20 Weeks of Strength Building - Team Finish_No_Matter_What



  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Kristie- I am so over any type of cardio workout! Way too much exertion for me! I preferred the results I get from heavy lifting as well as the amount of effort put into it. In reality, 21 lifts today = 21x30sec work time is really only 10.5 minutes of actual work out of one hour. The workout that I do for the Kettlebell is very similar to strong lift workout. For the 26 swings equals 26×15 seconds work time is really only 6.5 minutes of actual work time. And you have to love the afterburn of heavy lifting on your muscles! I have to say though that my niece did lose a lot of weight after doing the 30 day shred. However, she did call me up because she wanted to get more muscle definition! Now she has my lighter Kettlebell.


    I hear ya! If I don't enjoy it then I don't want to do it. I love walking so I know I will do it for the rest of my life. I even enjoy a light jog once in awhile (certainly not at this higher weight) but my point is that I will only do it if I can enjoy it. I know most people hate jogging and it's wonderful knowing that I don't HAVE to do it to achieve my goals. I just enjoy it sometimes so I do it for that runner's high. Fanncy, you introduced me to the kettlebell and I must say that I am so glad I have that Ace card to play when I am ready. I REALLY enjoyed it a lot. As weird as it might sound, the main reason I am not doing it already is that I sort of want to wait until either my weight loss stalls at some point or I feel a need to change things up. It's like a treat that I am saving. Fanncy, I can't thank you enough for the kettlebell tips.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Oh, I forgot to add that I also do the elliptical. The reason I enjoy it is that I only do it because I am watching TV show. So, I made the decision that I might as well burn some calories instead of sitting on the couch. I do it so slowly that I don't even break a sweat. If I log the activity in MFP, it automatically assumes this high number of calories burned because I guess that's typical. But again, I do it so slowly that I only earned 300 calories this morning for 90 minutes. MFP will give me that many calories for 30 minutes. I'm not saying that I'm proud of my minimum efforts on the elliptical but just that I try to do something productive while watching TV and something that I don't dread.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Great point! DDHFree, if you like to do it it really isn't so much exercise as it is enjoyable!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I do 10 min on the treadmill to warm up because I feel better going into squats with my blood flowing already. I'm a lifelong dancer, I need my warmups! I don't do any other cardio anymore though. I've been looking for a dance studio to take a class or two at but they don't offer the styles I want to do so nothing on that front yet. I miss dance though, and I bet modern falls and rolls/floorwork will be so much easier after all the squats though!

    DD, I do appreciate that even my comparatively weak OHP already created some definition in my shoulders, and I love that. It's probably what keeps me from feeling more than mildly annoyed that I haven't progressed in weight there. Good shoulders = hawt!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Mary, I prefer lifting as well but since I have to take it easy due to my leg injury I wanted to add some other movement in my routine. I'm pumped to get stronger and smaller :) The JM video I have is Ripped in 30, which is strength, cardio and abs. I did 2 30 second planks, pushups (eh, sorta) good mornings and flys before I called it quits. She does hold 5# weights for these though lol.

    I hate running, but will walk/jog/run in the summer with my dog. Like 3 miles or less round trip. Never any more than that! I just like getting out in the sunshine.

    DD, that sounds like an awesome way to watch tv!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Kirstie, be a little careful with Ripped in 30 if you have any old injuries or weak spots. I have bad wrists (inflexible) and the week 2 workouts is 75% plank work. Months later I still have such bad wrist inflammation that I can't put any weight on the worse one. There isn't as much modification in this one as in 30 day shred. I'd probably do a more straight cardio (zumba, bike, running, etc) on the off days so as not to overtrain or overwork my lifting muscles. Plus, she doesn't give any rest time between sets, which keeps your heart rate up but may cause you to compromise form as you get tired.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Amy- I did learn a wrist trick for push-ups from P 90 X. Place dumbbells on the floor to grip or they have push-up handles that rotate to accommodate any movement you may have as you go up and down in the exercise. I did not like them as much as I liked using the dumbbells. Both ways really take the strain off of your wrists. Now I just do them without since I have built up my wrists. I would suggest that everyone should do some type of wrist building exercise. I know that as I got heavier with the weight for squats it did affect my wrists. Also, every lift will eventually require strong wrists. Taping or wrapping them will also take pressure off of them.

