Rock Your Resolution: January 2017 Challenge, Week 2 (1/8-1/14)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Oh and updates: My DH is also doing awesome. (He's gone lower carb, not keto.) He's gone from 224 to 205.4 (recently finally busted through his 208-209 plateau). He was aiming for 195 but now thinks maybe he really could go even lower! (Previously he didn't think he could get below 200 b/c of his build but he's doing great.)

    My sister (Type II diabetes) also started keto this week. She said it's really tough so far. I'm pulling for her! Her husband's been eating keto for a year so that should help!
  • ked24_7
    ked24_7 Posts: 11 Member
    Meh same weight as last week but not surprised after a bad 3 days. Goals for the week-
    1. Clean eating and focusing on staying within my calories 1100-1300. Achieved W, Th, Fri
    2. No binging - not even once! Achieved
    3. Make a list of rewards that aren't food related.
    goals- 183 = eyebrow wax (desperately needed!)
    -179 = haircut
    - 175 = mini shopping spree (100$ or less).
    Heading in to the weekend in a good mindset!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Still staying keto. Had a latte and felt a bit bad about all the carbs from 8-10 ounces of milk. I might have found the perfect keto eggless tortilla, bread etc. recipe. My partner made keto fudge and it's just so amazing.So yeah staying keto and ketosis but calories aren't dropping and neither is my weight. Still waiting for my period to begin to see if any of the water weight will go.
    Gotta start getting back on the fitdesk bike. I'm a bit bummed that it's almost mid month but I haven't seen high 180s or low 190s. But back on the mindset, taking my meds and supplements. Sleep is a bit better but really really need to sleep earlier. Winter's hard.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1/14 check in...good on weight and carbs. Got my collagen in. No workout. Only one jog this week due to weather. I did well with strength training and did some indoor cardio this week. Good week overall!