New study on artificial sweeteners affecting glucose tolerance



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm dying to post this study over on the debate forum, but It'll probably be picked apart and I'll get eaten alive :cold_sweat:

    Double dog dare ya!

    Will you protect me? :lol:
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm dying to post this study over on the debate forum, but It'll probably be picked apart and I'll get eaten alive :cold_sweat:

    Double dog dare ya!

    Will you protect me? :lol:

    Geez... From mods or framers?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm dying to post this study over on the debate forum, but It'll probably be picked apart and I'll get eaten alive :cold_sweat:

    Double dog dare ya!

    Will you protect me? :lol:

    Geez... From mods or framers?

    Framers :tongue:

    I'm not going to start a thread, I may slip it into an already active topic on AS's.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm dying to post this study over on the debate forum, but It'll probably be picked apart and I'll get eaten alive :cold_sweat:

    Double dog dare ya!

    Will you protect me? :lol:

    Geez... From mods or framers?

    Framers :tongue:

    I'm not going to start a thread, I may slip it into an already active topic on AS's.

    Lots of AS's topics to choose from .... let us know? ;)

  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    For the record I posted this in the place where I believed it would be read by those who would be most helped by it and be most open to reading scientific data that could actually help them in their pursuit of better health. (Was that sucking up enough?) o:)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited November 2016
    @cstehansen -

    No, you're in the right place!

    To get back to your question about pre/probiotics rightng the sins of sucralose, I really wish I had something close to an answer, but I'll be happy to sniff around.

    I finally found an excellent nutritionist (who'd'a thunk it?), who thinks we should be taking them daily - and rotating them - daily. I'll run the questionnaire by her next visit.

    You also wondered about the effects of consuming antibiotics (not to mention hormones) in animal products. I'll add that question to the list. I suspect people have such strong feelings pro- or contra-meat that every study is destined to be assailed before the ink is dry.

    But there's no way I'm eating a fast food burger with bacon for dessert until someone proves Hormel served that stuff to our cavemen ancestors.

    PS Thx for including me, however undeserved, in such august company.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Shoot. I've been added diet cola back into my diet. Not a great choice I know but I (wrongly) justified it as a less harmless comfrort food - compared to my past anyways. This made me rethink my actions. Gave me that extra kick in the rear to do what I know I should rather than what I want to do.

    Thanks for posting this.

    It's a challenge....

    A fizzy, sweet drink that doesn't mess with you.

    + Sparkling water
    + Stevia (w or w/o Erythritol)
    + Flavoring, like pure vanilla
    .... hmmmm
    something missing..... :|

    +Booze! :*

    @RalfLott - I just wanted to say that Zevia brand sodas use Stevia, Erythritol, and I think Monk Fruit. They're decent as far as the flavors I have tried, but expensive. Far better for a temporary soda fix than a traditional diet in my own opinion. Paid less than $0.75 per 12 oz can, so I guess not that bad, just more expensive than "sodas." That being said, Ozarka has unsweetened "fizzy" water, as does LaCroix, and I like doing those with a few drops of stevia on occasion, but it's nice to have an option like Zevia with beet root for color and etc.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    Argh. I am one of the few people who have a problem with Stevia apparently. I have low(er) blood sugar to start with, and stevia TANKS it. Like I will be 70-80 normally and if I drink a bottle of tea with stevia I will hit 40 in no time and nearly black out.

    Monk fruit is my go-to most of the time, with sucralose some ... I minimize sucralose because I OD'd on it years ago (i.e. 40 packs a day) and ended up being diagnosed with fibromyalgia (which I did not have) because of the side effects. So I keep it minimal now, but its one of the few I can handle the taste of.

    You didn't have it, because it's usually given as a monkeyshit diagnosis when a doctor has no idea what's actually wrong with you. My mom was diagnosed with the same *kitten*, then it was suddenly cured when her last husband left her, and she couldn't mooch off of his paycheck anymore.

    I completely agree :) I did have a *kitten* load of symptoms that are typical of that diagnosis, but ALL OF THEM went away when I cut out sucralose (after reading a website of sucralose side effects that matched up perfectly). Since then I had a friend diagnosed with lupus who turned out to be intolerant to wheat gluten, another friend "reverse" her fibro diagnosis by cutting out diet soda with aspartame (all she drank all day for many years), etc etc.

    I dont doubt people have legitimate symptoms indicating something is wrong (except for your mom, she was just greedy :) ). I just think doctors dont acknowledge or have the time to devote to finding out what food sensitivity or other issue might be the real underlying cause, so fibro is a "diagnosis" they give so the person has a name they can google and commisserate. My doctor literally PUSHED that on me multiple times as a way to get me out of his office. I refused to accept it because everything I read said it was an "elimination" diagnosis - i.e. we dont know what is wrong, have eliminated everything obvious, and want you to feel like you know what is wrong so we give you this.

