Your milestones and progress - accountability



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese)
    Milestone: 290 lbs (this puts me back to where I was 5 years ago)
    Current Weight: 297.6 lbs, 08/21
    Loss this week: -0.2 lbs
    Total loss: -77.4 lbs

    What's Working: when I stay within my calorie range or close to it, it works

    What Needs Work: staying within my calorie range....I haven't been so good at that the last 2 or 3 weeks, and this weekend isn't going to get any better. I'm going camping with my folks, and I seriously doubt I'll have cell phone service where we're going and definitely no wifi - so it's going to be a guessing game on the calories. I'm going to try to keep track as best I can manually, but I know I'm going to slip up. On the upside, there will be plenty of opportunity to ride my new bike and to walk, so hopefully I'll at least offset the gain! That and I hope to also get plenty of rest (I've been dragging pretty badly lately).

    Then when we get back, it's time to hit the cleaning of the trailer I'll be moving into, and phew, it's going to take a TON of elbow grease! The place was left an absolutely mess - I've never seen the like. My mom says it looks just like an episode of horders.......
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    SW: 407 lbs (1/1/2017)
    UGW: 250 lbs
    CW: 317.6 (-2.6 pounds this week)
    Total Loss: -89.4 lbs

    Short Term Weight Goal: 307 by 10/10 (100 pounds by my birthday)
    Secondary Weight Goal: Under 300 by end of October!

    Comments: I had hit 90 pounds down on Friday this week (wooo!) so I celebrated with Chinese food, which pushed things back up a little (oops? but it was SO good....)
    While I keep up my workouts during the week, I'm switching my weekends to stretching/beginner yoga and walking. Actually surprised by how much quicker a 20-minute stretching/yoga YouTube video felt this morning as compared to a 20-minute HIIT workout by the same woman. Even just 2 days of it has helped with some of the back pain and muscle tiredness I've been feeling this week.
    Directing another musical at work, and our class semester starts again this weekend, so this afternoon is all about some more meal prep!
    I'm excited to have cracked another 2-week plateau in the low 320s... REALLY want to hit that 307 mark by my birthday on 10/10
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    edited August 2017
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 2ost 6lb
    STG : below 20st
    MTG: below 18st
    GW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    New small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct

    Loss this week : 0lb
    Total loss: 57lb

    No loss this week, just stayed the same. Will try and up my water intake this week and eat less of my excercise calories, hoping for a 3/4 lb loss to keep me on target with my goals. I've got a medium term goal now. I want to be under 18 stone by Christmas time. This would put me at my pre-(first)pregnancy weight (circa Feb/March 2014).

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese)
    Milestone: 290 lbs (this puts me back to where I was 5 years ago)
    Current Weight: 294.5 lbs, 08/31
    Loss this week: -3.1 lbs
    Total loss: -80.5 lbs

    What's Working: when I stay within my calorie range or close to it, it works! I'm very pleased with this week's loss because I was off the rails this weekend while on vacation. However, while I did eat more than I should have, the good news is that my mom didn't buy as much snack foods as she usually does and did buy fruit to take, and I got a lot of exercise in (as well as extra sleep), so it seems I did better than I thought I had!

    I did better with the calorie counting the last couple of days, and this weekend is going to involve a lot of physical labor, so I'll be getting in some exercise as well. The trick will be to keep my calories limited because I find that when I up my physical exertion, my hunger drive increases dramatically as well.

    What Needs Work: staying within my calorie range....Also, the next several weeks are in flux because I'll be spending the weekends down at the new place, working to clean it up, which means eating with my folks, which means its going to be tricky to keep my calories in check.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    edited September 2017
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 2ost 4lb
    STG : below 20st
    MTG: below 18st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    New small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct

    Loss this week : 2lb
    Total loss: 59lb

    Well was hoping to lose 3/4 at the start of this week, but if I'm honest it wasn't a very well planned week in the end. We also went my in laws for dinner last night, which meant no control on food choices, which now always makes me a bit twitchy! Stayed under my goal each day but some days eating more excercise calories than I was planning to. But anyway I've lost 2lbs which is great. 1 lb to go to 60lbs lost :smile: and 5lb to lose to meet my most recent short term goal by Oct 2nd. Totally doable!

  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    SW: 407 lbs (1/1/2017)
    UGW: 250 lbs
    CW: 314.6 (-3 pounds in 2 weeks)
    Total Loss: -92.4 lbs

    Short Term Weight Goal: 307 by 10/10 (100 pounds by my birthday)
    Secondary Weight Goal: Under 300 by end of October!

