Leslie Sansone January 2017 Walk Challenge



  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    12.61 miles.

    I walked 5 miles in 14 degrees this morning. I dressed appropriately and that helped. I pushed myself to test my legs. UGH...they are hurting. We will see tomorrow what they feel like.

    Good work PinkyPan1. I hope the pain in your legs will ease soon and you will feel OK tomorrow.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    1/1 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/2 Pilates Burn and Firm by Ellen Barrett
    1/4 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    1/5 5 Day Slim down (38 minutes; miles 3 and 4)
    1/6 Walk and Jog
    1/7 Over 50 Yoga (Barbara Benagh) and The Two Week Turnaround Interval Walk (Chris Frietag)
    1/8 Strength and Stamina 2 Kelly Coffee-Meyer, 30 minutes
  • debbiemuz
    debbiemuz Posts: 194 Member
    Hi. I would love to join. I love Leslie Sansone because she has so many options. I'm also in another group to walk 1000 Miles in 2017, and her videos help me do that.

    1/1 Leslie Sansone 5K with a Twist
    1/2 C25K Week 1 Day 1
    1/3 1 hr water aerobics
    1/4 C25K Week 1 Day 2
    1/5 1 hr water aerobics
    1/7 C25K Week 1 Day 3
    1/8 Leslie Sansone Burn Body Fat 3 Mile
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January goal:
    - 120 miles , 15 over 10,000 steps
    - Leslie Sansone DVD twice per week
    - Weights,
    - Balance

    Jan 1 - 3.22 miles - nice walk outside.
    Jan 2 - 3.79 miles - outside
    Jan 3 - 3.52 miles - outside
    Jan 4 - 4.16 miles - outside
    Jan 5 - .82 miles - stomach flu today ....yucky
    Jan 6 - 3.41 miles - better,
    Jan 7 - 2.1 miles
    Week 1 - 21.02 miles

    Jan 8 - 3.04 miles - outside
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Everyone is doing so good. Way to go!

    pinkpan take care of those legs
    debbiemuz water aerobics- awesome idea
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Week 1 - 14.07 Miles * Missing 2 days from tracking. :neutral:

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    1/1 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/2 Pilates Burn and Firm by Ellen Barrett
    1/4 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    1/5 5 Day Slim down (38 minutes; miles 3 and 4)
    1/6 Walk and Jog
    1/7 Over 50 Yoga (Barbara Benagh) and The Two Week Turnaround Interval Walk (Chris Frietag)
    1/8 Strength and Stamina 2 Kelly Coffee-Meyer, 30 minutes
    1/9 Walk Off Fat Fast 30 minutes
  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member
    Just 40 minutes to work and back so far. I might just march for 20 minutes later to try to boost my mileage.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January goal:
    - 120 miles , 15 over 10,000 steps
    - Leslie Sansone DVD twice per week
    - Weights,
    - Balance

    Week 1 - 21.02 miles

    Jan 8 - 3.04 miles - outside
    Jan 9 - 3 miles - outside
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    I am going for 3.5/day or 108.5 for the month of January!

    1/1-Endomondo tracked walk through Delftse Hout and Wandelparkm Parks in The Haguge, Netherlands-4.0 miles=4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=6.9 miles total
    1/2- Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles=8.6 miles total
    1/3- Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=10.2 miles total
    1/4-Endomondo tracked Canal Walk-3.2 miles=13.4 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 1.4=14.8 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=17.7 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=19.1 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 4.0 miles= 23.1 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 5.1 miles= 28.2 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=31.8 total miles

    Too cold for canal walks, but I made up for it by walking around IKEA for 3 hours helping my son pick out his new closet system. So everyone, if all else fails-go shopping!!!! :laugh: Since I spent most of yesterday on a plane back to the US, I did not think I would make my goal, but apparently, having departure and arrival gates as far away from the entrance to the Airport terminals as possible is a "good thing?" :grumble: Love the snow and working out with Leslie this afternoon! :+1:

    It is great to see so many new walkers joining us. Happy New Year and may we all meet or maintain our health and fitness goals in 2017!!!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member
    40 minutes outside again.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    I am going for 3.5/day or 108.5 for the month of January!

    1/1-Endomondo tracked walk through Delftse Hout and Wandelparkm Parks in The Haguge, Netherlands-4.0 miles=4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=6.9 miles total
    1/2- Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles=8.6 miles total
    1/3- Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=10.2 miles total
    1/4-Endomondo tracked Canal Walk-3.2 miles=13.4 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 1.4=14.8 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=17.7 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=19.1 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 4.0 miles= 23.1 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 5.1 miles= 28.2 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=31.8 total miles
    1/10-WAH-American Heart Assoc Walk-3 miles=34.8 total miles

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    2 Mile walk This Way

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    I am going for 3.5/day or 108.5 for the month of January!

    1/1-Endomondo tracked walk through Delftse Hout and Wandelparkm Parks in The Haguge, Netherlands-4.0 miles=4 miles total
    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=6.9 miles total
    1/2- Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles=8.6 miles total
    1/3- Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=10.2 miles total
    1/4-Endomondo tracked Canal Walk-3.2 miles=13.4 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 1.4=14.8 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=17.7 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=19.1 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 4.0 miles= 23.1 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 5.1 miles= 28.2 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=31.8 total miles
    1/10-WAH-American Heart Assoc Walk-3 miles=34.8 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=37.8 total miles

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    1/1 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/2 Pilates Burn and Firm by Ellen Barrett
    1/4 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    1/5 5 Day Slim down (38 minutes; miles 3 and 4)
    1/6 Walk and Jog
    1/7 Over 50 Yoga (Barbara Benagh) and The Two Week Turnaround Interval Walk (Chris Frietag)
    1/8 Strength and Stamina 2 Kelly Coffee-Meyer, 30 minutes
    1/9 Walk Off Fat Fast 30 minutes
    1/10 Strength training and 16 minutes of Caridio Core Abs by Jessica Smith

    Nice going you Walkers!!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    4 x 8 using 8 lb weights, 25 lbs on the overhead press/squat
    Bicep curls
    tricep extensions
    overhead presses with plie squats
    front/back lunges
    16 minute standing ab routine
    4 Mile Super Challenge

    Walk, walk, walk!!
  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member
    So mad with myself that I haven't done anything today.
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this group. I love walking and LOVE Leslie's DVDs. I am a bigger lady and can't cope with many other DVDs as there's too much jumping. It hurts my knees when I try that stuff. Leslie is great and I've walked of 10 pounds so far. I try and do a walk everyday. I have a few DVDs and also her app. It just depends on my mood for the day :)
    Today I got up and did Burn 30 from her app. I am happy to say I was a drippy sweaty mess afterwards :smile:
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January goal:
    - 120 miles , 15 over 10,000 steps
    - Leslie Sansone DVD twice per week
    - Weights,
    - Balance

    Week 1 - 21.02 miles

    Jan 8 - 3.04 miles - outside
    Jan 9 - 3 miles - outside
    Jan 10 - 1.34 miles .....oopsie, but I only have one more month of taxes to Do!
    Jan 11 - 2.37 miles. Dancing at the nursing home.

    Such wacky weather going On! Some of you have rain and flooding and I have -40 windchill and whiteout conditions. Stay safe everyone.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    4.24 walk this morning