Trying Again!

sickandfat Posts: 69 Member
It has been a long time but I must try again! I am trying to do a LCHF diet and I am as before having a hard time getting enough fat in my meal plan? Also I am not eating enough food? When I cut out the carbs, I just do not get hungry? I am going back to my diet doctor for help also. I have heart problems and I am a diabetic. I have been taught for so long to cut my fat out? My sugars started getting bad and now I have got to do this LCHF diet plan. It is scary for me. If there are anyone out there that have the same health problems that I do please let me know if this diet will help me?


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @sickandfat best of success. I love coconut and most all tree nuts so they make up a lot of my fats. Eggs, sausage, tuna in olive oil, sour cream, heavy whipping cream are other sources of fat in my LCHF diet. My first cup of coffee is about 800 calories thanks to the coconut oil and heavy whipping cream.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    It is hard for us who have previously followed a low calorie diet to wrap our head around the fact that fat is good for us. The lack of hunger is normal. That will end up working itself out eventually. You will have days where you are hungrier than others. Just stay within your carb limit. Eat moderate protein and enough fat to keep you satisfied.

    I do not have the health problems you do, but I know there are many diabetics on the forum that have had success with this plan. Good luck.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    swezeytba wrote: »
    It is hard for us who have previously followed a low calorie diet to wrap our head around the fact that fat is good for us. The lack of hunger is normal. That will end up working itself out eventually. You will have days where you are hungrier than others. Just stay within your carb limit. Eat moderate protein and enough fat to keep you satisfied.

    I do not have the health problems you do, but I know there are many diabetics on the forum that have had success with this plan. Good luck.

    I could not agree more with this. Step one is changing the focus from calories to carbs when you think about what needs to be cut. As you have found, if you cut the carbs and don't go too high with protein, the calories will generally take care of themselves.

    As you adapt to having lower carbs, especially, you will likely find you eat very low calorie. This will change as your body adapts.

    Please please please please read the information in the launch pad.

    You will find very valuable information like making sure you get enough sodium. I know we were all told for years to keep sodium low, but the science is proving that is a myth and people do best between 4000 & 6000 mg per day which is double what the government says.

    For those cutting carbs, the negative side effects of lack of sodium become more prominent - i.e. lethargy, headaches, cramping. This is often called the keto flu or the low carb flu.

    To help you get past the conventional view of fat, cholesterol and sodium that the government has dictated for so long, I would suggest you watch the 22 minute video at the beginning of this thread.

    This is an award winning cardiology researcher putting some of the most recent research on these topics into a presentation that is easy to understand.

    Welcome. You are joining a group with many who have been where you are. I was T2. As of December, I was pre-diabetic. Since then, my average daily BG readings are down about 15 points for fasting and about 10-12 post prandial, so I am looking forward to my next A1c test because the online calculators show I should now be below pre-diabetic levels WITHOUT TAKING ANY MEDICATIONS.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'd just like to say welcome. :)