeah and I did stay under my calorie goals all week!
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    @tarpguys Take Care of You. :) Hope you feel better.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,259 Member
    @tarpguys Hope you feel better!
    @lynnbaum Great workout...
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I am kind of sad that next week is our last week. Have we heard if there is going to be another challenge in Jan??
  • Lynniebinny76
    Lynniebinny76 Posts: 455 Member
    So sorry I got nothing entered earlier... long week, sick kids. Now a sick me.... can someone enter for me? I'll be on my computer tonight but am afraid I'll run out of time or forget...

    Monday 70 min
    Tuesday 25 min
    Wednesday 130 min
    Thursday 115 min
    Friday 30 min
    Saturday 200 min
    Sunday 0 min

    All challenges complete.
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    @scherzie and I ran 10 miles and biked for two hours today plus a walk so I think I finished out the week strong :)
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I hav no TV but internet because of ditect tv and snow so I yourtube a hour of workouts. I feel I get my best workouts with kettlebell workouts. BTW my but hurts