  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I got partial workouts in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday last week.

    No strength training so far this week. :( Have been getting a lunch walk in each day for 25-30 minutes, so at least I'm doing something.

    Going to try to make some time to work out at home tonight. Wish me luck! lol
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Amy- I did learn a wrist trick for push-ups from P 90 X. Place dumbbells on the floor to grip or they have push-up handles that rotate to accommodate any movement you may have as you go up and down in the exercise. I did not like them as much as I liked using the dumbbells. Both ways really take the strain off of your wrists. Now I just do them without since I have built up my wrists. I would suggest that everyone should do some type of wrist building exercise. I know that as I got heavier with the weight for squats it did affect my wrists. Also, every lift will eventually require strong wrists. Taping or wrapping them will also take pressure off of them.


    Thanks, I actually only do pushups on DBs anymore. I bought wrist wraps within the first few weeks of doing SL and they definitely help!
  • klove808
    klove808 Posts: 346 Member
    This is the happening place to be. :). So much inspiration and information. You all rock.

    Strong lifts (not so strong yet) Dumbbells

    Squats: 42 . w/1 xtra set
    Bench: 20 . w/ 2 xtra @ 8 reps
    Row: 25 . De loaded - more sets, 2 different rows to hit upper and lower lats.
    This was too easy really.

    A little carries, calesthenics and yoga after.

    *due to not eating much for a few days protein goals were a miss. Back on track.
    *pull ups - haven't worked on that this week......shucks
    *lost another #, not a problem but def don't want to lose more. Not so good for the strength building goals.

    Happy lifting all. Congrats on progress and dedication. :) !
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    If anybody is interested in doing a 21 day keto diet I am starting February 5 through the 25th. If you are it would be a good idea to slowly start restricting carbs. Macros for this are, fat – 70 to 75%, protein – 15 to 20%, carbs 5 to 10% not to exceed 20–25 g of carbs per day. This will help prevent the keto flu. Also, when I eat this way I lose a tremendous amount of weight - Fat - in a short period of time.

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Thanks for the wrist advice! Once my lifts are heavier I wont have the energy for JM anyway, but right now I have no DOMS and am just feeling so pumped I want to workout everyday :) I'm sure that wont last!

    Great lifting today, you'll be lifting heavier in no time!

    I started eating Zero Carb 2 weeks ago. ZC is eating only from the animal kingdom, meat, dairy and eggs...and its technically keto. So I'm in if you'll have me. TBH I was hoping for the massive scale drop so many people say they get when they reduce carbs, but even with the holiday bloat loss, lifting again, eating better, Im down about 8# but with 50 or more to lose, I was really hoping for about double that.

    Oh, and everyone...I have done tons of research about eating this way, and have made an informed decision to do so, and plan to eat this way for a long time. Please if you disagree, lets keep it friendly :) Thanks!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Kirstie, clearly you've ventured onto the main boards to put the keto disclaimer out there, haha! I eat lowish carb but not full keto so no flak from me. I've been kind of lazy with my tracking and eaten more of my kiddo's leftover goldfish and bread crusts than I should but I know I'm still under 150 grams a day. Full on keto is too intense for me but staying low carb high fat has helped me lose 25 lb in the second half of 2016 so I plan on sticking with it long term. Good for my insulin resistance too.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    Amy, I don't post anything in the main forums anymore, it really is brutal out there! Aside from my husband, I haven't even told anyone IRL that I only eat meat. I'm just not ready yet to defend my choice to eat this way, since it goes against the main stream and is so restricted. But I have done my research, and believe this is the best way for me to eat.

    I'm so glad to hear you dropped 25# last year, I wish I could say the same. I gained 25# in 2016 :( That makes me so disappointed to type that.

