March Challenge



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    @jennamae102 that's the beautiful thing about weekly averages :) helps things not look like such a big deal.
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    @Kristie155 I bet you are down again pretty quickly, I find if it's quick on it's quick off- don't beat yourself up but obviously not nice when you get physical side effects :(@VeryKatie LOVING the weekly averages after my weekend haha, I was away and had way too much wine and cheese...trying to make the most of it before TTC I think!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Still not feeling great, it's my TOM and cramps are through the roof along with an uneasy stomach and unwell feeling. Im thinking Sunday night is still with me. The scale is coming down, which I new it would (thanks for the support @1fit_momma) but I'd rather not feel this yucky after! Also, I think hubby is getting sick (again!!) and with my FW right around the corner Im really not happy about it :/ not that its ever good for him to get sick, but come on timing!! Going to pump him full of meds and fluids and hope for the best.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    My weight is at a major standstill so far this month. I should be okay with it because of the huge loss I saw last week, but it's kind of bumming me out. Not only am I not losing weight, I'm very hungry all the time. Yesterday I ate a huge dinner trying to meet my protein goal. I almost made it but was still 16 grams shy. I did go over calories a couple days last week, but not enough to justify weighing the same this week. Maybe I need to start measuring my food more accurately. I'm joining this Real Appeal weight loss program at work and will get a new food scale (for free!) so hopefully I can start weighing. I am really unenthused about that, though. Ah well, here's to hanging in there.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Mid week check in :)
    2/28: 194.0#
    3/6: 196.0#-after eating food I shouldnt have
    3/9: 191.8 :) a new low, yay! Stomach is STILL upset from my little splurge on Sunday. I really wont be doing that again soon. 4 days of stomach upset is not worth it for some cake and a sub.

    My sciatic and leg pain are awful, I went 9 days ago for a 60 minute massage and just scheduled a 90 for tonight and went to the chiropractor. Next step is to go to the doctor and get some muscle relaxers to add to the mix. This SUCKS! Going on 6 months of this issue, and I thought it was resolved a few months ago and came back worse than ever :(
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Wow so you've come through the other side and lost weight @Kristie155!! How amazing is that, and an all time low, that's gotta feel good!? I think I need to review my March target, totally forgot I had 2 seperate holidays/weekends away planned (one to go) and although I want to be good my aim of 11 pound loss was a tad crazy.
    Revised goal:
    3/1: 210
    3/31: 203
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    @Kirstie155 Congrats on the low!!! Woohoo! Are you generally gluten free? Just wondering why a cake and a sub would wreck your tummy! So sorry about the pain. That sounds SO inconvenient and frustrating.

    @1fit_mamma 11 lbs is a lot in a month. Totally fine to revisit that goal :smile:

    After my frustration yesterday, the scale showed a loss today! It was like it heard me whining or something. Today I'm practically starving myself in advance of this beer pairing event hubby and I are going to tonight. Not really to save calories as much as to save room for all of the delicious food. I packed some nuts and some tea to tide me over. I usually only eat fish for meat, but tonight I'm going to eat chicken at this event so I can have more than 3 of the small plates being offered/paired with different beers. It will be a fun date night!

    I decided that I'm 99% likely to try to do this off-road triathlon in mid-June. I had thought that I wanted to do a big road ride as my pre-baby-best-shape-of-my-life activity, but this triathlon just looks incredible, and it's right here in town. I'll be able to train for the ride and the run on the actual trails we'll be required to ride and run. I'm really pumped for it! My friend is going to help me learn how to properly swim so that will be really fun too.

    Sorry for babbling! Happy Friday everyone!
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    2017 Starting Weight: 176.5

    March Starting Weight: 166
    3/10 - 165.5

    March Goal: 161....stretch goal of 159!

    Only 0.5 pound this week, but I'm not surprised with my giant indulgence last weekend. I did use the gym at work during lunch twice this week, and it felt really nice to get some exercise in again!

