Binge free week #1



  • melsouth1972
    melsouth1972 Posts: 198 Member
    Managed to keep it together last night, I really don't want to binge again, it makes my tummy swell and feel terrible
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    edited October 2016
    Friday nights are so hard @melsouth1972. I struggled last night. Saturday is the day I am going to let myself have some of the forbidden foods I try not to eat so hopefully today i am able to enjoy some of my favorites and still stay in a maintenance calorie range. This is something new I am trying. I'm wondering if i am falling back into binge behaviors because I feel deprived maybe. We shall see how it goes today.

    Oh I meant to add I love toast with butter too! It's a trigger food for me. I could easily eat a loaf of toast with butter in one sitting.
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    Well done @melsouth1972 ! Keep it up :)

    @Gettingfit2017 Let us know how you did. I think it's good to practice having the trigger food in moderation, because that's the ultimate goal right - being able to have good stuff in moderation, without binging.

    I had like the hugest binge ever on Friday, but so far Saturday's been good. I hope I can keep it together the rest of the night.
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    Sunday; meal prepping for the coming week. Last week I binged 3 out of 7 days, I know I can do better. I will prove to myself and to you guys that I can.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Saturday did not go well. Evidently if I eat anything that is remotely off my plan it turns into a binge fest. Ate a weeks worth of calories in one night.
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    @Gettingfit2017 *big support-hug* I feel you pain. Don't guilt yourself. Remember you're among friends here. We know what it's like, and we have a new chance to make this week better.
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    No binging saturday or sunday, huge binge today (monday) :(
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    I was just about to post that today has been a debacle @lilltessiiie. Damn Halloween. Tomorrow is November 1st. I feel like it is a fresh slate tomorrow.
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    Let's do this, @Gettingfit2017 !