Scale Victories



  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    That's so awesome Anna! Congratulations!
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Congrats on reaching oneunderland, it's a very big deal,
    a great Tuesday surprise!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Jirachii wrote: »
    I got on the scale today out of random curiosity. Tuesday isn't usually a day I weigh myself. (I usually check Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday and log any decent loss.)

    BUT THEN THIS HAPPENED??? And I didn't expect to go from 201 to 199 in one day? I know ~30 pounds isn't much compared to what other people here have achieved, but I haven't been under 200 since middle school! And last year I graduated high school! I am so emotional right now!

    Awesome job!!! 30lbs is a great accomplishment don't sell yourself short. Keep up the great work!
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you <3 I'm both super proud and wishing I could see more results in the mirror haha
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    Jirachii wrote: »
    Thank you <3 I'm both super proud and wishing I could see more results in the mirror haha

    Way to go! That's so fantastic for you. Congrats!!!
  • rustychord
    rustychord Posts: 166 Member
    Jirachii wrote: »
    I got on the scale today out of random curiosity. Tuesday isn't usually a day I weigh myself. (I usually check Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday and log any decent loss.)

    BUT THEN THIS HAPPENED??? And I didn't expect to go from 201 to 199 in one day? I know ~30 pounds isn't much compared to what other people here have achieved, but I haven't been under 200 since middle school! And last year I graduated high school! I am so emotional right now!

    That is great so happy for you you worked very hard and got a nice surprise reward today good for you!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    congrats, Wind! I know how much you've been struggling lately, so that makes this victory all that much sweeter, right?
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I had a woosh week this week and lost 4 pounds!

    Though I really don't think I truly lost 4 lbs this week - last week, the scale said I had only lost 0.4 lbs, so I think I must have been retaining water or something that day and had apparently lost more than the scale was telling me. Well, that, and apparently my weight goes up for a few days to as much as a week after I do strenuous, sustained activity. For the last few weeks, I've been doing a lot of physical work from painting to building things and cleaning, and I've noticed that the weeks after such work, my weight loss stalls or even seems to go up a lb or two, but then I'll have a woosh the following week like this time. I guess its water retention and maybe even a result of my body working to repair the muscle, but it can be very frustrating! I know - I just need to remind myself that all that work is the same as doing weight training since I'm lifting and tugging and working my muscles out, so in a way, I'm building muscle which often does that to the scale.

    anyway, my next milestone was to below 310 by the end of June, so it's entirely achievable - maybe. I had hoped to be below 310 by June 19 and my doctor's appointment, but I'm not going to quite make that goal, even though I came pretty close. Next week is going to be difficult though; I'm going to a 4 day conference next week at Grove City College in PA and will be staying on campus, which means I'll be at the mercy of their buffet the entire week. It's going to be very, very difficult to track calories! On the flip side, they're having us stay in the dorms on the other side of the campus from the meeting hall, so there is opportunity for walking there.

  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Great job on the wooshing!!! Good luck at your conference!!!

    You'll be in my back yard. I am only about 45 min north of Grove City - my husband always kids when we drive down Interstate 79 that my car automatically wants to turn into the Outlet Mall!!! ;)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I've heard of the outlet mall for years, but never been in it. I better watch my car, though and make sure it stays in the straight and narrow! lol
  • Tatyanakuster
    Tatyanakuster Posts: 163 Member
    That's incredible!!! Congratulations!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    1 lb loss this week! considering the terrible diet I had last week and the week before that, I'll take it! I had thought I had gained pretty badly at the conference, since Monday's scale showed a 5 lb gain from the last time I weighed in, but apparently that was false data, probably because my sodium intake had been up pretty badly all week. I've been pretty good at buckling down this week and sticking to my calorie limit and not sneaking in snacks here and there, so I hope I'm back on track.

    Though this coming weekend is going to be difficult - I have a family reunion to attend (for a family that is filled with excellent home-style, old fashioned cooks), and then a church picnic the following evening. I may skip out on the church picnic; we'll see how I do at the family reunion!