Like Minded Lushes - February 2017



  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Hey - could we start a thread with a list of first names and maybe even where we live that can be updated when people join (or whatever everyone is comfortable with)? My memory is THE worst and I hate forgetting. :(
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member

    Here ya go Kitty. The few who post on the regular. Feel free to add your name in the thread and anyone else can add too!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Thanks for doing that Syd!!!!


    I have not been getting up in the morning for yoga so we have been supplementing it with beach walks after doesn't suck but I need the yoga....maybe tomorrow!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Heather and Kate! Good to "meet" y'all. Alone for dinner tonight so made a nice low-cal meal and one 5 oz glass of Cab. Enjoying a Netflix night and sipping VERY slowly to stick to one!

    Monday - 1
    Tuesday - 1.25
    Wed- 1 (so far... encourage me, ladies!) lol...

    I love the thread with the names. Good to know where everyone lives? Maybe a little bio for each of us so we can share stories?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am going to try to post yet again (computer gremlins this morning)

    Syd, my friend, you are the best!! I may have to hand you the Mama Lush card. I have been crazy busy at work and beat by the time I get home.

    I was also battling the flu this week and missed two days of work so crazy behind yet again.
    No alcohol Mon or Tues but a whole bottle of white last night.

    Goal for February, get off my butt.

    welcome Gwen

    Ash, crazy core strength girl. I used to do those when I was a gymnast. (way to many decades ago.)

    Keep on Lushin'
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks all! I am glad to be practicing yoga regularly again. I have been on again off again yogi for about 15 years, but just in the past 6 months have I become regular again. I was doing twice a week 5:45am classes but was starting to have pain so I've been doing bowspring once a week during lunch, but I don't like as it much as regular yoga. My back started bothering me a couple weeks ago and I did 30 minutes of yoga at home yesterday, drank a lot, got in the hot tub and I feel so much better today. :)

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 1/2 bottle of wine and a cider
    Wed - 4 mules, a couple glasses of wine and 3 beers. Oops....I started drinking at like 3:30..... I'm feeling it today.

    I'll probably have a 0 tonight mostly because we drank all the alcohol! :o

    OK, so my bio..... I'm 36. I live in Louisville KY where I have lived in the vicinity for most of my life other than college (UK - Go Cats!) a few years after. I've been married to my husband for 11 years. We got divorced in 2009 and remarried 2010. We have a 5 year old daughter Daphne and a 2 year old son Langston. I am a landscape architect, but that doesn't mean I do landscaping. I work for an engineering firm and do all of our planning and zoning and civil engineering type stuff. And yes, I also do landscape plans for our commercial clients..... :) I work 4 days a week and have the best job ever because I can do pretty much whatever I want (including spending too much time on MPF). Eric and I have lots of friends and are the social coordinators of our groups which means we stay very busy and like to drink a lot. I like to run, do yoga, lift weights and go walk to many fun destinations in our neighborhood with my family.

    I feel like I was writing a bio for a dating website! :) This is fun though. I'd love to hear about you all "officially"!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I love the idea of a little bio - Ashley, I feel like I'm just meeting you! Divorced and then remarried, that's awesome, it was meant to be! And your job sounds amazing, I am so terribly jealous, I wish I could do something so creative!

    Hello, my name is Heather and I'm a lush. :D

    I'm 35 and I live in Channel Islands Beach, CA with my husband of almost 9 years, almost 3-year-old boy, our 12-year-old pup and 3 cats (14, 13 and 4). We live almost right in the sand, especially if it's windy then there's sand all over - including inside. :/ But it's an awesome place to live because we have a big quiet beach in front of us and the harbor 2 streets behind us so there's lots of restaurants and bars to walk to and kayaking/jet skiing/boating which we do some of here and there and we love to go for walks and find the sea lions and check out the sailboats.

    My husband and I met when we were 7 and 8 years old, we were neighbors and best friends for a few years 'til my parents divorced and moved away. We eventually lost touch for years and the day we got back in touch is also our dating anniversary, in May it will be 13 years.

    I work from home for an insurance company which is cool because I have a lot of flexibility and was able to stay home with my son but he just started going to preschool 2 days a week now so I get a break and can work or clean the house sometimes... 'til he gets home and messes it up again.

    For exercise, I love yoga but don't get there much (with the rain it's been cancelled since it's on the beach) but my husband and I just started weightlifting so we go to the gym 3 days a week and lift and I don't have to do cardio and I get more calories to eat (or drink). So I'm loving it and I feel strong!

    Sorry that was longer than I expected. :p
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    This looks like a group for me :=).
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Welcome Gwen and curious!

    This is a great group to be a part of.

