M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Worst was some crossfit princess

    i should not laugh, because krok is a cross-fitter . . . she's certainly evidence that the ones that give the thing a bad name are the ones you notice. but all the same this is so like ms captain-selfish at my gym i'm going to laugh anyway.

    i turned out to be on a rest day :tongue. not complaining, though. my sciatic/hip thing has been so much better since that little massage student pincered the far edge of that glute and hung onto it that i feel a little bit weird about doing 'nothing' at all. in fact, it's so much better today that i feel weird partly because i keep forgetting just yesterday i did heavy deadlift and press. so the rest day is legitimate anyway. but it also feels like i could go out there and push down a tree . . . so i 'should'. i was foiled in my Dastardly Plan to tack on an infrared sauna before doing tomorrow's massage, but that was prolly just greed at this point so Oh Well.

    i'm planning to go and do that, and then lift afterwards. this is deload week so i believe that's okay, and yeah . . . i am probably being too eager but i can't help pre-planning about how everything's oging to be rhapsody-smooth when i do it. even the squats.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Great insights, canadian, thank you for taking the time to help! My hips are always loudly cracking so maybe it will be good to finally pay them some proper attention lol :)
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout after warm up
    Squats 5x5 @104lbs. These felt pretty easy think I need to move up now.i feel like I have no confidence with squats and get a mental block when I go over 110lbs.
    Bench 55355 @66lbs.
    Rows 5x5@68lbs.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Worst was some crossfit princess

    i should not laugh, because krok is a cross-fitter . . . she's certainly evidence that the ones that give the thing a bad name are the ones you notice. but all the same this is so like ms captain-selfish at my gym i'm going to laugh anyway.

    No offense to Kroc, and I certainly don't want to paint all crossfitters with a broad brush. I've known others who did crossfit who were perfectly respectful, considerate people. I only know this one was a crossfitter bc she was wearing a T-shirt that said crossfit as she paraded around badly teaching in a non-crossfit gym...I think a staff person may have eventually said something to her but at one point I saw her walking around with a hoodie over the shirt so maybe she just covered up and kept going. I was soooooo sorely tempted to go to the girl she was "training" afterward and say "girl, that bar is up too high on the rack and the box squat she had you doing isn't low enough" but I didn't want to be an a-hole. If I see her struggling with the bar when she's alone I'll offer to help, but I'm always wary of crossing a line.

    @jowaring, go for it! I believe in you :tongue:
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Worst was some crossfit princess

    i should not laugh, because krok is a cross-fitter . . . she's certainly evidence that the ones that give the thing a bad name are the ones you notice. but all the same this is so like ms captain-selfish at my gym i'm going to laugh anyway.

    No offense to Kroc, and I certainly don't want to paint all crossfitters with a broad brush. I've known others who did crossfit who were perfectly respectful, considerate people. I only know this one was a crossfitter bc she was wearing a T-shirt that said crossfit as she paraded around badly teaching in a non-crossfit gym...I think a staff person may have eventually said something to her but at one point I saw her walking around with a hoodie over the shirt so maybe she just covered up and kept going. I was soooooo sorely tempted to go to the girl she was "training" afterward and say "girl, that bar is up too high on the rack and the box squat she had you doing isn't low enough" but I didn't want to be an a-hole. If I see her struggling with the bar when she's alone I'll offer to help, but I'm always wary of crossing a line.

    @jowaring, go for it! I believe in you :tongue:

    thanks amy!i think its because I have failed a few times at a higher weight,ive sat down and not been able to get up lol.i workout at home so only my husband is there to see.i need to stop being soft lol.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-30X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Take a Walk every day! I've been doing awesome and getting in at least 1-2, 2+mile walks a day!

    I lost another .4 lbs this makes for a total of .8 lb this week. At least it's still moving in the right direction!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Worst was some crossfit princess

    i should not laugh, because krok is a cross-fitter . . . she's certainly evidence that the ones that give the thing a bad name are the ones you notice. but all the same this is so like ms captain-selfish at my gym i'm going to laugh anyway.

