Janu-ready for a new You (January workout thread)



  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    edited January 2017
    jowaring wrote: »
    jowaring wrote: »
    Would you do the accessory lifts at the end of the workout?I'm stuck on ohp. Been at 47lbs for ages.

    wendler says to do it after the regular lift, yes. but he's talking about boring-but-big, and 'big' isn't a motivation of mine. what worked nicely for me was . . . my brain's fritzed. i can't think of a way to say it that won't make it nine times more complicated than it already is.

    i'd do my heavy workout for that day. then, once that was done i'd take whatever lift i was going to do NEXT in the heavy lineup, and i'd do the light sets. so if i'm deadlifting next, i do 5x10 light deadlifts at least two days before that. it's different for me because i'm doing 5/3/1 so technically my basic lineup is just one lift per workout and that gives me more room. even more on top of that because of the way that i double up every friday for trainer day.

    for stronglifts, i can't picture anyone sane doing the three heavy lifts and then trying to do 5x10 of those same lifts on the same day. if it helps any, i wouldn't do this for any of them more than once a week. originally i was just taking two per week and doing those, so each of them only got two 'sessions' that style in a month.

    Or I might be better doin it on non lift days a couple times a week?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-46X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th- 25th
    In preparation for this challenge I will be reducing the amount of processed foods and foods high in sugar. Yes that includes some high natural sugary fruits.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Squats 5x5 @ 120. This is hard enough that I'll stay here for one more workout and probably try for 125 on Monday.
    Benchpress: 5x5 @ 70
    Wretched Rows: 2x10 @ 85, 1x15 @ 85. I used a heavier bar with a smaller diameter today and that actually felt a little better. I may stick with that bar for rows in the future.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Squats 5x5 @ 120. This is hard enough that I'll stay here for one more workout and probably try for 125 on Monday.
    Benchpress: 5x5 @ 70
    Wretched Rows: 2x10 @ 85, 1x15 @ 85. I used a heavier bar with a smaller diameter today and that actually felt a little better. I may stick with that bar for rows in the future.

    Love the name wretched rows lol.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    jowaring wrote: »

    Love the name wretched rows lol.
    I really hate doing them, lol!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    jowaring wrote: »
    Thank you! I'm stuck around 60lb on bench so I'll try alternating the lighter lifts at the end of my main workouts.so I'll do bench if bench is the lift in the next workout and vice versa.

    i'm looking forward to hearing about it. i loved bbb, but i'm still struggling to set up a consistent schedule that will allow me to find a new slot to do it.

    on that note, i gymmed today after the ride home. only bench though. haven't cracked my wendler spreadsheet all month so idek what my weight 'ought' to be. but i faked 5's week by doing 55/60/65 and stopping it there since last week i had all that upper back/shoulder freetting. then i took the plates off the bar and did 3x10 sets, so there was that.

    squats hopeless. my hips are a hot mess and haven't caught up to all the beater-bike strain recently. i just could not find anything that didn't pinch or firecracker me, so i didn't do them. it ain't like i don't take my squat shoes with me everywhere that i go, either :tongue: just not sorted or settled yet.

    i miss my weight room routine so much, sigh. but this too shall pass, and once valentine's day is behind us the population in there should thin out a bit too. meanwhile i'm still sherpa'ing food, and that part is great. a) if i take it, i eat it, so i seem to eat all day long. and b) i'm eating a lot more plant life because my whole grocery store perspective has shifted to 'don't bother me with what i might feel like eating. just gimme lots of the kind of stuff i can transport without having to do even more chores.' lots of apples and carrots and cheerios, just to fill in the gaps.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats- 1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR- -5X5X 85
    This is the first time that I have been up to 90 pounds on my squat since I deloaded due to not being able to go parallel last year. I went parallel just fine this time!

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15
    Weight and measurements will be taken on Saturday!

