Charge 2 won't sync



    JDJUMPIN4JOY Posts: 4 Member
    Following.. I just got a new charge 2 thought I needed to sync from old Fitbit.. I disconnected and reconnected.. Nothing..
  • AutumnDraidean
    AutumnDraidean Posts: 23 Member
    I blunderingly followed Heybales steps and it worked!! For now anyway. I did do an app update to MFP yesterday so maybe that had something to do with it.

    In the interest of helping others...What I mean by blunderingly is this...

    Remember how I complained that it looked like MFP was reupping it's connection to fitbit by the time I went back to do that step on the phone only version? well I don't think it ever really was. Because when I looked on the web at the connections they were not connected. So I turned off the phone and then told them to connect, turned on the phone and when I started the apps, fitbit first, then MFP, Viola the steps were there.

    It's been a truly difficult week or so, but I *might* have it fixed *Crosses fingers and toes!!*
  • NewDawnDH1
    NewDawnDH1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Have been trying for a week now with my Charge 2. My original Charge HR was working perfectly well across both sites but broke. I bought the Charge 2 to replace it and no matter what I do [Revoking, removing the apps, re-connecting] I am still only getting one way data. Food entries are going from MFP to FitBit but no calorie burn going from FitBit to MFP. Can anyone suggest a solution? So frustrating. I have even resorted to setting up this new MFP account to test it and it still doesn't work!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I can't even find my fitbit in the 'steps' options now on MFP.