    No offense to Kroc, and I certainly don't want to paint all crossfitters with a broad brush. I've known others who did crossfit who were perfectly respectful, considerate people. I only know this one was a crossfitter bc she was wearing a T-shirt that said crossfit as she paraded around badly teaching in a non-crossfit gym...I think a staff person may have eventually said something to her but at one point I saw her walking around with a hoodie over the shirt so maybe she just covered up and kept going. I was soooooo sorely tempted to go to the girl she was "training" afterward and say "girl, that bar is up too high on the rack and the box squat she had you doing isn't low enough" but I didn't want to be an a-hole. If I see her struggling with the bar when she's alone I'll offer to help, but I'm always wary of crossing a line.

    @jowaring, go for it! I believe in you :tongue:

    No offense taken. technically I often do crossfit-like workouts, but I'm not following the WODS much, or even trying the open workouts this year (back injury, gotta treat my hips right, and all). There are people in my gym that will do that. Set up 3 bars, 2 boxes, 1 step, 3 kettlebells and a rower over half of the rig area where I usually workout (need some open space, y'know). Then proceed to explain some complicated circuit to 2-3 other people, they take turns on all the pieces of equipment for 1-2 rounds, then leave all the stuff on the floor and disappear for a long time. And when you're finally like "well what the hell, they,re gone. I need some space/need this" and go clean up some, they reappear all loud and chatty bragging about doing the ugliest set of 20 push-ups in 20 seconds ever ( I don't know why, but these ladies have the worst form for push-ups I've seen. They like, go down half an inch, their butts sagged, arms super wide, sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't just go tell them they'll tear a rotator cuff at some point xD but they're also much leaner and fit and stronger than I am, so I would feel pretty out of place trying to give advice :/)

    Rant aside, I ended up mostly resting yesterday, and starting to incorporate the standing routine of the hip mobility program I've been doing. All I gotta say is: ow. There is much work to be done, still xD

    Today's workout was an every 2min x12 min of double kb complex:
    - russian swings x10
    - push press x8
    - power squat clean x6

    I used 2x20lbs, mostly because the gym doesn't have 25lbs KB and swings with dumbbells are just awkward, but also because I think I've finally learned the lesson that I'm better off struggling a little less but with good form, than trying to go for broke and, well, breaking something. It was about time! The last 2 rounds were pretty tough, still, so nothing gone to waste there.

    Then I did a 4 rounds for time (with a 10 min time cap)
    - 15 assisted pull-ups
    - 15 HR push-ups

    made it through 2 rounds and 9 pull-ups, evened it out with another 9 push-ups after time. Assist was 135lbs for the first 21 reps, 150 for the rest, but this was a different assist machine than I typically use, and considering what I can do on lat pulldowns, I think it's a bit off and was more like 100lbs and 120. Anyways.

    I then spent 40 minutes doing the kneeling hip mobility routine and the core work. Hoping for a walk later today, it's super sunny, but it's also still quite cold, so I may not go very far.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,940 Member
    @jenxbowers I hope what happened to your hip was not a big deal and you'll be back to it soon. Another vote for a doctor visit.

    Ran 4 miles today.

    Well what do you know - those deadlifts I've reported doing are actually Romanian deadlifts, as I can't get the fixed barbell all the way to the floor. Since I did 90 last time, perhaps the Oly bar with a couple of 25's will work (as I'm short) or maybe I should just wait until I reach 135 lb. And no, my gym doesn't have bumper plates. bleugh
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    There are people in my gym that will do that.

    hee. the stereotypical ones do make themselves such easy targets, don't they.
    but they're also much leaner and fit and stronger than I am, so I would feel pretty out of place trying to give advice :/)

    that's the position i'm in with the selfish show-off in my own life. unfortunately she has me beat on every front except the one of me being a much nicer person than her :tongue:

    still, it would be fun to find out at some point just how much 'stronger than you' some of your bunch would be if they did have to use a strict form.

