Dajoloehrs journey



  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Sometimes a dose of sunshine, fresh air, and lots of water helps when down in the dumps.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    @brendagaudette I don't, but I'm thinking I should start. Ive never had the lack of sun effect me before, also I rarely get sick and a doctor told my husband to take it when he was sick.
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    I went from living in LA where it is always sunny to Portland where it is gray and rainy. I totally started getting in a funk too but after taking Vitamin D I started feeling much better. What has helped me also is to try and get one thing down at a time. As a big workout advocate I was struggling to do OMAD and training so I simplified things and now I'm focusing on OMAD. It took the pressure off. Keep up your efforts!
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    KetoKaHee wrote: »
    I went from living in LA where it is always sunny to Portland where it is gray and rainy.
    When I think of Portland I think of the TV series Grimm
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    leveejohn wrote: »
    KetoKaHee wrote: »
    I went from living in LA where it is always sunny to Portland where it is gray and rainy.
    When I think of Portland I think of the TV series Grimm

    I've never watched it. Sounds scary...ha!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Are you getting adequate protein and taking a multi-vitamin/mineral supp daily? It helps me a lot! Also, get adequate sleep.
  • Mom2annie
    Mom2annie Posts: 177 Member
    @dajoloehr I have been in a vicious cycle of funk too. Eat bad because I feel down, feel down because I ate bad. I also feel the eat-to-live monster lurking about the last week or two. I'm fine at work but if I'm off work for a day, the day is blown. My motivation is waning and my weight is creeping up.
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    I find that when I am really, really tired at the end of the day I crave sugary sweets, I suppose to keep moving. Would be better to just get ready for bed when I'm that tired.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Okay I'm back!!
    Wow never want to do that again. 2 weeks of binging and no gym has taken a toll on my physically and mentally and probably a couple other "ally"s I feel great today so far other than suffering the toll of not drinking enough water the past couple days. I stepped on the scale this morning, and for the sake of honesty (my life goal for this year ) I'm up to 262!!!! That's 17lbs!! I know it's not all really weight gain, but when I say I binged for 2 weeks, I really ment it. At one point I sat in my car, waiting for my son to get out of school, and ate a pkg of thin Oreos dipped in peanut butter and 2 raspberry scones. That was in a span of 30 minutes, plus I ate more when I got home. Your probably thinking "wow" and your right lol I have a problem,I know that somewhere on my head is lurking this need to eat, it seems to show up randomly, luckily not to often. It's probably been there a long time, but when I was already eating very poorly, it wasn't noticeable.
    Anyway here I am day 1(again) I purposely didn't log in yesterday so MFP has started back at day 1. The sun is out, went for a walk and haven't given in on the hunger. :) win. I have 3 hours before food time, shouldn't have a problem holding out. Now to check in on my 64 notifications and play a little Battlefield 1 to keep me distracted lol
  • Mom2annie
    Mom2annie Posts: 177 Member
    Hey girl. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. I've been struggling too and it helps to not feel so alone in it. I'm so sorry about your 17lbs but also so happy to hear your positive attitude about it. You can do this. I know you can. Hugs!
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    I've been there too! The car was always my safe place to binge on foods that I didn't want my family to see. I would be so embarrassed when my boyfriend at the time got my car washed and he found ALL the wrappers of candy bars, chocolates, etc. hidden in the middle console. Sometimes when I felt out of control or stressed I would go to the supermarket and buy slices of cake and just eat it in my car. Even when I was extremely full I kept eating. Luckily, I have been able to stop the binge eating. You have a lot of support on here and we have your back!! Great job on going for a walk and you will see your weight decrease in no time!!
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Seems like the binge monster jumps on almost all of us, I know it does to me. The good thing is now you have an effective tool to get past the consequences!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome back, You're in the right place for sure so just get right back to OMAD and we'll be right here to cheer you on!!! :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited March 2017
    I really feel that a big contributor to binging is when we push things too far. You may try for slower losses by upping your calories and also making sure you get in your protein and also your vitamin/mineral supps. I think low level exercise is important to. Even if it doesn't help you lose weight because you eat back the calories, you at least get to eat back the calories without it causing you problems. Also, I think a weekly mandatory splurge day could be important, it was for me. It relieved a lot of mental pressure of fasting all the time. You may consider those things if you were not doing them. People say weights are good for weight loss which may be true, but cardio is easier to see how many calories are burned and you can enjoy eating them back (while still having a deficit). Keep at it and you will get there but do what is sustainable. We can all sprint crazy fast but can we maintain that pace as far as we need to go? Probably not. This is a marathon and not a sprint. I got in about 1000-cals today of exercise. I can eat up to 3000 cals today and not gain any weight. Anything below that, I'm guaranteed to lose weight. That is sustainable for me. I like to think in those terms and just go for a little under what I know will guarantee me some lose. We are rooting for you!

    I bet more than 1/2 of those lbs will be gone after a week of OMAD.
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    We're here to cheer you on. Easy come, easy go. They won't take long to lose! We're here for you.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    @1MADGIRL @blambo61 @brendagaudette @leveejohn @KetoKaHee @Mom2annie
    Thank you :) I stuck to my guns yesterday and feel great this morning :)
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    Is there anything better in life than to feel great? :) keep at it. We're here. We only live once, live it happy :)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Thats wonderful!!! :)
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    Get it girlfriend!!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Another great day, so far, the funk is gone for sure. No temptations today, went to the gym and did another T25 workout, the sun is out and all I'm missing is the birds helping get dressed for the ball while I sing to them :)
    I'm just sipping on my protein coffee thinking about what to make for dinner. Life is good today.
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    SUCCESS!! So happy to hear your spirits are up and you are having a fabulous day! Looking forward to your dinner photos!!
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Wonderful! Knew you'd get back on track.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    I decided to keep my Thursday splurge day this week, despite my 2 week food bender. I'm so proud that I didn't really over do it. I did have 2 glasses of light chocolate milk with some PB2 in it after dinner, which was amazing FYI, and a couple cookies so that put me over, but nothing compared to my usual splurge. I don't feel like I missed out on anything, I always feel like on splurge days I need to consume anything and everything that I don't eat throughout the week. I bought the smallest pkg size of the things that I wanted. threw in a protein bar instead of a chocolate bar and logged everything (except the milk) I did weigh in 1 lbs more today than yesterday, but considering I'm down 10lbs from Monday, I'm OK with that. I only have 7 more to re lose from my 2 week food fiasco :)
    Happy Friday Everyone!
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    More than half way down! Yay :)
    Easy come, easy go :)
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    That's great news! I would assume most people weigh more after a splurge day... I know I do! But it comes off quick. I like the idea of buying the smallest package of the things you want. Great idea!!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I thought you would get rid of it fast. Good job! Not too fast, not too slow will get us all there!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    I made stir fry for game night tonight. General Tao sauce, chicken breast, broccoli, bell peppers, baby corn, snap peas, spring rolls, rice and noodles. I made myself a lunch plate of food and stopped when I reached my "full sigh" scrapped off my plate and packed up the left overs so I couldn't pick at it. Now I've got my 1.5L water bottle to sustain me while we play.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Left over stir fry tonight for dinner :)
    I'm nervous about weigh in tomorrow, with all the ups and downs this month, there's no telling what the scale will have for me tomorrow. Going to finish March strong, but i cant wait to kick Aprils but :) hopefully the weather picks up so i can start riding my bike to work again :smiley:
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Good attitude about kicking April's butt!!! :p