    Now whenever i get a "symptom", I immediately start playing with my diet and checking the sub-ingredients and doing experiments until I figure it out myself.
  • grafixfrh
    grafixfrh Posts: 46 Member
    Cut out the sweets and eat the meats! Keto on!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    @KnitOrMiss, @RalfLott & @Sunny_Bunny_ - I thought I would call you out specifically since you are the ones that seem as obsessed (or in the case of @KnitOrMiss possibly more obsessed) with medical research as I am. Given the findings of this in relation to the gut microbiome and the improvement they found in mice when giving them antibiotics, do you think taking a probiotic or prebiotic (I am not well versed on either) could help to reverse damage done by these artificial sweeteners?

    Also, I was wondering if more people weren't affected because of the trace amounts of antibiotics we get from eating the standard raised meat. Given roughly 80% of all antibiotic consumption in the US is for commercially raised animals to keep them from getting sick, at least some of that has got to end up in the meat we are eating.

    @cstehansen - I have caught up on this thread and need to go read the full article now, but I am one of those who posted originally that one of the thyroid folks we've been listening to in the various summits claimed to have research representing data that said anything in a pink, blue, or yellow packet was causing reactions in the gut, period. Some folks, with more resilient stomach acid seemed to have less issues, whereas someone like myself who either had or developed a compromised thyroid, combined with a removed gallbladder, resulted in low enough stomach acid to facilitate further issues. A combination of probiotics, diatomaceous earth, and a low carb diet helped me reverse the majority of my obvious symptoms, though I don't know if I'm really better or worse off as I've had no formal testing before or after...

    For me, I had what I deemed insulin reactions to sucralose (at least the packets), as I'd hard crash worse that sugar with them, and I had this reaction even to things like Truvia at first, but having gotten to a point of using primarily SweetLeaf brand Stevia, and the occasional monkfruit or erythritol blends, and only sweetening to tolerance, I have this reaction far, FAR less these days, despite the fact that I'm not at keto levels consistently anymore.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    For the record I posted this in the place where I believed it would be read by those who would be most helped by it and be most open to reading scientific data that could actually help them in their pursuit of better health. (Was that sucking up enough?) o:)

    There's nothing at all wrong with your thread. :+1:

    Here's the Cliff Notes of what I'm saying:
    Post studies and discuss or debate (politely of course)
    Go participate in the Main Forum if you like

    Do Not:
    Discuss the Main Forums in the group (as per MFP)
    Talk about Main Forum threads or how you are going to post them and encourage others to follow you (as per MFP. They fear divisive shenanigans as a result. Organizing drama...and etc.)

    I know you guys aren't going to go be ugly. But rules is rules, and I have to say something. :wink: If I don't say something, and someone else reports it, scrutiny won't go over well, even if we are innocent. It will look as if we Group Mods aren't doing our jobs.

    So that's enough of that. Carry on. :smile:
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @cstehansen -

    No, you're in the right place!

    To get back to your question about pre/probiotics rightng the sins of sucralose, I really wish I had something close to an answer, but I'll be happy to sniff around.

    I finally found an excellent nutritionist (who'd'a thunk it?), who thinks we should be taking them daily - and rotating them - daily. I'll run the questionnaire by her next visit.

    You also wondered about the effects of consuming antibiotics (not to mention hormones) in animal products. I'll add that question to the list. I suspect people have such strong feelings pro- or contra-meat that every study is destined to be assailed before the ink is dry.

    But there's no way I'm eating a fast food burger with bacon for dessert until someone proves Hormel served that stuff to our cavemen ancestors.

    PS Thx for including me, however undeserved, in such august company.

    I have heard from several places that everyone should have 2 prebiotic foods daily and at least 1 heaping tablespoon of fermented something with good bugs in it. Kimchi, kraut, kombucha, and etc. Daily to maintain basic gut health. I think Dr. Tom O'Bryan was the last one during the Dr Amy Meyers's Thyroid Summit.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I have heard from several places that everyone should have 2 prebiotic foods daily and at least 1 heaping tablespoon of fermented something with good bugs in it. Kimchi, kraut, kombucha, and etc. Daily to maintain basic gut health. I think Dr. Tom O'Bryan was the last one during the Dr Amy Meyers's Thyroid Summit.

    He's a sage - happy to take his word for it. Thanks for the summary.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited November 2016
    Alzheimer's, Inflammation, & Gut Health

    Dr. Perlmutter interviews Dr. Molly Fox, biological anthropologist at UCLA.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I have heard from several places that everyone should have 2 prebiotic foods daily and at least 1 heaping tablespoon of fermented something with good bugs in it. Kimchi, kraut, kombucha, and etc. Daily to maintain basic gut health. I think Dr. Tom O'Bryan was the last one during the Dr Amy Meyers's Thyroid Summit.

    I'll take any excuse to eat sauerkraut, I've fallen in love with it lately. I basically set up a plate of nothing but random meats, cheeses, pickles and sauerkraut and snack while I watch TV. It looks like I'm about to host a party but I really just like eating a lot of small things lol.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I really wish I could tolerate fermented foods without triggering histamine reactions and migraines. I miss my Kombucha and sauerkraut more than I can say...