March Challenge



  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Never too late @girlalmighty08 :). Trips away are so hard @krizaten33! I can't get out of the relax mentality in regards to food, and find it really hard to count calories when you're trying to be social. If anyone has the secret please share!
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Mar 1st 157.8
    Mar 6th 156.1
    Mar 13th 155.0
    Mar 20th 155.6 (but overall trend is down)

    March goal weight 153.8

    Just finished the Bermuda Triple Challenge - 3 days of obstacle racing! My numbers don't look good today but the overall trend is down (I love weightgrapher) so I'm still on track to reach my March goal.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Monday check in!
    2/28: 194.0#
    3/6: 196.0#
    3/13: 191.0#
    3/20: 192#

    Goal: 3/31: 187.0#
    Ive been on a pretty strict diet since the beginning of the year, and am starting to relax it a bit. I'm down about 13# already, so happy about that (wish it was more!) but weight loss will probably slow as I relax a bit on the diet. Being too strict for too long isnt good for me :P

    @samlovesthesnow awesome job on the race, thats fantastic-well done!
  • krizaten33
    krizaten33 Posts: 63 Member
    Starting. 177.2
    3/20- 177.2..jumped way up..and back down after fun trip to atlanta with a friend....keep it going...

    goal 175 feels realistic!
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend....not food wise lol. We were very productive. We painted our dining room, installed our new chandelier, and put together our new entertainment center for the living room.

    The first 2 people (besides my husband) mentioned that I looked like I lost weight which was awesome. Also, I had to go bridesmaid dress shopping at David's Bridal. When the consultant asked what size I was I said probably a 12. All of the 12s she brought were too big and I had to size down to a 10! Very exciting for me :) My jeans are also getting a little too loose so hopefully I'll size down there soon too.

    Hope everyone else's March is going well...Happy First Day of Spring!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    @krizaten33 Yeah you can get to 175! That's great that your weight has recovered from your fun trip!
    @samlovesthesnow Great job on the 3-day obstacle race! That is amazing! Sounds so fun!
    @Kirstie155 being too disciplined for too long can definitely be brutal! 13 lbs is huge!
    @jennamae102 that's an amazing NSV!! Woohoo!

    I'm still recovering from WAY overindulging in my hometown over the weekend, but I was good yesterday and stayed within my calories+exercise calories. My goal of 122 isn't looking good for this month as I weighed 128.4 this morning, but I'll keep pushing. Since I'm going to start serious triathlon training next week, I envision getting in pretty good shape pretty quickly in April. My family noticed my weight loss over the weekend, which was encouraging. However, my brother said my grandma told him I looked better when I "had more meat on [my] bones". Can't please everyone! :smile:
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Just noticed I entered my last weight wrong... it should have been 191.4 on March 17th... and now my weight this morning is 192. I haven't changed anything in relation to my nutrition so I'm hoping it's just a little bit of water or something from the high intensity gym sessions I've had lately. I'm still such a sucker for the number on the scale, ugh.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Weigh In:

    March 1st: 200.4
    March 8th: 201.2
    March 15th: 201
    March 22nd: 201.6


    March 31st:

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    2/28: 149.8 lb
    3/7: 149.2
    3/14: 151.4
    3/21: 151.6

    3/29 (April 2): ~154.0 lb

    I'm not meeting my exercise goal of 2 - 3 times a week due to a pulled muscle. But I hope to do plenty of walking on my trip. This month has been a bit stupid health wise.
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    2017 Starting Weight: 176.5
    March Starting Weight: 166

    3/10 - 165.5
    3/17 - 163.5
    3/24 - 162

    March Loss - 4!

    March Goal: 161....stretch goal of 159!

    I was very shocked this morning, I was not expecting a big loss this week! I think this is the lightest weight I can recall being in nearly 10 years....quickly approaching the 150s and a shopping trip :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    @jennamae102 congrats on the loss!! That is so exciting!