    As for me-
    Gary, firefighter, retired after 30 years work. Married for 37 years, two boys, both out of the house! (yay) We live in Olympia WA and spend our time with family, and hanging out. I met my weight goals several years ago, then contracted bacterial meningitis, almost checked out. Since that time I have gained the weight back and am now trying to get back on track.

    This group is a great place to share your "wins" and "losses". We are very supportive and non judgemental!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hi curious! Jump right in and add your name to the other thread here:

    Robin...hang in there. I always feel like I know how bad your job is, since the husband deals with Boeing on a regular basis and I hear about it. Feel better soon!
    Ashley and Heather I really enjoyed reading about you.

    A little about me...I'm Sydney...well into my 50's (geeebus I hated turning 50 :mad: ) and I think I looked for this group about the time my body made it well known to me that I was no longer young and the pounds just poured on. I've always been athletic and active but never really purposefully exercised. Suddenly I was fat, couldn't sleep, my BP was up and I was pre-diabetic.

    I live in San Diego with my husband (of 30 years on the 14th!) and my 22 year old son who graduated from college and is now back home saving money while going to grad school. We're all to hang out. A lot of that activity revolves around food and booze :drinker: I love to cook...our house tends to be the center of most family functions.

    I upped my exercise routine and tightened up my diet and dropped about 20 pounds and have been stuck there for much longer than I want. While I'm no longer facing any immediate health concerns, I really could stand to lose another 20 more. I'm thinking the wine doesn't help my situation. I busted up my shoulder last year which took forever to recover from...but I no longer can use that as an excuse for my extended plateau. I've just dropped the ball. Let's see if I can get it together in 2017.

    But not until after this weekend because we're about to take off to celebrate our anniversary :laugh: Should get in some nice walks on the beach though so that'll be good.
    Cheers to my favorite lushes!!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gary, we posted at the same time so I didn't see yours. Been missing you around here ;)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm Yvonne (obvious!) been on MFP for about 6 years and with the lushes from pretty much then. I sometimes forgot to post in here for a while but love catching up on where everyone is at.
    I'm 41, from Surrey UK. I work in healthcare in the NHS. Sadly behind a desk now due to my health rather than directly caring for patients.
    I joined MFP after I joined a gym and my trainer recommended it. I wanted to lose the weight that was slowly creeping on after having 2 children and hitting my late 30's (and drinking wine). My kids are now 19 and 12. I also have a dog, 2 cats and 3 chickens. The 19 year old left home, she has a daughter aged 2 and another on the way!
    I am at my target weight but would still like to get a bit leaner. I weight train 3 times a week. The last few years have been a bit challenging with multiple spinal surgeries and issues with my shoulder, most of which stems from a cycling accident. I am due for another surgery on my shoulder in March, but typical me as if that wasn't enough, I now have a disc in my neck pressing on the nerve to my arm. What's more it's advised not to drink alcohol with the painkillers I'm currently on!! That's just cruel
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love hearing about everyone!

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 3
    Wed - 9?
    Thurs -0

    We're doing an early dinner out tonight and then Eric is meeting up with his siblings (6 of them anyways) to discuss his parents' health and future plans. They are mid 80s and his Mom is starting to experience some memory loss. :( I'm throwing a baby shower Sunday for my 39 year old friend who has 2 daughters under age 5 and 2 twin girls on the way! I'm going to check out a yoga class that morning too. Nothing else planned and I'm glad. January was too busy.

    Have a great weekend!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Ok, I'm the newbie and here's who I am:

    I'm Gwen. I am over 50 - but only just a tad. I am the mother of four grown children 21 - 32. I am also the Gigi (grandma gwen) of 4 adorable little girls ages 7 weeks to 2 years old. I never struggled with my weight, always ate whatever I wanted when the kids were young. Never went to a gym ... and I hate to exercise (sweating messes up my hair)... After turning 45, my metabolism screeched to a halt and I gained a few pounds. And then 18 months ago I had a cancer scare and a full hysterectomy. And, then gained about 10 more pounds. I am not happy with my weight and would like to drop 20 pounds. I'd be happy enough with 15, but I've not dropped a pound in years. Just the up 2, down one, up 2, down 1/2. I am now at a weight that is not comfortable for me. And, like Sydney, I KNOW the wine doesn't help but we are very social and I enjoy pouring a glass of cab and sipping it while chatting with my husband of 25 years about our days. It's a "thing." We belong to wine clubs and enjoy learning about wine.. it's really hard to find the balance.

    I am trying to stick to one glass a night, for most nights and I do that about 50% of the time. I like to walk and hike. Trying to do yoga... but I get so bored. I own my own business and am totally type A.. can't shut it off. This year I'm trying to learn how to breathe and be mindful -- be in the moment. That might help me with yoga!

