Your milestones and progress - accountability



  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 167.5lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -81.5lbs

    I have been logging for 365 days now, but my MFP "anniversary" is November 1st as I see it. Last year when I decided to get serious about this, I waited until after my birthday (today) and my visitors having gone by the end of October (I always celebrate for a week). On November 1st I properly started. I am just a pound away from entering the "healthy" zone on the BMI scale and I really really want to weigh in there on Wednesday. I have been meticulous about food last week, and will be until Wednesday. It would mean the world to me and maybe make it more real in my mind (as I don't see the weightloss like those around me, but I think this is a common problem for those among us who lose a lot of weight). I started with a BMI of 37.3 and my current BMI is 25.1. I'll do a big post on the success forum on Wednesday, too, with what did and didn't work, and all that.
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 167.5lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -81.5lbs

    I have been logging for 365 days now, but my MFP "anniversary" is November 1st as I see it. Last year when I decided to get serious about this, I waited until after my birthday (today) and my visitors having gone by the end of October (I always celebrate for a week). On November 1st I properly started. I am just a pound away from entering the "healthy" zone on the BMI scale and I really really want to weigh in there on Wednesday. I have been meticulous about food last week, and will be until Wednesday. It would mean the world to me and maybe make it more real in my mind (as I don't see the weightloss like those around me, but I think this is a common problem for those among us who lose a lot of weight). I started with a BMI of 37.3 and my current BMI is 25.1. I'll do a big post on the success forum on Wednesday, too, with what did and didn't work, and all that.

    Happy birthday and happy MFP anniversary! 81.5 pounds in a year is AMAZING! Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow :)
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 230.2 lbs (10/31/17)
    Total loss: 51.2 lbs
    Loss this week: -1.6 lbs

    Next milestone: 50 lbs lost
    New milestone: 217 lbs - this is my college weight and one of the lowest weights I can remember as an adult
    Goal weight: 150ish

    I'm so happy to be over the 50 pound mark! I still feel a little stuck bouncing around 230lbs so my goals are the same for this week. I think it's reasonable to shoot for 217 by Christmas (lose 13lbs in 8 weeks) and I'm feeling really motivated. Mostly I want a big reaction from family at Christmas :)

    This past week was a good one. I went to the gym 5 days and mostly stayed under my calories. The exception was football Saturday and as an Ohio State fan I was stress eating to the MAX. The good news is that we made a veggie and dip tray instead of mindlessly eating junk all day so it definitely wasn't as bad as it could have been.

    1. Work out 5x per week
    2. Plan and prep healthy dinners for the week
    3. Drink more water
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 280.6 lbs, 11/2
    Total loss: -94.4 lbs

    What's Working
    : CICO in principle

    What Needs Work: I seem to be doing great one week, than not so great the next. Last week, I had a fantastic loss; this week, it stalled. Next week will be better, but the week after that will stall. That seems to be the name of the game for the last 2 months and its very frustrating as I really don't know how to deal with it other than just keep trying to move forward. I really do think a lot of it is because my life is in such flux right now, with all the remodeling and eating out and at mom's. Still, it's driving me crazy because I need 6 lbs to reach 100 off and it seems to be dancing just out of reach!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 280.6 lbs, 11/2
    Total loss: -94.4 lbs

    What's Working
    : CICO in principle

    What Needs Work: I seem to be doing great one week, than not so great the next. Last week, I had a fantastic loss; this week, it stalled. Next week will be better, but the week after that will stall. That seems to be the name of the game for the last 2 months and its very frustrating as I really don't know how to deal with it other than just keep trying to move forward. I really do think a lot of it is because my life is in such flux right now, with all the remodeling and eating out and at mom's. Still, it's driving me crazy because I need 6 lbs to reach 100 off and it seems to be dancing just out of reach!

    I totally understand your frustrations! When I get fed up with small losses each week it helps to remind myself of how much I have lost overall. You've lost 94 pounds and that is INCREDIBLE! Stick with it, you'll be down 100 before you know it!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    mebelfanti wrote: »
    I totally understand your frustrations! When I get fed up with small losses each week it helps to remind myself of how much I have lost overall. You've lost 94 pounds and that is INCREDIBLE! Stick with it, you'll be down 100 before you know it!

    Thank you, mebelfanti! And you are looking fantastic yourself! Such a difference!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    SW: 249lbs
    CW: 166.6lbs
    GW: 143lbs

    Total loss: -82.4lbs

    So, anniversary is over and I blogged about is here - my first "real" post to the success forum, yay! This week is pretty broken up, I'm going to Paris to celebrate my birthday so there will be eating out, drinks and such, but it's my birthday so I'm not too fussed.
    Now I'm adjusting to the mindset "I am at a healthy weight" and can "take a breath" if that makes sense. The race is over, I'm out of the "danger zone". I have another 23lbs to go, but I'm sure this is going to take 6+ months from now. I'm eventually going to increase my calories, and need to sort out a fitness routine for the winter months that I can stick to. The good news is that now it's getting colder, the sitting at bars is drastically decreasing, so that's some empty calories eliminated haha! I just feel a huge sense of relief.
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member

    Thank you, mebelfanti! And you are looking fantastic yourself! Such a difference!

