Tell Me About Yourself!



  • PrincessMangoxChicago
    I'm Amanda, 5'8 167 pounds. I just had a son, and during the process I gained a lot of weight. I want to get rid of it (and then some) Right now what I realy want is to be able to at least complete the insanity workout!

    Insanity looks well..insane!! And that being said, I totally want to do it. I have to build up my stamina a bit first. but it's only my to-do list. :)
  • PrincessMangoxChicago
    chealseyb wrote: »
    Hi! I'm a 34 year old mommy of 2. In 2014 I was diagnosed with supra ventricular tachardia and preventricular contractions. Because of this I was put on a beta blocker. The medication caused me to gain 40 pounds that I need to get rid of. I'm now on a calcium channel blocker that may help me to lose the weight that I gained on the other meds. So far I've only been able to maintain my weight not lose anything.
    Looking for lots of support and motivation because the scale doesn't move quickly for me. I used MFP after both my kids and had lots of success.

    I know with those meds it makes your heart maintain a lower rate, which is way it may be hard to burn to calories. Do you do weight training? I think it will help a lot :) The more muscle you gain, the more fat your body will burn at rest.
  • chealseyb
    chealseyb Posts: 16 Member
    Weight training all the way! Cardio just makes me tired and doesn't really increase my heart rate.
  • PrincessMangoxChicago
    chealseyb wrote: »
    Weight training all the way! Cardio just makes me tired and doesn't really increase my heart rate.

    yay!! weight training is amazing. I know sometimes women are afraid of it, I used to be one of them. I was afraid to get big or bulky. but now i absolutely love it <3
  • hanglas1998
    hanglas1998 Posts: 25 Member
    Hw: 11 stone 11lbs
    Sw: 9 stone 3lbs
    Cw: 9 stone
    Gw: 8stone or when I'm happy with my body

    18 years old, have Crohn's disease which made me not want to eat food, feel sick all the time, terrible pain and made me look like a skeleton and ruin my life, recently on new medication which has made me back to my bubbly, confident self! Unfortunately from eating loads I have gained over a stone of weight and want my beach body back! Flat stomach but with the figure this time and not just a skeleton;) started slimming world Tuesday and lost 3lbs so far in 3 days! So happy to be on track! Using the app to count syns and make sure i stay on track and have friends to talk to and motivate :) add me to talk! Hope you all get to where you want to be <3
  • Mackattack72
    Mackattack72 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm kinda late get to the party, did a social media fast to support some friends. I'm James but most call me Mack. I'm 6'3" and as of today 225! Down 10 pounds so far as needing 10 more to reach my goal. I've mostly been doing MFP on my own, hasn't been the best route. Since I've reached out and added friends it's really helped me. I'm more accountable now and seeing others success is pushing me to my goal! Liking and commenting on my friends I hope is helping them as well. Looking forward to a lot of success in the group this year!
  • cshock93
    cshock93 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello all, I'm Cimia. I'm 24 and a college student. I juat finished my degree in ece, and am now working on my degree in psychology. I used to use mfp, and lost a decent bit of weight. Now my goal is to gain muscle. I just lack the motivation to work out all the time, but I'm working on it.