    I weighed myself for the first time today - in 6 months -- and was not completely horrified BUT I am one pound MORE than where I was when I first signed up for MFP! Ugh. So... this is the year. Moderation. Mental focus. Breathing. Enjoying life. I'm glad to know you all!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Hi all! I'm Ann, I'm 48 years old and married to the love of my life. <3 I live in Canton MI which is just outside of Ann Arbor. I've been married to my husband for 3 years, we've been together for 9 years. I have 2 adult daughters from my 1st marriage - they are 26 and almost 24. My husband, Ron, also has 2 adult daughters from his 1st marriage - they are 23 and 22. I have one grandbaby, sort of...My younger daughter had a baby girl 2 years ago but was not in a situation to keep her so she gave her up for adoption. Fortunately, it was an open adoption and her adoptive parents have been absolutely fabulous at keeping us all part of Mackenzie's life, which has truly been a blessing.
    I am an office manager for a small construction company and love my job! I do a lot of accounting work and really enjoy the numbers. :)

    I joined MFP a long time ago and have seen my weight go up and down throughout the years. I am not at all happy with my weight where it is and I KNOW alcohol has factored into that so both Ron and I are trying to cut back and drop a bit of weight. I love red wine thanks to my brother-in-law, who introduced me to Cabernet sauvingon...Luckily I love to do cardio and adore Cathe workouts, so hopefully cutting back on alcohol and working out will help
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Aloha Friday Everyone!!
    I am Kate. I'm 36 and live in Kihei, HI with my awesome husband, Lenny and our two kittens, Leila and Meowi! Lenny & I have known each other since we were 15, dated for a few months and then got back together (with much persistence on my account) 5 years later. We have been together for 16 years and will be married for 10 in May!!!
    We moved from the Philadelphia area last January, just cause. He comes from a big family, so Skype sessions take up TOO much of our weekend :wink:
    We like to hike, kayak, snorkel, relax at the beach, binge watch TV and we certainly drink WAY too much on the weekends. We have been trying to only drink Mon-Thurs and exercising 3-4 days a week. Our exercise consists of yoga and walking. I am sure it will evolve but we are still trying to get into a groove since moving. Before we moved we went to the gym 4-5 days a week, did circuit training, yoga and jogging (but then I busted me knee). We haven't really gained too much weight the last year but we have gotten incredible soft (you would think living less that 500 yards from the beach would be incentive :laugh:)
    I join MFP about 6 years ago, to lose that last 10, I did and then gained it back, I am currently at a higher weight then I was when I started. But at a heavier weigh a few years ago I was looking damn good. My goal is to not worry about the scale too much, eat well, exercise and be comfortable in the clothes I own!!!

    With that said:
    Wednesday-2 bourbon drinks and 1 bourbon rocks----first time in 4 weeks we had a drink during the week
    Thursday-2 beers and 2 bourbon rocks---second time in 4 weeks we had a drink during the week :laugh:
    No serious plans this weekend. We did have epic plans BUT there is a cold front with rain coming in, BOOO!!!! Saturday, we have to go pick up beer ingredients....OH forgot to mention we brew beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sunday, will be chores and skyping with Lenny's nephew and cousin....told ya!!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Saturday! Here's my check in

    Monday - 1
    Tuesday - 1.25
    Wednesday - 1
    Thursday - 2
    Friday - 3

    Still working on the 0 one day a week.. no luck so far! (Reset)

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories too. I hope everyone is having a good weekend - especially Sydney with the anniversary celebrations.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I liked having everyone's background - many of you I've chatted with over numerous years but now I've learned more about everyone. :)
    I've done pretty well this weekend -
    Friday - we went to go watch my stepdaughter's boyfriends band (they play country, which I'm not a huge fan of but I do enjoy watching Rye Whiskey - plus they have a cool name! :)) 2 PBR's
    Saturday - 2 glasses white wine
    Today - not sure, probably a glass of red. Back to zero's tomorrow!
  • Phoenix0709
    Phoenix0709 Posts: 5 Member
    So I'm new to the MFP community. I did a search for "wine" and up this thread popped. So does this mean I am not the only one who struggles to lose weight and LOVES wine? This just may be the thread I need. :) Mind if I join???

    Since I'm a newbie here's a bit about me. I'm 44 have 2 daughters and 4 stepsons. I got married for the second time in March 2015 and have been packing on the pounds since! Mainly because we love to sit on the couch after work every night and drink wine together. I would love to just drink on the weekends but have not been able to do that and have been trying for many months now. :( I'd love to hear how others get themselves to do that.

    I have about 20 pounds to lose and don't really know how I'm going to do that if I keep drinking wine every night. So do you guys keep each other accountable by logging drinks each week?