    ETA: I worked out tonight again.
    SL exercise B
    Squats 70# 5/5/5/5/4
    OHP 55# 5/5/5/4/4
    DL 105# 1x5

    My form felt a little shakey on squats, so I'm not counting that last set as complete. Technically I did it but don't like to progress unless form was spot on.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kristie- Great! You are already doing it. How long have you been eating this? I'll probably be asking you for information! I don't know what people mean by massive loss but I lost 4lbs a week the first and only time I tried it. Supposedly 3 weeks is the amount of time that your body needs to be stimulated to go into ketosis and help reprogram your body to smoothly go back and forth between being in ketosis and burning carbs. Prior to the over abundance of high carb food our bodies use to do this automatically. We can share food ideas.

  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week: 4 Workout: #2

    Squat 68 lb 4 × 3

    Bench Press 56 lb 4 x 6

    Lat Pulldown 60 lb 4 x 6

    Go team Finish_No_Matter_What
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Regarding the ketogenic diet... first let me say that I fully believe our group has what it takes to respect each others individual choices. I trust that if it were necessary, we could ALL disagree on a topic and still be MOST respectful. Now that we got that out the way. :smile:

    Don't be too shocked but even I am interested in the details of ketogenic diet. I eat a predominately vegan diet which is about 99% vegan. I've been doing a little research on the vegan version of ketogenic. I am mostly curious but also would love any extra help in fat burning. But I still have a lot of questions. Hopefully I can find enough answers and possibly join you guys. I already know it's possible to do it as a vegan but that your choices become that much more limited. Maybe it not as effective, I don't know...

    My main questions is do you gain the weight back when you stop eating that way? I ask because I don't anticipate making it a lifestyle but just want to try it.

    Also, I suppose you still have to make sure you are in a caloric deficit to lose. Right?

    Thanks for bringing the topic to our group Fanncy.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Have you ladies checked out the Low Carb Daily group? Tons of good info on there for all things low carb, including keto. Generally a very nice bunch as well.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    @DDHFREE yes, you still have to be in a deficit. Low carb makes it easier for many to stay in a deficit without feeling deprived bc fat is very satiating for them. Not everyone finds fat satiating but I do so for me it works well.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Disclaimer: I have done all kinds of diets over the years. My problem is not sticking to a WOE, and when I fall off the wagon I land headfirst into cakes and cookies and binge eating for weeks or longer before I try again. This is why I weighed over 200# at the start of the year. I am personally working on my "all or nothing" mindset.

    So to answer your question, I really started (again) on 1/1, and started eating carnivore or "zero carb" on 1/8.
    Since 1/1 I have experienced less hunger and am able to skip meals with no side effects, lost about 8 pounds, dramatically reduced my stomach bloat, had a few nights of amazing sleep, have been fighting off the sickness going around without it taking me out! Those are the positives.

    I also experienced almost 2 full weeks of loose bowels, have had some sleepless nights, have been tired, feel like I'm fighting the sickness going around. But...I also started lifting again, and it is flu season. So its hard to say what is causing me to be tired, or feel off a lot. Keto flu? The actual flu? A combination?

    I have read that it can take some people a month or so to really start feeling amazing. I feel better than I did before eating this way. That is just my little story.

    This is a great low carb community, with several people eating keto, and some zero carb. Amy, are you in this group too? http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    DD, I agree, I think that we have an awesome group here and I am glad to be part of it! I think I have run across some people attempting a vegetarian keto, I think it would be almost impossible to do as a vegan though unless you eat a lot of plant or seed oils. Would you consider eating fish or eggs? That would help to get your fats in. Fatty foods like peanut butter tend to have a lot of carbs and sugar in them :/

    As far as gaining the weight back, your mileage may vary. There is a lot of science behind what happens when you eat certain foods, and I am not the right person to speak on that. It's about insulin resistance, and glucose...I get confused. The above group has a lot of really insightful people in it, and lots cite their sources so that you can do your own research rather than taking them at face value. I've learned a lot from being in that group!

    Sorry for the novel!