

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I really wanted to go back to sleep today instead of workout, but my fear is that if I do that I'll fall off the wagon and stop working out in the mornings. Not sure how rational that is, but it's what keeps me getting up and working out on weekdays mornings. :) Today is going to be a horrible day for food. I know I could try to be somewhat cautious, but I'm back in an interview don't care mode for a few days...yikes!! Hopefully it doesn't last as long as last time. However, I should be able to stay away from late night snacking and that will be my 5th day!! Woohoo!!

    You guys are doing amazing. It is a very close race right now. It looks like the biggest difference between us and 1st place is the minutes, but let's just do what we can. I might try to get up and workout tomorrow but I'm not sure. Going to a festival, so if there is lots of walking I can actually track, I might have some to count from that. Not sure because I've never been to this and don't really know what to expect.

    Happy Friday!! B)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @lbenson2006 Well maybe give yourself a day or two of horrible food, and then be done with it. Or think about how hard you had to work to get rid of one two pounds, do you want to go through all of that hard work again? Stay strong either way.

    I made another day of no snacking. I still haven't managed to get videos in. I am hoping to do that today.

    Keep up all the great work, and happy Friday!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Well, Team 2 BEAT has all of a sudden fallen into last place. However, we have several missing entries so I'm hoping once the spreadsheet gets updated it won't be so bad.

    I had to skip the gym and work through my lunch today. I did, however, realize that my ride tomorrow is leaving her house at 7:45 and not arriving at mine at that time. I am hoping then that I will be able to get up and workout tomorrow morning. I need to tell myself that I need to do it for the team...oh, and to try to make up for my horrible choices today. Did my best guess as to my ice cream concoction...and HOLY COW was it insane...but so worth it!! Lol. And I've already made a bad choice for dinner. I like to say, when I fall, I fall hard!! But I plan on not worrying too bad about it and hitting it hard again after Halloween. Hope everyone's weekend is starting well!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm on track to meet our non-snacking goal, but that's only because I haven't felt like eating much lately! :p Had a rough week with this cold/flu/whatever I'm experiencing. I usually like to have a half serving of mini M&M's every night as a treat, but I haven't even thought about them for the past few days. Just not interested right now. Sad. But good for the challenge!!!

    Can't breathe well and feeling feverish and run-down, so I have not been able to do my normal runs and biking for a few days, but I've still been able to walk on treadmill (no incline) or hike easier trails every day so far. Luckily I did the stairs and dancing early in the week before the sickness really kicked in.

    Go team! Let's get back up in the rankings! :)
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hey Team 2 beat we are doing an awesome amazing job don't let those high numbers worry you please. I don't now how they can do so many minutes if they are working full time unless they are obsessive. Lol ... I had to even send a message to mission enforcer because there was no way some On could exercise 8 hrs a day and not get be killing them selves
    I feel I do a lot but no way near that many minutes
    We are doing amazingly awesome
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    murdog3t wrote: »
    Hey Team 2 beat we are doing an awesome amazing job don't let those high numbers worry you please. I don't now how they can do so many minutes if they are working full time unless they are obsessive. Lol ... I had to even send a message to mission enforcer because there was no way some On could exercise 8 hrs a day and not get be killing them selves
    I feel I do a lot but no way near that many minutes
    We are doing amazingly awesome

    Yeah I have seen some of the minutes that people are putting in - its crazy - they must not work or have a life - or its not quite true. Interesting - let us know what Mission Enforcer says!!

    Yesterday I had a crazy busy day so didnt manage to get in any minutes - I have finished the challenges though - I will do my best to get what I can in today!! Well done everyone - we are doin great!! Just make sure the challenges get completed! :) xx
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Got all the challenges done. I've been sick so unfortunately haven't been able to hit the gym last couple days. I wheezed my way through the videos today but that's all I could muster. I hope I get better like yesterday lol, I'm miserable.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Hi... can someone add 75 minutes and my 10pts for not snacking. Out on the road today.

  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Sorry peeps for being MIA but its been busy and with doctors visits its been crazy. I received some bad news health wise on Friday so it kind of took the wind out of my sails for the day.