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th - 25th
    Set your macros to;
    Fat 75%
    Protein 20%
    Carbs 5%
    Continue to slowly reduce the amount of processed food and sugar. Check your nutrition chart to see how close you are to the Keto macros.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,808 Member
    edited January 2017
    Stronglifts workout B

    OHP - after two warmup sets of 10 @ 20 lb, 5 x 5 @ 30 lb.
    Back squats: 1 x 8 @ 65 lb, 1 x 6 @ 75 lb, 3 x 5 @ 80 lb was freaking out worrying about whether the bar would catch properly on both sides. I need to get used to this. Also worry about whether the bar will fall if I stand upright.
    Deadlifts: 1 x 5 @ 70 lb

    Walked 3.5 miles after that. But on the last mile, that upper quad muscle started hurting again! will that ever go away?? I'm considering whether this could be a hip flexor issue. I know some expert sports massage therapists - they work with my old marathon club, the Kona Ironman athletes, college sports teams, cycling and tri clubs, etc etc so they know their business. I'll check in with one of them. Would do me good in any case.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I've been slacking in the gym but making the effort to change things to get back to somewhat of a routine.

    Lower Body

    squat high bar 1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 2x8 @ 135
    low bar 1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 2x8 @ 135
    good morning 3x10 @ 95
    pause squat 3x4 @ 95
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i realised halfway through today that i'm still not taking things seriously. what i should have done yesterday was my 3's week for press and deadlift, since i won't do them on friday at mr t's place. i've been so mesmerized by the knowledge that those squats were coming at me, i clean forgot.

    anyway, stopped in the gym on the way home and put that right. and it was good. :D

    press 50/55/60. started out wanting to duck the whole 'heavy' issue by just doing 10x5. i swear those high-volume routines have become my cop-out from going heavy. but someone else asked for the rack after 4x5 with the bar, so instead of making him wait through another 6 sets i got serious and did my 3's-week work sets like a big girl.

    deadlift i just did it kosher. idek what my weights 'should' be this week, but last week in 5's i topped out at 145, so 135/145/155 seemed close enough. i did the work reps slowly and carefully, more like singles, because i do feel like i've re-forgotten my groove. but with that said, i kept doing the 155 reps until i had 10 again :tongue:

    i think my ego is getting involved in all this. so on saturday, i'm planning to settle back down. i'll do my 10's sets at press and deadlift, and then we'll just see where things go.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 6x5x30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 48x7x30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks - 4×15

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    Start cleaning out cupboards and refrigerator in preparation for Keto foods and rid the house of temptation!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,808 Member
    Part of Stronglifts workout A - laid off the squats to give that quad muscle a break

    Barbell bench press - 1 x 10 @ 45 lb warmup
    2 x 5 @ 65 lb; 2 x 5 @ 70 lb; 1 x 5 @ 65 lb
    It's easier to balance the barbell when it's heavier.

    Barbell row 5 x 5 @ 70 lb. I should have done 65 lb instead. Felt like my arms were doing more work instead of my back.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    re-tested my one-rep max for bench so we can set a new training weight, on t-day. it came out at 80, which bleh. squats still not working at all.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to the gym before work today and did upper body.

    band pull apart - 2x10
    one arm db row - 3x10 @ 37.5
    bench press - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 3x5 @ 80
    pause bench - 2x5 @ 55
    decline bench - 1x8 @ 45 and 3x8 @ 55
    overhead tricep extension - 3x10 @ 25
    cable bicep curl - 3x10 @ 55
    face pull - 3x10 @ 55

    Walk on treadmill for 30 minutes.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Missed a workout this week,had a migraine thurs night and still felt grim on fri morn.
    Todays workout
    Squats 1x5 bodyweight,1x5@65lbs 5x5@100lbs
    Bench 1x5@45lbs,1x5@50lbs 5x5@60lbs
    Rows1x5@55lbs 5x5@67lbs.
    Then i did 4x10 ohp at 20 lbs to see if it helps improve my ohp.ive been stuck at 47lbs for ages now.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,808 Member
    Just ordered these fractional weights to see if they'll help me improve my OHP.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,808 Member
    re-tested my one-rep max for bench so we can set a new training weight, on t-day. it came out at 80, which bleh. squats still not working at all.

    Your legs are still worn out from your biking? :-( that sucks
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1 X5X 45/50/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X 95/115/125/130

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-24X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    It is important to make sure that we drink enough water. I will start to increase my water intake daily which will help to eliminate side effects.