    Thank you so much!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 276.7 lbs, 11/9
    Total loss: -98.3 lbs

    What's Working: CICO in principle

    What Needs Work
    : after reading up on it, I think I'm going to take a diet break the next 2 weeks and try eating at maintenance. Even if it doesn't help reset a lot of my hormone levels liked promised, I think it will definitely help my immune system get back up to full level - I've been sick for the last 3 weeks, so eating full maintenance will give my body the fully it needs to repair. So my weight may go back up slightly, but if the claims pan out, once I start back into deficit, it should be easier for a while.

    I still want to be down to 100 lbs lost before my doctor's appointment on 12/18, and that's only 1.7 lbs away, so it SHOULD be totally doable, baring I don't blow it big time Thanksgiving week!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 224.0 lbs
    Total loss: 57.4
    Loss this week: -2.8

    Next milestone: 217 lbs - this is my college weight and one of the lowest weights I can remember as an adult
    Goal weight: 150ish

    The last two weeks have been pretty good, and I'm really happy with my 2.8 loss this week. I've been cutting calories maybe a little too aggressively this week to help make up for eating and drinking too much at a wedding last weekend and also in preparation for Thanksgiving. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be but I'm looking forward to indulging in some serious comfort food. My only goal is to maintain next week. We're staying at a hotel for a few days while we travel and I realized yesterday that it doesn't have a gym (what hotel doesn't have a gym these days??) so I'm a little worried but hopefully I can get in some kind of exercise somehow.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19st
    STG : below 19st
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    New small goal: below 19st by 13th November.

    Weekly loss: 6lbs
    Total loss: 76lbs

    Finally!! I stopped updating this thread weekly for a while because I was exactly the same weight for 4 weeks in a row and was feeling a bit annoyed as I couldn’t work out why. Anyway, body must have just been taking some adjustment time and this week 6lbs have finally gripped off. At last! Hope this continues as I’m only 1away from my next short term goal (I’m now way behind schedule, but never mind)

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 279.3 lbs, 11/30
    Total loss: -95.7 lbs

    What's Working
    : I came off my diet break this weekend after the holidays, and though it took a couple of days, I did see some weight loss - which was good, because as soon as I started deficit again, my weight actually increased for a few days! I'm noticing activity really affects my weight for a few days afterwards; I'll need to take this into account if and when I ever get a consistent exercise regimen started.....

    What Needs Work
    : My lowest weight recording that I recorded before the diet break must have been a fluke because the very next day I started my diet break and my weight popped back up to 280.9 lbs, so I recorded that for last week, which meant I had a gain over the last 2 weeks. The 279 lbs from this week I'm not sure is actual weight loss or just deficit eating getting excess water out. We'll see next week if I have a true loss or not.

    I really, really would like to be at 275 lbs on 12/18, which may be almost doable, provided I rigidly stick to my deficit - which I have problems with :frowning: On the evenings were I go over and work on my house painting or what not, I get absolutely ravenous - and while I know that the extra physical activity does warrant a few extra calories, its not anywhere near the calories that my body wants to eat! Evenings are a problem for me anyway, so I try my best to save as many calories as possible for those hours, but I get hungry during the daytime too. I've thought about trying to skip lunch, but by the time lunchtime comes around, I'm too hungry to do it. Afternoons after lunch are when the drive to snack is absolutely driving me crazy, so I'm not sure what do with that.

    I know I should start an exercise program, but 1)it's winter and by the time I get home of an evening it's almost dark, so no walking outside & I can't walk a treadmill (something is off with my walking gait, which makes it almost dangerous!) 2) I can't afford a gym membership right now and absolutely hate the gym environment anyway 3) I absolutely hate regular exercise programs, and it takes a huge amount of willpower to get me to do it, which I don't have a lot of in the evenings. I'm not a morning person and have to be out of my house no later than 6:30 AM for work, so there isn't time to get it in of a morning either. 4) all my free time right now is eaten up by working on this house, which is physical activity, at least!

    I guess I'll just keep moving forward, and once I get into this house, I'll re-assess where I'm at and see if I can find something I can get myself to do on a regular basis.....
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 221.2 lbs
    Total loss: 60.2
    Loss this week: -3.8

    Next milestone: 217 lbs - this is my college weight and one of the lowest weights I can remember as an adult
    Goal weight: 150ish

    Pretty excited to hit the 60 pounds lost milestone. I wasn't sure I could get to 217 by Christmas or year end but now I think I can do it. Thanksgiving was a major fail. Most of the weight gain was water retention but it still has taken me two weeks to get back on track and in a good place mentally. But I'm ready to take on the next two weeks, I'd really like to be 217 before leaving for vacation on the 23rd. We're going to South Carolina and Virginia to visit family and I know I'm going to eat ALL the Southern foods and I'm going to enjoy every bite. The key for me is portion control and I think (hope?) I've learned my lesson from Thanksgiving. We'll also be able to go to a gym, at least for part of the trip, so that will be a huge help.