    Comments: It's been a weird two weeks with a lot of fluctuation. Took Labor Day weekend "off" from logging and exercise, and probably went overboard, but it was a nice relaxing weekend with a lot of my friends. Happy to say I've taken that weight back off in the past week.
    Currently fighting a cold, which is making energy difficult to maintain (slept in an extra hour this morning...)
    Also still totally overwhelmed and stressed at work, but working on making it better... Meal prepped my dinners for the whole week yesterday (turkey chili with sweet potatoes). Will prep some dinners tonight when I get home from rehearsal.
    Still feel like I'm on track for my 307 goal by my birthday, so that's good!

    Keep pushing, y'all! :)
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 20 st 3lb
    STG : below 20st
    MTG: below 18st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    New small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct

    Loss this week : 1lb
    Total loss: 60lbs

    Woo! Made it to 60lbs down! Quite a small loss this week but quite a bit milestone so I'm quite happy! We went away for our anniversary and had a big yummy dinner and then a big yummy breakfast. So I went over my calories on Friday for the first time since I started in April! Tried to be extra cautious the rest of the week and am very happy to have still recorded a loss this week.

    3lbs to go to my next small goal, which is to be under 20 stone (total loss 4 1/2 stones). Will aim to lose 3lb this week.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese)
    Milestone: 290 lbs (this puts me back to where I was 5 years ago)
    Current Weight: 291.4 lbs, 09/14
    Loss this week: -3.1 lbs
    Total loss: -83.6 lbs

    What's Working: I did better this week. I didn't record a weight reading last week because I had eaten out a lot the weekend before and I admit that I usually avoid recording a week that shows a gain. And seeing that I lost 3 lbs since the last weigh in 2 weeks ago just goes to show that the supposed 3 lb gain last week wasn't accurate anyway!

    What Needs Work: staying within my calorie range....especially while at my parents' house while working on my new one. There is a lot of temptation when I'm away from my structured routine, and I usually cave. The increased exercise during those weekends help, but I don't want to plateau now!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    My Starting Weight: 249lbs
    My goal: 143lbs (bang in the middle of BMI for my height)

    Current Weight: 172.6lbs

    Total loss: -76.4lbs

    So I sortof "restarted" this month - long story short but I've been drinking too much, not exercising for months due to injury, just enjoying summer - I haven't gained anything but I've not lost either, bouncing around the same 5lbs for around 3 months now and I'm tired. I joined a group doing Sober September, and haven't had a drink since Saturday, and now the scale is actually moving because I eliminated the hungover eating haha! My aim is to break through to the 80lbs mark, finally get into the healthy BMI zone (just 5lbs away!) and getting back on track with my fitness programs (BBG & C210K). I have another 13kg to go, and I really want to get there before the end of 2017. I'll post weekly and keep you guys updated!
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    About Me: 27 years old, office worker (marketing).

    My Starting Weight: 260 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <150 lbs (I'm 5'4" so I will evaluate body composition after this)

    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by early summer 2018
    Target Loss: at least 1.5 lbs per week

    Milestone #1: 235 lbs (by April for a trip to London - on track, only 5lbs to go in three weeks!) DONE!
    Milestone #2: 220 lbs (my next 20lbs loss and my next reward bracelet) DONE!
    Milestone #3: 199 lbs (I'd love to be in Onederland for Ren Faire in early November)
    Milestone #4: 180 lbs (My goals tend to be in 20lb increments)

    Last Check-In Weight: 214.4 lbs, 08/21
    Current Weight: 212.5 lbs, 09/15
    Loss between check-ins: -1.9 lbs
    Total loss: -47.5 lbs

    September Goals: I've slowed down majorly. I've been sick, so I haven't been working out as much at all. I've been watching portions sortof, but really only slightly under maintenance, as evidenced by the numbers. Once I'm feeling better I'm planning on making my return to the gym and food tracking. I'm pleased I can still lose even when I'm not being neurotic about tracking though, that is definitely a good sign I'm doing better lifestyle-wise. 13lbs to Onederland!

  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19st 13lb
    STG : below 19st
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    New small goal: below 19st by 13th November.

    Loss this week : 4lb
    Total loss: 64lb

    This week life was really difficult as I was trying to juggle quite a lot of extra things and I basically had both the kids (I've got two toddlers) myself most of the evenings as well as daytime as my husband had a really busy week at work. Issues dealing with my father in hospital and things to sort out for him. Just felt like we never stopped. And we were out most of the weekend (only home to make a mess of the place by the looks of things this morning) so I was actually worried about weighing in because we were eating out/on the go. I knew that I was under calories for each day but was worried about the type of food. So a good week in terms of weight loss but not a great one in terms of well being. I hate feeling exhausted on a Monday morning.