    4 Week Check
    Weight loss-6.8 pounds
    Inches loss-8.75 inches
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    re-tested my one-rep max for bench so we can set a new training weight, on t-day. it came out at 80, which bleh. squats still not working at all.

    Your legs are still worn out from your biking? :-( that sucks

    more like everything's gone stringy and tight in my hips. i just can't find a groove to move in that doesn't set something pinching or catching on something else. i may be paranoid but i feel like it's the sort of thing you definitely shouldn't keep doing and hope it'll work itself out.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Grumbly grumble today. I hate going to the gym on Saturday! Also my gym seems to be moving weight equipment around every other day and it's getting really crowded. I heard a rumor about another squat rack going in, but I don't know where they could put it!

    Squats: 5x5@ 120. Think I'll go for 125 next week!
    OHP: Skipping until my pulled/strained rib muscle calms down.
    Deadlift: 2x5 @ 125! Deadlifted my goal weight, ha! I tried one in sumo but I don't know if I did it right so sticking with traditional for now. I had to switch to the over/under grip today for the first time, and just starting to get some lifting calluses starting up. #beast
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Black Team

    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1 X5X 45/50/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X 95/115/125/130

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-24X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    It is important to make sure that we drink enough water. I will start to increase my water intake daily which will help to eliminate side effects.

    4 Week Check
    Weight loss-6.8 pounds
    Inches loss-8.75 inches

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    jowaring wrote: »
    Or I might be better doin it on non lift days a couple times a week?

    i'm not sure i'm qualified to give you advice in a trainer-type way, but fwiw my own primary focus is just to arrange it in any way that won't interfere with my 'major' workouts. so for myself, it seems to work best if i try to space in a little recovery time. for me, the 50-rep workouts are really meant to create physiological stress. they're actually almost more like an 'active rest' thing specific to whatever lift it is that i do.

    so i do them for mechanical practice, because bear in mind that on wendler you only do each lift once a week and the reps can be really low too. that just doesn't seem to work well for my amnesiac neuro-system. and tell you the honest truth, i kind of do them for fun. they're a psychological break, where you get to 'lift' without feeling like you're doing really hard work.

    so i guess i suggest maybe tinker around, see if you can work out what way of doing it works best for you. doesn't have to be a whole 50 reps either, of course :tongue: or done in sets of 10. i do really like them because they give me time to really notice all the subtle secondary things that seem like they make a difference, but they do need to be light when you do that many of them.

    other thing that i think really helps me with ohp, i just remembered - band pulls. my trainer's pretty easy-going, but he does have a bit of a Thing about shoulder health. so he's beady about making everyone do 10-15 chest-level pulls with a rubber band between EVERY set of an upper-body lift. doesn't have to be 'heavy' or progressive in any way, but he's very adamant that it has to be done. wide-awake back == much stronger and more stable 'shelf' in and around your armpits, so that gives you a much stronger - and safer press.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    annnnnnnd . . . after all that, it was 50-rep day. since it's been four weeks exactly since i came down with the flu, i reset on this too. did press at 45 and deadlifts at 100. and i did the presses in 10 sets of 5, like when i first started this. :tongue:

    it feels so good to be back, and somehow doing this makes me feel like i'm really back. my presses were wandering a little again, to start out. i was cleaning the bar since the racks were taken, so maybe that played a role. but after a while i began to remember finding that natural place right under the spot where my collarbones meet, and kind of 'pulling' the bar down into my chest to start with. things got easier and easier as the sets went by, after that. i honestly do have a narrow little positional groove, where if i start the bar there and i'm doing all of the other things right, it's suddenly like someone moved me into a smith machine. it suddenly gets that much eaiser and more 'consistent' in terms of bar path.

    deadlifts i'm pleased with as well. i remembered early about DO NOT DROP YOUR HIPS once you've taken hold of the bar, and whoa the difference. i let go and stood up after every rep, so as to get the full-range practice. and that being so i did do them as 'sets' of 10, instead of breaking them up into five.

