Your milestones and progress - accountability



  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 175.9lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -73.1lbs

    I gained 6.9lbs since the last time I posted. It's a mix of drinking and hungover eating, partially me stopping to pay attention of what I am eating, or ignoring that one helping of cheese is enough and reaching for three more. I'm not going to dwell on what has happened, but rather focus on what I can do to not continue this pattern and improve. Here is what I have decided to change moving forward, in hopes to create a positive change and also reach my set mini-goal of entering the "healthy" weight range by the end of this month, and also my one-year-anniversary on MyFitnessPal:
    • Reduce my calories to 1200 per day (not eating back exercise calories unless I need to
    • Make up my steps to 10.000 every evening before going to bed
    • Keep up my program of BBG 3x per week and at least 2x cardio training in form of running, swimming, elliptical or similar
    • No alcohol until my birthday (find a suitable alternative)
    • Meal Prep (I have dropped the ball recently)
    • Less screens, more interaction with "real" things
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (10/2) - 240.2
    CW: 237.4

    Weekly Loss: -2.8

    Total Loss: 39.8

    What's working: Water, Water Water

    What needs improvement: Willpower!! Willpower is getting better - every time I felt the urge to munch - I cleaned a room!!!! I have the cleanest house in the neighborhood!!!!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    want to come clean mine? lol

    Great job, kimber! You're getting back into the swing of it!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    @bmeadows380 We have friends coming over Saturday with pizza - Send me your address!!!!!! :#:#:#:#:#:D:D
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    you're not that far away - Pittsburgh is about 2 hours north of me lol

    Maybe you can talk them into one veggie pizza, then scrape all the toppings into a bowl and toss the crust; that will save you some calories and carbs there!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Good idea. I am planning a big salad to go with it. Figured I'd eat more of that and maybe one piece of pizza (they are making it from scratch)!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)

    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)

    :281 lbs (this will put me 100 lbs below my highest weight ever of 381 lbs in 2011. I lost 90 lbs then, but gained back all but 5 lbs of it, which was my starting point now)

    Current Weight: 287.5 lbs, 09/28

    Total loss: -87.5 lbs

    What's Working: nothing

    What Needs Work: everything. I hate that I sound whiny and am a debby downer on here, but I'm struggling with everything right now, and I even hate that because so many folks have faced a lot more challenges and tragedies this year than I have, but I'm still very depressed right now, and upset with myself because I can't seem to reign in the snacking. I've only lost 0.6 lbs in 2 weeks, and I'm angry with myself for not being so vigilent and not being able to tell myself no to the snacking. It seems like when I start working harder, I get absolutely ravenous and want to eat constantly. How I am going to keep losing weight when I have to start adding exercise in, if the exercise makes me want to eat more? And I'm not talking eating back a portion of my exercise calories - physical activity makes me want to eat way more than I actually consumed.

    *sigh* next week is a new week, I guess - lets see how many times I can fall flat on my face before I finally figure out the safe path to take!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19st 8lb
    STG : below 19st
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    New small goal: below 19st by 13th November.

    Weekly loss: 1lb
    Total loss: 69lb

    Another 1lb loss, I've really slowed down but a loss is a loss. I feel quite good though. But a whoosh this week would be good!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 168.8lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -80.2lbs

    I've been pretty good about walking 10K steps per day, if I haven't reached it by the end of the day I'll pop on a podcast and go for a walk. I'm lucky enough to live in a nice part of town so I can walk along the river or get lost in the little streets in my area! Another thing I'm on track for right now is to reach "healthy weight" range by the end of the month (my birthday) - I am 1.6kg away, and have 14 days from today. If I diligently stick to the program, this should be achievable!

    As for the other goals I set for myself, I already failed the "no alcohol" one, but I'll try to do better. Same with meal prep. Less screens is going well, I finished reading "Letters of note" (buy this book!) and started the latest in the Millennium series as well as "Modern Romance". I am currently reading a bunch of books, but those are the ones that I'm prioritising.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (10/2) - 247.4
    CW: 237.2

    Weekly Loss: -.2

    Total Loss: 40

    What's working: on my good days everything -

    What needs improvement: on my bad days, everything.

