Blog Your Ride



  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    So have been on a keto eating plan for about a month and lost about 15 pounds. The big test is this Saturday. Doing a small 16 mile ride with homemade unsweetened elites and NO CARBS. The test is too see how my energy levels react to just fat burning. Fingers crossed that it is a success as mid-August I am doing a 40 mile ride. The weather is 21 Celsius and cloudy so heat exhaustion shldn't be a threat. Wish me luck. Will report back on the ride upon completion.
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    Not sure if anyone is participating in this group anymore but here's hoping .....

    Had a great ride Sat and finished the Ride which turned out to be 20 miles rather than the posted 16 as the trails had to be changed at the last minute due to a torrential rain storm the night before which flooded some if the trails. I did not drink my elites but used Salt Stick Caps. I started to get a calf cramp but took another cap and the cramp did not reappear. I had plenty of energy to finish the Ride and afterwards so feel amazing about that. The LCHF program actually seemed to give me more energy than my previous carb loading pre and during a ride. However right at the end after the last vet check I suddenly became extremely nauseous which lasted about 5 min. Afterwards the upper part of my stomach was sore for about an hour. Not sure what that was about.

    Thor and Dolly did well but due to the trail change there was a lot of gravel road work which was hard on them as we ride barefoot. As a result we had to walk most of this especially during the 2nd loop so our time was horrible as we only averaged 41/2 mph instead of 7 (the max avg speed allowed). Both horses are well today and are not foot sore at all but we are still giving them a few days off.