    @kirstie155 congrats on the new low!
    @pezhed that date night sounds so fun, enjoy!!
  • krizaten33
    krizaten33 Posts: 63 Member
    My goal is same as yours! Jumping in late but I'm thinking about yins girls. Starting. 177.2 goal 175 feels realistic!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Just throwing this in here because I forgot to do it on Wednesday. haha

    Weigh In:

    March 1st: 200.4
    March 8th: 201.2

    Yeah my weight is going in the wrong direction, mostly because for the past five days (give or take) I've had a rather insatiable appetite. I started my period today so maybe it will go away now. haha


    March 31st:

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Monday check in!
    2/28: 194.0#
    3/6: 196.0#
    3/13: 191.0# Looks like the scale is back to normal, and yesterday it even said 190.2! That was exciting, I cant wait to be out of the 190s! Soon, very soon :) Hoping I can meet my goal for the month! Im already down 3 pounds in 2 weeks, but really want to see the scale keep going down!
    3/31: 187.0#
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2017
    That's amazing @kirstie155! You will see a 189 in no time!! I on the other hand have just gotten back from 5 days away with family and it was a food bonanza, I've put on 5 pounds :(. I'm hoping it's just like your weekend a few weeks ago and it will come off pretty quickly. Super clean day coming up...
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @1fit_mamma Im sure your 5# will fall right off too once you get back in the swing of things, its just bloat! Mine was 192 this morning after a naughty dinner to celebrate a good review hubby had. New day!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2017
    Weigh In:

    March 1st: 200.4
    March 8th: 201.2
    March 15th: 201

    I've been pretty much hovering around 201-202 so I may not be losing but at least I'm not gaining either.


    March 31st:

  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    2017 Starting Weight: 176.5

    March Starting Weight: 166
    3/10 - 165.5
    3/17 - 163.5

    March Loss - 2.5

    March Goal: 161....stretch goal of 159!

    I'm feeling much better this week! I stayed pretty close to my calorie goals over the weekend and worked out at the office gym during lunch 3 days! I hope everyone else is feeling good about March. Come on Spring!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Everyone is doing fantastic this month! Way to go!

    So since we were discussing weightgrapher last month, I thought it'd be appropriate to throw this in here.

    I managed to forget my password for it and when I went to recover my password it told me I needed to be logged in to see that page. -_- So I sent an email regarding that issue but that got me looking for an alternative while I waited for them to get back to me. (They still haven't) which leads me to this.

    I started using It's a little more detailed for those who like to have more info and plus if you have a FitBit (which mine is linked to MFP) all you have to do is record your weight into MFP and that takes care of FitBit and Trendweight so it may save you a few seconds of your day.

    But anyway, Trendweight tells the following: (and it has a graph too!)

    Weight Change Over Time:

    Since yesterday: -0.1 lbs
    Since a week ago: -0.1 lbs
    Since two weeks ago: 0.0 lbs
    Since a month ago: 0.0 lbs


    You are gaining 0.0 lbs/week of total weight.
    You are burning 23 cal/day less than you eat.

    You have been tracking your weight for 11 weeks.
    You have 76.3 lbs to lose to reach your goal weight.
    You must cut 523 cal/day to match your plan.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited March 2017
    @WifiresGettingFit I have heard Trendweight also has an app. My phone can't use it hence why I went with Weightgrapher at the time haha. I am going to try Trendweight to see what kind of data it gives me.

    ETA: Ah it says I have to connect a FitBit or something in order to use it. Now I remember why I used WeightGrapher lol.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2017
    @VeryKatie Yeah that's the only downside, they don't seem to let you manually enter your data. I meant to mention that in my post above. Hopefully they'll change it in the future. I actually thought it was going to be completely unusable for me as well because I don't have a Fitbit Aria Scale or the other ones it list but apparently it works just with a FitBit account as well.

    EDIT: Actually I was wrong, they don't have an app. Trendweight FAQ but I do believe you can set up a FitBit account without actually having a FitBit.

  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a little late to the party but I would like to join! Not sure what my exact weight was at the beginning of March but I'm currently sitting at 191.2 lbs. - my goal is to be 187 by the end of the month.
  • krizaten33
    krizaten33 Posts: 63 Member
    I am on day 2 of "back to the plan." I went out of town and toured atlanta with a very pregnant friend and ate and ate and ate....eeeeeeeee..tried to stay moving but not the usual workouts or moving.back to it!
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