    I have to work on consistency!!! I cheat way tooooooo much!!
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    About Me: 27 years old, office worker (marketing).

    My Starting Weight: 260 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <150 lbs (I'm 5'4" so I will evaluate body composition after this)

    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by early summer 2018
    Target Loss: at least 1.5 lbs per week

    Milestone #1: 235 lbs (by April for a trip to London - on track, only 5lbs to go in three weeks!) DONE!
    Milestone #2: 220 lbs (my next 20lbs loss and my next reward bracelet) DONE!
    Milestone #3: 199 lbs (I'd love to be in Onederland by 2018)
    Milestone #4: 180 lbs (My goals tend to be in 20lb increments)

    Last Check-In Weight: 212.5 lbs, 09/15
    Current Weight: 211.3 lbs, 10/19
    Loss between check-ins: -1.2 lbs
    Total loss: -48.8 lbs

    End-of-Year Goals: It's been...ugh. Stressful. Exhausting. Lot of stuff going on and I'm clamoring my way back to self-care. This week I tracked calories meticulously, I re-examined my goal (set my calories to 1lb/week) and hit the gym again. I just want to get to onederland by 2018. I dipped down to 210 briefly so if I can get back there I'll be pleased. Slow and steady is the key to this race, I know. I'm not gaining, I'm still ~40lbs less than I was this time last year. I can do this.

  • Lisbydezign
    Lisbydezign Posts: 49 Member
    SW: 237.8 (Oct 9, 2017)
    CW: 229.6
    GW: 130

    MILESTONE: 199
    Can't wait to be in the
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 231.8 lbs (10/22/17)
    Total loss: 49.6 lbs

    Next milestone: 50 lbs lost
    Goal weight: probably 150ish

    I stopped seeing my trainer back in August (for lots of reasons) but decided last week to go back. I really need the accountability of an appointment and an "official" weigh in with someone. So even though my weight loss basically stalled for 2 months, I'm happy that I didn't gain anything back. Gives me hope that I've actually changed habits and can be successful long term. I'm SO CLOSE to losing 50 lbs so that's really motivating me right now. Plus we are visiting family that I haven't seen in a while for Thanksgiving and Christmas so I'd like to be down at least another 15-20lbs by then so that they notice.

    1. Work out 5x per week
    2. Plan and prep healthy dinners for the week
    3. No more Halloween candy
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2
    LAST WEIGH IN: (10/16) - 237.2
    CW: 238.4

    Weekly Loss Gain: 1.2

    Total Loss: 38.8

    I make awesome Lasagna and my willpower can not compete!!!! :#:#:#
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    ooooh, Lasagna! I wouldn't be able to resist that either!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)

    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)

    Old Milestone:281 lbs - I'm calling this one met since its a measly 0.1 lbs away lol

    New Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January

    Current Weight: 281.1 lbs, 10/26

    Total loss
    : -93.9 lbs

    What's Working: being back into a more rigid routine. And lowering my calorie limit by 100 calories. I'm finding that if I want to lose 2 lbs/week, I have to set my calorie limit 100 calories lower than what the calculator says I should be eating - and we're talking the most conservative calculator I can find. This may partly be because I'm not measuring everything exactly, so the extra 100 calories accounts for those estimates or perhaps because I'm PCOS, or even because the calculator isn't exact science anyway. In any case, I'm moving in the right direction at the right speed at the moment, and its a victory I was badly needing.

    I'm thrilled to reach this milestone of 281 lbs because that's 100 lbs off from my highest weight ever in 2011. Which now that I think about it, wasn't 381 lbs, but was 382 lbs (I was using the about calorie counting website last time which has since gone defunct, so I'm not exactly sure now.) Anyway, I am very, very happy to have that 100 lbs off because last time, I hit a glass ceiling so to speak about the 10 month mark and quit losing at about 90 lbs off, which then slowly crept back on over the next 4 years. I'm now at the 10 month mark since starting this effort all over again, and I'm still losing steadily so far.