    Anyway. Have met my old short term goal, and am now below 20 stone. I feel good about that! Have set new short and medium term goals above and so can focus on those now!

  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 171.0lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -78lbs

    Last week was a sort of fresh start for me. I managed to work out 6x which included the BBG program, one run of C210K and swimming other than walking a lot. I'm satisfied with this and hope I can keep it up this week. There's a lot of other stuff going on in my life at the moment, too, so finding a balance is priority. I food prepped dinners for the whole week so when it comes to eating I should be sorted! Here's to one day at a time =)
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (8/21) - 240.4
    CW: 247.6 (after 7 weeks off and personal issues)

    Total Loss: 29.6

    I think I am back on track. Today was the first day of new routine. Still have some things to take care of regarding my mom's estate, which requires trips to Pittsburgh and eating out, but I think I am ready to handle it now.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese)
    Milestone: 290 lbs (this puts me back to where I was 5 years ago)
    Current Weight: 291.2 lbs, 09/21
    Loss this week: -0.2 lbs
    Total loss: -83.8 lbs

    What's Working: being on a schedule during the work week. It's much easier to control what I'm eating when I have a routine.

    What Needs Work: staying within my calorie range....especially while at my parents' house while working on my new one. This is still a major problem. Last weekend was bad - again with too much eating out, which happens because by the time we finish the hard labor for the day, neither I nor my mother feel like cooking. I'm heading down again today for another weekend of work, so hopefully I can keep this weekend in check!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (9/18) - 247.6
    CW: 242.4

    Weekly Loss: -5.2

    Total Loss: 34.2

    I think I am back on track!!! Even after a rocky weekend I managed to even out my splurges with some smart choices.

    What's working: Water, Water Water

    What need improvement: Willpower!! Stay away from trigger foods - ie: chips, butter, etc. It will come, it will take awhile to get back into a routine.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 169lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -80lbs

    Last week was tricky because I had a guest stay from Thursday through Monday, there was a lot of eating out, wine, you get the idea. I didn't work out. This week I've already made a better start, worked out yesterday and today, and i'm trying to eat well. It's a bit tumultuous in my career at the moment, a lot of things are changing, so I am trying very hard to keep my wellbeing side in balance - food, exercise, and mental rest (which in my case is ALL THE BOOKS!!)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)

    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese)

    Old Milestone: 290 lbs - achieved! (this puts me back to where I was 5 years ago)

    New Milestone:281 lbs (this will put me 100 lbs below my highest weight ever of 381 lbs in 2011. I lost 90 lbs then, but gained back all but 5 lbs of it, which was my starting point now)

    Current Weight: 288.1 lbs, 09/28

    Loss this week: -3.1 lbs

    Total loss: -86.9 lbs

    What's Working: Being on a schedule, sticking closer to my calorie count, being more vigilant about the little sneak things that I was taking in and not counting, not realizing how much they added up, thinking that all the work I am doing at the house would offset the snacks.

    What Needs Work: the usual in staying within my calorie range. I'm very tired and just downright exhausted, and that's both physically and mentally, and that makes it much more difficult to tell myself no when temptation strikes. Obviously, some weeks are better than others. I've been slipping lately on the sugary drinks - especially coffee drinks as I can't stand black coffee and I've been needing much more caffeine than normal to get through the day.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19st 10lb
    STG : below 19st
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    New small goal: below 19st by 13th November.

    Loss this week : 3lb (it's actually 2 weeks since I checked in)
    Total loss: 67lb

    I didn't weigh in last week as I was aware that on Monday morning I was a) pre-menstral and b) constipated so I decided against it.

    This week I was pretty good overall and always under calorie goal, but felt a bit like my body was being a bit slow to digest and things so the last few days I reduced my carbs a bit just to give a bit of a change to shock the system a bit and that seems to have worked.

    I'm not particularly obsessive about bmi but I do know that this week I will have moved down from obese 3 to obese 2 on the scale, which is a really big deal considering how much I've had to lose to get here! So I'm really pleased about that!

  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (9/25) - 242.4
    CW: 240.2

    Weekly Loss: -2.2

    Total Loss: 37.00
    Had another rocky weekend but I'll take the -2.2lbs loss and try to do better next weekend.

    What's working: Water, Water Water

    What needs improvement: Willpower!! Stay away from trigger foods - ie: chips, butter, etc. It will come, it will take awhile to get back into a routine.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19st 9st
    STG : below 19st
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    New small goal: below 19st by 13th November.

    Weekly loss: 1lb
    Total loss: 68lb

    I am a bit disappointed in only 1lb loss so I'm going to go back and have a look over my diary and make sure my logging this week is super accurate and strict.