A genetic anomaly; Hyperlipidemia do I share?



  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2017
    Only because folks never believe me when I tell them my triglycerides were over 3,000 before Keto. Unable to calculate, diagnosis: genetic hyperlipidemia.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Thank You for asking RalfLott, my apologies in my late reply as I guess I'm a little pissed that the doc wants me on a statin. My CRP is 0.88 which is good but the panel not so much.
    This weeks test:

    I guess I'll have to Up my carbs a bit for more veg and eat less meat. I'm not really sure?? Any advice would be helpful, Thank You!

    Ugh. Statins. :( Yuck.

    If you try the statins, I would keep a journal of symptoms. Some of those side effects can creep up on you. My poor mom was put on a statin without it being made clear what she was taking. Within 6 months she was having so much muscular pain and was noticing a decline in her cognitive skills. She stopped it and it took a few weeks for her to get better.

    A year later the doctor is pushing her to go on statins again, but she has it written down how it affected her and is declining.

    The annoying part is that she has GREAT cholesterol. If anything it is a touch low (HDL). Her problem is that she is obese and has slightly elevated blood pressure.

    ... sorry about the vent.

    Your labs are sooo much better. I don't know if adding in carbs will help. Green leafy veggies might not hurt, but will it help? I doubt it.

    Have you read Cholesterol Clarity, Cholesterol Con, or the Great Cholesterol Myth? These are all aimed at the average Joe but I imagine some of that knowledge would work on your situation too. Peter Attia has some great blogs on it too.

  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2017
    Eh nvmomketo,
    Unfortunately, I know the risk of statin use as I have been on them before, but refuse to take them again due to muscle weakness/cramping. My thoughts are lose more weight and increase HDL through lifting weights and the HDL will eventually will clean the VLDL dropping my triglycerides. You are awesome! Only good vibes and healing thoughts for you and yours! I wil definitely take your advice and read up. TY
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Your cholesterol went from 860 to 244 and he's still pushing statins? And your triglycerides came down in a big way also. I'm amazed by what you've been able to do!! Since you're seeing results I'm surprised he wasn't willing to give it more time. There are other things out there that may bring down some of your numbers even more. Hang in there. You've come a long way so don't let that doctor get you down. Please continue to let us know how you do.
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Right On RAC56!
    Thank You! I'll Keto On even though I've been stalled for 4 Months. The alternative for me is not negotiable. ✌️
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Eh nvmomketo,
    Unfortunately, I know the risk of statin use as I have been on them before, but refuse to take them again due to muscle weakness/cramping. My thoughts are lose more weight and increase HDL through lifting weights and the HDL will eventually will clean the VLDL dropping my triglycerides. You are awesome! Only good vibes and healing thoughts for you and yours! I wil definitely take your advice and read up. TY

    Oh bummer. So they didn't work well for you in the past. At least you know, right?

    I agree that what you are doing is working. Its quite extraordinary really! It makes sense to keep doing it. It's a shame that your doctor is not as patient as you are. ;)
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Once again, Thank You nvmomketo!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @RalfLott - Do you have suggestions about the types of statins that might help without muscle issues here, if warranted at all?
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @RalfLott - Do you have suggestions about the types of statins that might help without muscle issues here, if warranted at all?

    Well, other reluctant statin takers seem to prefer Crestor. The effective dose is smaller, and cramps are less common. I've never had a cramp on Crestor, though I was plagued with them in Lipitor.

    Of course, the fact that you don't feel muscle pain doesn't mean there's no adverse effect on muscle tissue.

    And my my lack of cramps on Crestor could be due in part to dietary and accompanying metabolic changes.

    In short, I'm not really convinced yet.

