Lately: More Tired, Less Energy?



  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member

    I'm bumping this for you as Stephanie talked a bit here about insomnia, sleep disruption, and being "emotional".

    Out of all the people I've interacted on with through MFP you stick with me as we joined around the same time, and I've found your comments, and posting on here really self reflective, and honest. I'm impressed by your ability to do that.

    I hope you continue to post, and ask for help when needed. I do you feel better.

  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Thank you @mmultanen for bringing this to my attention. I have no recollection of her writing this.

    And thank you also for your kind comments. I will suggest to Violet that she should try and be a more active participant here again. I confess our activity here today has been due to the crisis we found ourselves in. I normally do not take control but it was necessary today, to avert any longterm damage or regrettable decisions.

    Unrelated to the current situation, but this comment caught my attention:
    Steph_Maks wrote:
    Actually one thing I neglected to mention, I've basically been 'Tired' as my default, most of my adult life.
    Unknown to us at the time, but structural dissociation itself takes a substantial amount of mental energy; the mind has to work hard to keep so many separate selves hidden from each other.