    Good luck to everyone on getting through the holiday and year end madness!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    edited December 2017
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 18 13lb
    STG : 18 7lbs
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    Old small goal: below 19st by 13th Nov - MET 11th Dec.
    New small goal - 18stone 7lbs by 1st jan 2018.

    Weekly loss: 1lbs
    Total loss: 78lbs

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    congratulations, Mebelfanti! You are looking fantastic! Even if Thanksgiving was a fail, it was just one day, and you got right back on track, which is the important thing. You have the tools and proven you have the determination to stick to your plan, so I know you'll handle Christmas and vacation :smile: And the best part about doing weight loss this way is that we can have a guilt free pleasure day once in a while and enjoy those special, once a while foods :smiley:

    And way to go, sparklesammy! You've really been doing a wonderful job and sticking to it! That's a fantastic loss!

    You both really do deserve to be proud of your accomplishments! :grin:
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 278 lbs, 12/14
    Total loss: -97 lbs

    What's Working: nothing right now - or at least, that's what it feels like!

    What Needs Work: everything. I can't seem to stop the snacking! The drive to pop something in my mouth is so strong right now, especially of an evening when I'm at my parent's house. It doesn't help that they have snacky foods around. Its not that I'm gorging myself, but a couple of potato chips here, a couple of chocolate chips there, a small cookie in between, a little sugar in my tea - all this adds up. Yeah, a serving of the cookies is 4 cookies and I only ate one - but if a serving size is 120, that's 30 calories per cookie! I'm at a 1400 calorie deficit; 30 calories is a lot!

    I KNOW I need to rein myself in, to stop giving in to the little things and be more strict in my logging. I KNOW this, but I can't seem to get it into practice :( I can't seem to get to that 100 lbs off at all, and I'm scared because if just getting the last 5 lbs off has been so hard, how on earth am I supposed to get the next 100 lbs off?
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 19 2lb
    STG : 18 7lbs
    MTG: below 16st
    UGW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    old small goal : below 21st by 22nd July - MET 7th August.
    Old small goal: below 20st by 2nd Oct - MET 18th September.
    Old small goal: below 19st by 13th Nov - MET 11th Dec.
    New small goal - 18stone 7lbs by 1st jan 2018.

    Weekly loss: 3lb GAIN(!)
    Total loss: 75lbs

    This is the first week I’ve gained since I started in April. I know exactly why and understand it. We had lots of Christmas parties and my sons birthday party and i was popping little treats in my mouth more than I was logging. Need to tighten up on that now. This time of year I find myself constantly surrounded by food. I need to be a bit stronger - I don’t like this feeling when I’ve gained weight. I will try a bit harder this week to not eat unnecessarily but it’s actually Christmas this week, so I know this isn’t going to be easy.
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    edited December 2017
    Thanks so much bmeadows! I really appreciate the support. I'm also struggling with snacking ALL THE TIME lately, a cookie here and some popcorn there really does add up! I've started to either brush my teeth or chew some gum in the evenings after dinner to stop myself from snacking all night. It's not fool proof but it's worked out pretty well so far, maybe it could work for you!

    You've come so far and 97 pounds is something to be really proud of! It's SUCH a tough time of the year to lose weight, don't be too hard on yourself and try not to let not losing stress you out. Just keep working at it and the weight will come off eventually!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 218 lbs
    Total loss: 63.4
    Loss this week: -3.2

    Next milestone: 217 lbs - this is my college weight and one of the lowest weights I can remember as an adult
    Goal weight: 150ish

    So close to my next milestone! I've had two pretty big losses in a row and I'm feeling good about going into the holidays. I know I'll gain some weight, but I plan on enjoying myself with family at Christmas and that's more important. And with any luck it will mostly be water weight.

    My trainer does a biggest loser competition with all his clients and I'm in first place for the year! I think it's by a decent margin so hopefully I don't blow my entire lead on vacation. I'm pretty pumped because the prize is January is free, so I guess I need to keep that in mind and maybe the holiday weight gain won't be as bad.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 275 lbs - this will be the 100 lb mark from my starting weight in January
    Current Weight: 276 lbs, 12/21
    Total loss: -99 lbs - so close!

    What's Working: calorie limits and physical labor at my house I'm hoping to be able to move into come January

    What Needs Work
    : I did better this week - I got a lot of work done over the weekend, had a good friend visit to distract me from eating, and actually did decently on Monday, even though I was out of town that day. But I'm still bad for snacking! I guess its the time of the year. I'll keep plugging along, though!