    2/28: 127.2
    3/31 goal: 122
    3/24 weight: 125.2

    Hasn't been the best month, but I'm glad to have gotten rid of my weekend indulgence water weight. I weighed 131.4 on Monday! My goal doesn't seem like it'll happen but I'll keep trying. I've done pretty well riding my bike to work and running 5 miles a week! I've gotta get back to tracking in the spreadsheet because I love seeing that info all together.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    3/17 - 191.4
    3/22 - 192.0
    3/24 - 189.2

    March Goal - 187.0

    I always hate seeing the scale go up even though I know I'm doing everything right... was such a relief to hop on this morning and see my hard work finally paying off. Should be on track to hit my March goal weight! YAHOO! :)
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Amazing effort @jennamae102!! To be the lightest you have been in 10 years is a huge achievement, you must feel great?

    Despite now not having enough time to reach my goal for March (still 4lb's away), I probably set an unrealistic one with two scheduled two trips away- I've still lost almost 4lb and have finally started getting comments about my weight loss so I guess those 4lb's have made an impact! Still a few days of March left so hoping for a 5lb total.

    Thanks for the spreadsheet @VeryKatie, not sure I would have lost anything without it!
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Monday weigh in...

    Mar 1st 157.8
    Mar 6th 156.1
    Mar 13th 155.0
    Mar 20th 155.6 (but overall trend is down)
    Mar 27th 151.7 (woo hoo!)
    Mar 31st

    Goal weight end of March 153.8

    This has been a great month for me! The main difference has been loads of exercise - I'm training for the Spartan race at the end of April and it's given me the motivation to get going. This year I've been trying to fit things like pizza, beer and chocolate into my calorie goals, in the hope that this time I'll actually manage to keep the weight off. Had pizza and beer last night - so far it's working!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Wow that an incredible month @samlovesthesnow! So looks like you have smashed your goal? Congrats!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Oh and great idea working in treats into your calorie goal, I'm trying to do the same thing. Moderation has never been my strong suit, and it's held me back from sustained weight loss in the past (classic yo-yo'er here) so definitely something I'm trying to change permanently. Love you have had such a great month doing this, it gives me hope!
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks! I love the encouraging comments on here, it really helps. Four days til the end of the month ladies - we've got this!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2017
    Weigh In:

    March 1st: 200.4
    March 8th: 201.2
    March 15th: 201
    March 22nd: 201.6
    March 29th: 204.6

    This is basically the product of being on my period (a second time this month) and eating too much (again).

    I mentioned in the Check In thread but I'll mention it here as well. I beat my step record, I almost got 13,000 steps in yesterday! I also ended the day in a deficit and that is a step in the right direction. Hopefully going forward I can reign in the eating better (a lot better) and start making some real progress. I'm over being in the 200's (again.)

    Goal: NOT MET!

    March 31st:

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Monday Wednesday check in!
    2/28: 194.0#
    3/6: 196.0#
    3/13: 191.0#
    3/20: 192#
    3/29: 193#

    Goal: 3/31: 187.0#
    ...looks like Im not going to make it, but this was an aggressive goal. I'm okay with where I am at, my first tww while ttc was very hard on me emotionally so I ate all the things. Next month I am going to try and be much more productive during that time and work out and garden to distract myself instead of making pizza and brownies and obsessing. I also have an mri scheduled for Friday and was hoping to have to cancel it due to pregnant, but looks like Ill have to go anyway. I'll be happy if I end the month out at 192, 191? At least I havent gained and caught myself before it got out of hand.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Mar 1st 157.8
    Mar 6th 156.1
    Mar 13th 155.0
    Mar 20th 155.6 (but overall trend is down)
    Mar 27th 151.7 (woo hoo!)
    Mar 31st 149.7 (wow!!!)

    Goal weight end of March 153.8

    Amazing month for me! I'm on a roll now. Next mini aim is to get to a BMI between 21-24, which is supposed to give you the best chance of conceiving. For me, a BMI of 24 is 148lbs, so that is the next goal.
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