A genetic anomaly; Hyperlipidemia do I share?

Why was it difficult to make a jump into LCHF/ Keto? I had more than enough fat in my system but through self research and knowledge you can work it to your advantage. My story, before Keto,
3,200 triglycerides after pharmaceutical intervention of fish oil down to 280. HDL from 37 to 59, it's working, some of us are sicker than others. Anyone like me ??? Keto On!


  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    That's an amazing improvement!

    A couple Qs, if I might:

    Fasting triglycerides at issue?

    What sort of fish oil therapy did you use?

    Any thoughts on whether actual fish, rather than fish oil, would be more effective yet?
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Honestly RalfLott,
    I'm not clear on fasting triglycerides but I can say my cholesterol was 860. I have intermittent fasted for the past year at 16/8 no snacks and one meal a day. I am not a fish lover but 4grams of Lovaza has helped considerably as I could never stomach that much fish daily. Any insight or advice would be extremely helpful? Thank You!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Honestly RalfLott,
    I'm not clear on fasting triglycerides but I can say my cholesterol was 860. I have intermittent fasted for the past year at 16/8 no snacks and one meal a day. I am not a fish lover but 4grams of Lovaza has helped considerably as I could never stomach that much fish daily. Any insight or advice would be extremely helpful? Thank You!

    @miltbrophy2463, there are folks around these parts who are very knowledgeable about this stuff. I'll holler if I find anything on point.
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Much Thanks RalfLott!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Much Thanks RalfLott!

    Just out of curiosity, are you also diabetic?
    High blood pressure?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Wow. Congratulations on your success so far! That's such a huge improvement!

    I don't have hyper lipidemia, but I just wanted to say wow! And welcome to the group. :)
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank You nvmomketo! Continued success to you!
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    Much Thanks RalfLott!

    Just out of curiosity, are you also diabetic?
    High blood pressure?

  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Before Keto A1c was 5.7 after 1year on Keto A1c is now 4.9. Blood pressure until recently has been higher on Keto which is a head scratcher but guessing it's my salt intake. I average 132/87 a touch high but I am 54 years old.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Before Keto A1c was 5.7 after 1year on Keto A1c is now 4.9. Blood pressure until recently has been higher on Keto which is a head scratcher but guessing it's my salt intake. I average 132/87 a touch high but I am 54 years old.

    My BP went up on keto too, but I also think it had to do more with increased sodium intake. My diet before was pretty low in salt... and my BP was too low anyways. ;)

    That's not too bad... How long have you been keto?
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey nvmomketo,
    I have been on Keto for a year. BTW, I live in NV Summerlin. Lol!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hey nvmomketo,
    I have been on Keto for a year. BTW, I live in NV Summerlin. Lol!

    Nice. :) Mine are just initials.

    ... I wouldn't mind a bit more NV heat. I'm in western Canada and we just went through a cold snap that would freeze nose hairs in a minute. LOL
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lol! I have to laugh when tourists come to town and realize it's not shorts weather year round. Maybe a little Kerrygold butter or coconut oil rub on those nose hairs.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Before Keto A1c was 5.7 after 1year on Keto A1c is now 4.9. Blood pressure until recently has been higher on Keto which is a head scratcher but guessing it's my salt intake. I average 132/87 a touch high but I am 54 years old.

    Relatively few people actually have sodium-related high BP, it appears.

    Here's another Q - Have you had a coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan to see if the lipid issues come with any discernible calcium deposits? How about vitamin D, apolipoproteins and CRP tests?

    BTW, in the context of atherosclerosis, having your blood glucose under control is a great sign.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lol! I have to laugh when tourists come to town and realize it's not shorts weather year round. Maybe a little Kerrygold butter or coconut oil rub on those nose hairs.

    No no no. If it is above 10C, it is potential shorts weather... to an Albertan. LOL We had some warm (Chinook) winds blow in today that brought the temperature up from -30C to 5C in just a couple of days. That 5C had people out walking with just a sweatshirt on.

    ... I think that's how you can often recognize Canadian tourists. We're the ones wearing shorts when everyone else is bundled up. And then we're to stubborn to change clothes because, darn it, we flew in for the warm weather!! LOL ;)

    And those oils would smell good in the nose. LOL Don't laugh, but I actually had coconut oil smeared on my cheeks when I was out walking last week. It was about -25C and that cold is hard on the cheeks. When I was a jogger in the past, I used to use vaseline to protect skin but the coconut oil worked fine. :blush:
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    I have never had a coronary artery scan but I'll check into it. My most recent labs show: sodium serum of 143 which is on the high side but within range, calcium serum is 9.2 and within range, Crp I will get tomorrow, magnesium is low at 1.5. I know! Vitamin D is in range. Thanks for your help, I Will check in with you after my cardiologist appointment tomorrow.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I have never had a coronary artery scan but I'll check into it. My most recent labs show: sodium serum of 143 which is on the high side but within range, calcium serum is 9.2 and within range, Crp I will get tomorrow, magnesium is low at 1.5. I know! Vitamin D is in range. Thanks for your help, I Will check in with you after my cardiologist appointment tomorrow.

    FYI, the CAC is usually not covered by insurance, but you can find hospitals that will take you off the street for $100ish.

    Good luck!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Why was it difficult to make a jump into LCHF/ Keto? I had more than enough fat in my system but through self research and knowledge you can work it to your advantage. My story, before Keto,
    3,200 triglycerides after pharmaceutical intervention of fish oil down to 280. HDL from 37 to 59, it's working, some of us are sicker than others. Anyone like me ??? Keto On!

    Wow, your numbers are looking really good. :)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I have never had a coronary artery scan but I'll check into it. My most recent labs show: sodium serum of 143 which is on the high side but within range, calcium serum is 9.2 and within range, Crp I will get tomorrow, magnesium is low at 1.5. I know! Vitamin D is in range. Thanks for your help, I Will check in with you after my cardiologist appointment tomorrow.

    How ya doing?
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2017
    Thank You for asking RalfLott, my apologies in my late reply as I guess I'm a little pissed that the doc wants me on a statin. My CRP is 0.88 which is good but the panel not so much.
    This weeks test:

    I guess I'll have to Up my carbs a bit for more veg and eat less meat. I'm not really sure?? Any advice would be helpful, Thank You!