    anyway. wow, i've had a busy-ish day. massage with the first-year student was actually kind of bleh, because i made the mistake of identifying my own specific issues and so we did do the full-assessment thing after all, which cut into time by a lot. then instead of just doing a general she tried to help with those things, and unsurprisingly she wasn't that great at it because it's just her first year and i'm not sure if she's up to that section of the book yet. we'll just say that she has the theory of trigger points down, but not really the touch when it comes to locating them. she was a nice kid and it's just 15 bucks, so after a while i just gave up and humoured her: 'yup. yup, that's it.' it just reminded me too much of sex with someone who doesn't quite get what he's looking for :tongue:

    an instructor came in and showed her how to do a 'leg pull' to decompress my hips though, which was amaaaaaazing. worth the trip and the cost of the session just in its own right.

    and i followed through by going to a [non-regular] gym afterwards so i can say that it definitely did me some good, even so. i was determined to squat and lo and behold. that was the first time since pre-flu that my body's felt normal throughout the whole rom while i was doing them. my hips went back, my back stayed still, and i had no problems with getting the depth. and funny how that works - no buttwink anywhere that i could see or feel.

    i had to talk myself into adding weight to the bar to start with :tongue: and then i had to talk myself out of it, at a certain point. i went up to 65 and did 3x5 instead, front and back. and the front squats felt great, again. i felt really dialed in and like i had an extremely short lever arm and strong back.

    annnnd then, for my next trick i made a dork of myself with the trap bar :tongue. i've never used one before but i've been curious for a while because of the can't-squat factor. and this rec centre had one just casually stuck in the stand along iwth the rest of the bars. so i grabbed it, laid it out on the floor and then suddenly realised that it has handles (doh). i was actually trying to pre-empt my own dorkery, because when i saw the handles i thought 'uh oh. what if i'm about to be That Fool In The Gym who did a whole workout, dude, and the whole time the trap bar was upside down aaaahahahahahahahaaa what a moron'. so i asked which way up does it go.

    for those who are wondering, the doh factor is, there is no right-side-up for trap bars. you can just choose. handles down, you have to grip at exactly the same level you woudl with a regular bar, so you get a regular pull. handles up, you take about two inches off the distance, is all. so basically, handles-up is just a very very low rack pull, i guess.

    this dawned on me after i'd done two or three sets with the handles upwards. but you know what, i LOVED that trap bar. idk if it's the bar or the massage or both together, but i was so in love with the feel that i half-expect to find myself unable to ride tomorrow because of the doms.

    anyway, i really wanted to test-drive my new hips, and also to use any 'new' muscle that might not have been able to work well for a couple of months. and i did.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited March 2017
    lkpducky wrote: »
    Well what do you know - those deadlifts I've reported doing are actually Romanian deadlifts, as I can't get the fixed barbell all the way to the floor. Since I did 90 last time, perhaps the Oly bar with a couple of 25's will work (as I'm short) or maybe I should just wait until I reach 135 lb. And no, my gym doesn't have bumper plates. bleugh

    i avoid the rec centre that has mostly fixed bars because of the nuisance factor. even though i was going right past it back in the day. borrow some other plates and lay them out on the floor to make a platform to pull the bar from. it's a nuisance to do, but i think it's better than working with 25's and just hoping that your own shortness will make that the right height for you. even if it is, once you get up to the 45's, you'll be using a bar that's at a different height.

    so i think you'll probably make more rewarding progress if you go through the tedium of stacking plates underneath your bar, for this phase in your progress. another option is if your gym has those 2-foot squares of hard foam to make a 'platform'. they're actually for protecting the floor and muffling noise, but the ones that i've seen were thick enough to possibly make just the right difference for you.

  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,940 Member
    Thanks @canadianlbs - my gym doesn't have those foam squares, so plates it is. Now the next question is when a squat rack will actually be empty for me to put the 25s on the right bar...rather than my needing to resort to fixed bars.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi all, I just started my 3rd week of SL5x5.