    I'm working up a "convince me to keep taking statins" scorecard to facilitate conversations with my endocrinologist & cardiologist. It will list everything I can find that's ever been given as a reason why folks in my risk group should take statins...
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Didn't coconut oil raise HDL without affecting LDL? I'm not sure. I swear I heard that's a great way to raise HDL without negatively affecting the other.
    Anyone know if I'm remembering right?
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Right On RAC56!
    Thank You! I'll Keto On even though I've been stalled for 4 Months. The alternative for me is not negotiable. ✌️

    I also meant to ask if you had tried vitamin B3 (niacin) too? I know several people who took that (and still take that) to get great cholesterol numbers
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    My numbers were like yours. I was 100 pounds overweight, though. My doctor used the word,"impressive", about my bloodwork. So being morbidly obese will give you those numbers. If you are a few vanity pounds overweight, then it would be concerning. When you get skinny these numbers can go back to reasonable.
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Ugh……to finish my uncompleted sentence above, my friends got their cholesterol numbers DOWN using the niacin. Don't let that doc discourage you! You've done a fantastic job!! :)
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Finally a reply, sorry for the wait and Thank You! Yes, I've tried niacin as prescribed by my doctor but found it to be not as effective as Lovaza prescription fish pills( 4grams pet day) . Yes, coconut oil helps HDL but remains to be fat in the blood. Currently taking a generic of Lipitor 20mg, hate it! I may reduce my fat intake and up my protein to combat my 4 month stall as I am fat adapted but not sure what works anymore? Thank You again for your guidance and support! Your Feedback is greatly appreciated ✌️
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Finally a reply, sorry for the wait and Thank You! Yes, I've tried niacin as prescribed by my doctor but found it to be not as effective as Lovaza prescription fish pills( 4grams pet day) . Yes, coconut oil helps HDL but remains to be fat in the blood. Currently taking a generic of Lipitor 20mg, hate it! I may reduce my fat intake and up my protein to combat my 4 month stall as I am fat adapted but not sure what works anymore? Thank You again for your guidance and support! Your Feedback is greatly appreciated ✌️

    Yipes. Can you ask for genetic Crestor instead of that *kitten* Lipitor?

    I'm darned if I know what to suggest that you haven't already thought of. A couple Qs... How much weight do you want to lose yet? Are you measuring blood ketones?

    Keep us posted!
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Yipes is correct RalfLott! My water weight came off in the first five months of Keto but nothing since, starting weight 265, current weight 240 and holding. I am trying to achieve a goal weight of 190lbs. I've used the sticks to measure ketones, my results are always 5-15 no matter how much exertion I perform in a fasted state. I'll be changing my macros to 65% fat 30% protein and 5% carbs for a couple of weeks as I may have been eating to much fat. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited March 2017
    I finally got in to see a LC/keto oriented diabetes specialist this week, and his thoughts on statins were pretty interesting.

    He has great qualifications, a lot of knowledge, and thorough disrespect for the conflicts of interest that litter the health-care landscape. (He has 3 eggs and strip of bacon for breakfast, if that adds credibility.) But he shot down my idea of dropping statins before it even got above tree level.

    YMMV - His advice was tailored to my high CV-risk situation....

    In brief, he said a "mature" :D male with diabetes, a family history of CVD, and a positive score on a coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan should take statins to aggressively target LDL levels, provided that the dose can be lowered if
    • the ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio turns sufficiently favorable; or
    • a follow-up CAC study shows improvement from having been on LCHF for 2-3 years.
    • muscle cramps bubble up.

    He also inquired about my diet, blood tests, and supplements when I took Lipitor and experienced leg cramps.:

    "You've overhauled your diet, changed your body chemistry, probably gotten rid of NAFLD, and increased your CoQ10 and Vitamin D. Bottom line - You're a different person now than you were then. Keep an open mind!"

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Come on Man! We are disease/metabolic losers. I am more than happy to refresh anything at 54yo. Lol!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Come on Man! We are disease/metabolic losers. I am more than happy to refresh anything at 54yo. Lol!

    Ah, youth! E'er squandered on the young.