    What Needs Work: still working on tightening up my counting. Most days I'm pretty decent with only a few fudges here and there, but some days, like yesterday, I blow it. Eating with my parents and my sister has been exceedingly challenging since they don't want to limit themselves to my cooking styles or portion sizes. My mom will try to be considerate, but she doesn't always remember what she puts into something. Plus they keep snack foods around. It's been easier since I'm now in a temporary residence while we set up the new house and because I'm back into my routine. Hopefully, it will be better once I get to move in.

    On the flip side, all the work involved in the remodel has help to offset those extra calories I'm taking in, at least!

    Also, now that I'm nearing the 100 lb off mark, I know I really need to get a exercise routine started. Its just I detest regular exercise. *sigh* the best I can do at the moment is to try to get some walking in, though its going to be tougher since winter is coming in. But my grandfather asked me over the weekend if I wanted an exercise machine he had. My dad's foster brother had left it behind when he moved out of one of Grandpa's trailers, and when Grandpa described it to me, it sounds like it may be an elliptical machine. I told him yes, I definitely wanted it! I'll go down next weekend to make sure and get it back up to my new place.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)

    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)

    Old Milestone:281 lbs - I'm calling this one met since its a measly 0.1 lbs away lol

    New Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January

    Current Weight: 281.1 lbs, 10/26

    Total loss
    : -93.9 lbs

    What's Working: being back into a more rigid routine. And lowering my calorie limit by 100 calories. I'm finding that if I want to lose 2 lbs/week, I have to set my calorie limit 100 calories lower than what the calculator says I should be eating - and we're talking the most conservative calculator I can find. This may partly be because I'm not measuring everything exactly, so the extra 100 calories accounts for those estimates or perhaps because I'm PCOS, or even because the calculator isn't exact science anyway. In any case, I'm moving in the right direction at the right speed at the moment, and its a victory I was badly needing.

    I'm thrilled to reach this milestone of 281 lbs because that's 100 lbs off from my highest weight ever in 2011. Which now that I think about it, wasn't 381 lbs, but was 382 lbs (I was using the about calorie counting website last time which has since gone defunct, so I'm not exactly sure now.) Anyway, I am very, very happy to have that 100 lbs off because last time, I hit a glass ceiling so to speak about the 10 month mark and quit losing at about 90 lbs off, which then slowly crept back on over the next 4 years. I'm now at the 10 month mark since starting this effort all over again, and I'm still losing steadily so far.

    What Needs Work: still working on tightening up my counting. Most days I'm pretty decent with only a few fudges here and there, but some days, like yesterday, I blow it. Eating with my parents and my sister has been exceedingly challenging since they don't want to limit themselves to my cooking styles or portion sizes. My mom will try to be considerate, but she doesn't always remember what she puts into something. Plus they keep snack foods around. It's been easier since I'm now in a temporary residence while we set up the new house and because I'm back into my routine. Hopefully, it will be better once I get to move in.

    On the flip side, all the work involved in the remodel has help to offset those extra calories I'm taking in, at least!

    Also, now that I'm nearing the 100 lb off mark, I know I really need to get a exercise routine started. Its just I detest regular exercise. *sigh* the best I can do at the moment is to try to get some walking in, though its going to be tougher since winter is coming in. But my grandfather asked me over the weekend if I wanted an exercise machine he had. My dad's foster brother had left it behind when he moved out of one of Grandpa's trailers, and when Grandpa described it to me, it sounds like it may be an elliptical machine. I told him yes, I definitely wanted it! I'll go down next weekend to make sure and get it back up to my new place.

    You're doing so well - I'm really really happy for you!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @Piqueaboo Thank you! :)
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    @bmeadows380 Great job!!!! Keep up the awesome job. You're like me, the slightest deviation from my routine, seems to through me for a loop. If I can avoid other people, I'm okay LOL!!!!!! I cave at peer pressure!!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    kimbermak wrote: »
    @bmeadows380 Great job!!!! Keep up the awesome job. You're like me, the slightest deviation from my routine, seems to through me for a loop. If I can avoid other people, I'm okay LOL!!!!!! I cave at peer pressure!!!

    oh, yes! Peer pressure is horrible, and I'm almost completely helpless against it lol