    My workout today:

    Squats - WU(1x5 45, 1x3 65), 5x5 85
    BP - 5x5 50
    Row - 5x5 50.
    Felt a little self conscious about lifting just the bar so added 2.5lbs to each side.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-16X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Walk every day! Today I am taking a minimum of 2 - 2 1/2 mile walks!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Squats: 3x5 @ 145. I'm stopping here for the remainder of the week, which is only one more workout due to traveling. I was having some trouble the last few reps of the third set and my depth suffered a bit.
    Bench press: 5x5 @ 77, same as last time.
    Wretched rows: 5x5 @ 87, same as last time.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Fun one today, more cardio-oriented :) On a running clock!

    0-4 mins:
    500m row (workout calls for 400m run, but the workout room isn't too big, and treadmills are a pain and so lined up together it wouldn't've worked out, so I subbed in)
    alt 1 arm kb snatches RAT (remaining amount of time) -> got 24 total @30lbs

    4-5: rest

    500m row
    alt 1 arm kb clean & press RAT -> 26 total, but my timer was not set properly so I don't know if I was within time here... oops?

    9-10: rest

    500m row (yes, again! lol. My times were between 2:05 and 2:11 for these btw)
    2kb thrusters RAT -> 14, probably had an extra rep in the tank but I set the bells down thinking I had more time left than I did. Ah well

    caught my breath and put away what I wasn't using anymore, then finished off with 3 rounds of
    - double kb overhead walk @2x30 for 100ft
    - double kb rack walk for 100ft
    - 25 hollow rocks

    I actually did single arm on the 3rd round, just to rock that core a little more.

    And I finished off with the hip standing routine. And I gotta say these muscles the little exercises are targeting need the work! :) Gonna enjoy some of the nice weather here this afternoon and go for another walk. I love me some walks!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    My hip still twinges a bit especially when doing deadlifts or straight legged lifts but fine when doing squats so I'm not sure what I really pulled down there. On occasion it hurts when I sit on my right side to much.

    Anyway, it's back to StrongLifts today:

    Squats: 5x6 @ 70 lbs. I'm doing fine with this weight.
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50 lbs. My form wasn't the greatest the last time so I plan to stay at this weight.
    Deadlifts 1x6@ 90 lbs. I'm fine with this weight and I'm sure I'll be able to lift this unless the hip acts up.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    It's my StrongLifts rest day.

    I ran 3.5mi in the morning.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited March 2017
    @jenxbowers , how is your hip? bet i'm not the only person who thought about you off and on through the day.

    i resorted to fixed bars myself today :tongue: was going to bench, but i bussed in to work and then time-boxed myself pretty hard by deciding to break my home trip with a visit to one of the Other Gyms afterwards. people in both of the racks :-/ so i used the fixed bars and did a superset mix of overhead presses and rows on various cable towers. the bar i used was only the 40-pound one, but hey . . . it's deload week up in here anyway.

    i was really happy off and on through the day because the doms from yesterday's squat/trap-bar binge was staying right where it's meant to be, for a change. the downside is i bought a little book called 'sports massage' yesterday in my travels, so i kept sneaking into the washroom throughout the work day to try out 'compression' on my own bum.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    @canadianlbs it's a little bit better, thank you for asking! I've been cheering you guys on, sitting here with my frozen kernel corn ice pack! (Though I needed some of the corn for a recipe so I'll have to find a new ice pack...) My doctor might have availability Wednesday. I have tasked myself with trying to understand what's wrong, and I'm leaning toward IT band. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    First day back.
    Did workout A with just the bar. I thought, "these are so easy", then my quads cramped up at my 5th set of squats :P. I may have DOMS Romeo's after all. DH is starting tomorrow. I will have to watch my lower back. I felt it doing rows today. I have lost a lot of strength there.

    Tuesday climbing, Wednesday dodgeball, then workout B on Thursday. I can't wait for deadlifts again.