    And today, Saturday I spent the day at a dog show, a little longer than I actually had planned on but I had a good time. Got the rest of my stair climbing in today as well, at last count I was at 650 stairs just today. Add that to my already 286 that i had and I am a pooped girl.
    I will be back at the dog show again tomorrow so will be checking in later in the afternoon but will still be before shut down of the spreadsheet.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Keep up the wonderful work !!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Hi... can someone add 75 minutes and my 10pts for not snacking. Out on the road today.


    Done. :)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    So sorry to hear you had some bad health news, Bri. I hope everything turns out ok. Amazing job still sticking with things despite all that. Have a great time at the dog show tomorrow.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Got all the challenges done. I've been sick so unfortunately haven't been able to hit the gym last couple days. I wheezed my way through the videos today but that's all I could muster. I hope I get better like yesterday lol, I'm miserable.

    Crazy dedication!! Hope you start feeling better soon. :#
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy too, Jenilla. Geez!! Hope yours goes away quick as well. I am amazed by all of you guys still getting in minutes and such while still feeling that bad.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy too, Jenilla. Geez!! Hope yours goes away quick as well. I am amazed by all of you guys still getting in minutes and such while still feeling that bad.

    This sickness is never-ending. :( I thought I was getting better this morning, but then had to cut my walk short when I started feeling like I couldn't get any air and I was going to fall over. Only got 30 sluggish minutes, but it's better than nothing. I had wanted to end the week on a strong note, but it's not to be. I hope it goes away soon...
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I am sorry to hear about all of you that are sick! @twinmom_112002 my thoughts are with you friend!!!

    I will be out on a trail run shortly and possibly hiking later if the rain holds up! I should be able to put in some good numbers today!

    I wish all well that are sick and all that aren't let's keep it that way :D
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Bright smiles coming your way from a member of Team Fab Five:

    As I sit here in my recliner, listening to Nightcore music, sipping my caramel coffee, and reading a My Little Pony Halloween Comicfest book, I look forward to next weekend.
    That weekend is our annual Akron Comic Con. It'll be in its 5th year, and I have gone to every single one. It had to be moved to a bigger venue, and now goes for two days since it's been such a success.

    I was thinking about cosplaying for this one and it got me thinking of all the costumes I have planned. I have so much fun dressing up and escaping into fiction for a day. The people I have met that also cosplay have been so kind when asked about how they made something, or for tips or ideas. This bunch is genuinely happy about their passion.

    If you're a cosplayer, I advise you to enter a contest at a convention. It's fun walking around and having people ask for your photo, but getting the chance to have the spotlight on you, even if you don't win, is the best feeling in the world. You worked hard on your outfit, let everybody see it.

    Smile everyday, laugh with friends, and enjoy life. Forget what you don't have and appreciate what you do.

    Happy Hallows Eve!
    Wishing you all good health and happiness.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 867 Member
    Hope my sick teammates are feeling better and get well soon. I worked the weekend with a 13 hour day Saturday so had/have little energy left. I will get in at least 60 minutes today. @lbenson2006 let me know if more minutes by midnight will get us extra bonus points, not sure how that works.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Hope my sick teammates are feeling better and get well soon. I worked the weekend with a 13 hour day Saturday so had/have little energy left. I will get in at least 60 minutes today. @lbenson2006 let me know if more minutes by midnight will get us extra bonus points, not sure how that works.

    Thanks, Kim. It's a little hard to tell so far because we still have some logging to be done by some members. You got in way more than me...I logged a 0 today...but like I said, that will happen sometimes and for me, I think you have to do what you feel is right for you. I see you got your 60 minutes in so if you need to rest and relax, I would do that. We were busy most of the day trying to figure out how to install our pool cover and by the time we were done with all that and other running around, I was just ready for a bath and to get things prepared for the work week. Hope everyone has had an awesome Sunday!!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Hey All.. Got in another 88 minutes of walking around holding dogs and getting to and from the show ring today. I am a little bummed that I missed the entry deadline for my boy Crook to show, I think he would have done well this weekend. Next show is in December and will for sure be going into the ring for that one.

    Anyways, I am surviving the week, proud that I got in what I could. I have an appt with another doc on Thursday this week and hopefully he will tell me that what i need is a simple procedure and not a full on surgery that would put me off work for 6 weeks at leas. Meaning I would not be able to work out either.. Keep your fingers crossed for me.