November/December Challenge ~~ Nov 28th - Dec 4th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Chris want me to carry you? Here, have some ice for them thighs. You earned it. o:)

    Nice job Paula! Planning to succeed is the only way to win.

    I had ca rest day. To busy to workout. But I knew that so just planned around it. Got lots done. To borrow is weights with my daughter. :)

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    Good morning ladies. I disappeared for a little while because of a nasty cold but I'm back. I was able to play my tennis match yesterday and my team one...yes we are playing the winter season. We have one more match in December next Saturday then will have a break until after the new year.

    Going to the Falcons game today with Ron then back at it tomorrow! I made a chicken veggie soup for the week.

    Take care!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Hi Kathy, glad you're feeling better.

    It's still early here in California. Before evening rolls around there's always hope for long walks, small meals, and arm/leg/core workouts. Today the hope is for a hike up to the saddle and then some sword practice. I got a bokken (wooden samurai sword) that straps to my back. With that and my staff, my arms should be happy.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Uh oh Kathy the Falcons had a close game but lost in the end. I am betting it was a great game to have been able to watch in person.

    Rocky and I are Sea Hawks fans. Most people here are Denver fans. I got in a great upper body workout today.

    Paula careful with that sword. B)


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Kathy, I just got over the an awful three-plus weeks with a horrid cold. Glad you are getting better.

    Paula, hope your hike went well and all the trees are still standing!

    Shelley, Thank You! my thighs are much better today. Just in time for a crazy workout tomorrow!

    Walked w/DH this morning for 6.05 miles in 117 mins (8.63 total miles for 16,945 steps) then we went to see our grandson. Eating was a bit out of control. Tomorrow should be better.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Glad them thighs are better today Chris. I do not mind a little pain to tell me I am still alive. But I sometimes overdo it. And ice helps! Love that you get to see your grandson so often. <3

    Tonight is leg day. But I might as well do some cardio or upper body. Only so much you can do for your legs.