    what i really liked about my deadlifts was: half the time, after i'd set the bar down and come upright again, i could look down and it would be exactly where it had been before i closed my eyes and bent down. bang over the bows in my shoelaces. with the first set or two, i noticed that it would end up an inch or two out, so after that i started to make a trivial little sub-challenge of it. i did pretty well with it, for a first time even thinking about that, and idk - maybe it's irrelevant, but i certainly feel like that has to be the mark of an 'efficient' bar path.

    unrelated: whoever suggested i try squatting with my eyes closed in t-space was joking, but i actually am doing a lot of this now. call me weird, but it helps me a lot . i can feel so many more different muscles moving, and what they're doing when i've got nothing to do but 'notice' them.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    jowaring wrote: »
    Or I might be better doin it on non lift days a couple times a week?

    i'm not sure i'm qualified to give you advice in a trainer-type way, but fwiw my own primary focus is just to arrange it in any way that won't interfere with my 'major' workouts. so for myself, it seems to work best if i try to space in a little recovery time. for me, the 50-rep workouts are really meant to create physiological stress. they're actually almost more like an 'active rest' thing specific to whatever lift it is that i do.

    so i do them for mechanical practice, because bear in mind that on wendler you only do each lift once a week and the reps can be really low too. that just doesn't seem to work well for my amnesiac neuro-system. and tell you the honest truth, i kind of do them for fun. they're a psychological break, where you get to 'lift' without feeling like you're doing really hard work.

    so i guess i suggest maybe tinker around, see if you can work out what way of doing it works best for you. doesn't have to be a whole 50 reps either, of course :tongue: or done in sets of 10. i do really like them because they give me time to really notice all the subtle secondary things that seem like they make a difference, but they do need to be light when you do that many of them.

    other thing that i think really helps me with ohp, i just remembered - band pulls. my trainer's pretty easy-going, but he does have a bit of a Thing about shoulder health. so he's beady about making everyone do 10-15 chest-level pulls with a rubber band between EVERY set of an upper-body lift. doesn't have to be 'heavy' or progressive in any way, but he's very adamant that it has to be done. wide-awake back == much stronger and more stable 'shelf' in and around your armpits, so that gives you a much stronger - and safer press.

    Thanks ill have a play around,i did 4x10 ohp at 20lbs yesterday,it was good lifting a low weight and concentrating on form.didnt feel like too much extra work either.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    @jowaring SideSteel might be a good one to ask about that. He is a trainer by trade.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 27X7X30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Rest Day

    Keto 3week Challenge February 5th-25th
    Drink water!
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout
    Squats 1x5@45lbs 1x5@89lbs 5x5@104lbs.
    Ohp 1x5@15lbs 1x5@35lbs 6x5@45lbs.
    Deadlift 1x5@100lbs 1x5 @126lbs 1x5 @131lbs.first time at this weight!

    How is everyone that eats in a calorie deficit coping?I've dropped my cals to 1700 and I'm waking up in the middle of the night starving and nauseous.i was eating 1900 but not losing.ive gained muscle in my quads and arms but no inches lost.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    jowaring- congratulations on your DL! I am eating at a deficit since January 1, and I experienced mostly loss of energy. Now I'm fine. My body adapted and I am now losing and I got my energy back. What type of eating do you do?? CICO, low carb, ...
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    jowaring- congratulations on your DL! I am eating at a deficit since January 1, and I experienced mostly loss of energy. Now I'm fine. My body adapted and I am now losing and I got my energy back. What type of eating do you do?? CICO, low carb, ...

    Thanks it feels good when we hit new goals! I'm just following cico. It might just take some getting used to.its mostly the early hours after lifting days that I'm waking so hungry.its so intense I'm getting up and eating.i try to ignore it but can't get back to sleep lol.i have an active job too so always busy.i may try to eat more on lifting days. Have you started low carb?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    jowaring- we will be doing the keto diet for three weeks starting February 5. That is high fat minimal protein and low carb. A total change in body chemistry from carb burning to fat burning. However you do not worry about calories with this eating plan. It is more about making sure you get enough fat and your body goes into the state of ketosis. It really gets rid of belly fat!
This discussion has been closed.