Athletic in April

Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
Hi guys!

Sorry I have been MIA.

Lia, how was your baby shower? Does it make it more real or at this point is it all very real anyway? There must be such anticipation! Have you determined when your last day of work will be?

Mihani, I think you guys desperately need to hire someone! It seems like a constant frenzy and game of catch-up and at a certain point, things get dropped and the quality suffers when everyone is stretched too thin. I hope it happens for your sake! I would be so excited for you :) And you can celebrate by taking an actual, real, vacation. Come hang out with me in WA! We'd have fun :)

Today Joe and I are going to a huge nursery to pick up 2 walnut trees that his dad bought us last year as a house warming gift. (It was the wrong time of year, so we got an IOU.) Our apple orchard / chicken area has enough trees, so we're going to do a second, larger space. I am thinking about getting a stone fruit tree or two as well. We have the choice of peaches, nectarines or apricots in this climate, but the apricots grow the best here of the three. We might add some Bing cherries to round out the Rainier and pie cherries. And, I'd like to have a goji berry bush just because I can. Plus they are so expensive to buy so if I can pick them a few years from now and throw them in the dehydrator we'll have our own dried goji berries. We'll see...I haven't even look up the prices, so the only sure thing is that we're coming back with walnut trees!

All of my projects are a bit stagnant right now. I haven't been into my painting and after waiting for a while for inspiration to hit, I switched to weaving (and knitting and crocheting). I still haven't been bitten by the painting bug, though hopefully with the nicer weather coming I'll get inspired. I reworked my first sock and it is looking at lot better this time around. I have a cuff, the leg bit, and the start of the heel. I can try it on and sort of wear it now which is fun. The slippers I crocheted for myself stretched out and thankfully I made them in a green color because they fit my dad now!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread Carla. I laughed about your slipper slip-up lol. I am glad your dad will have a nice pair of slippers now though. Can't wait to see the socks. Your property and all your trees and fresh fruit sound so wonderful. Quite an idyllic life, but I know it is TONS of work too. I'd love to come visit some day! I should take a whirlwind tour, visit you, Lia and Karrie lol.

    Lia, how was the shower? Hope you were feeling better for it.

    Karrie, how goes the walking/sprints? Hope you had time for food prep too.

    I ended up not going to the office yesterday, I was soooo tired. I napped quite a bit, did a little work that was in my briefcase, laundry, read some. I went in for 8 hours today and got through quite a lot. Sometimes I think a day off helps, I have a bit more energy if I take a day now and again and rest my aching brain lol. We're still scrambling to cover some deadlines and taxes so I don't anticipate it letting up until after the end of April. Then I may have a tiny bit of breathing room. I sure hope so anyway. I'd be happy just to take an entire weekend and not think about work.

    Today wasn't great food-wise.

    B - toast with PB
    L - didn't really have lunch just ate a little popcorn, a few pretzels, a lara bar, and an apple throughout the day... fail to plan, plan to fail sort of thing
    D - hummus wrap with lots of lettuce, red pepper, onion, cucumber

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Love the thread idea!
    Perfect timing. I'm trying to really be mindful of fitness these days!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Happy April!!

    As promised, I started my walking on the 1st. I did a 2.75 mile walk at 3.8mph on an incline of 3. I had a terrible headache, and was wondering what the heck I was even doing on the treadmill, but I did it. I was trying to shoot for 3.1 miles (5km), but I just didn't have the stamina with that headache, so I stopped early and was satisfied with it.

    Yesterday, I lowered my pace to a 3.3 on an incline of 3, and I did 8km. I've gotta build myself back up to a 4mph (although when I was doing that I never did do any incline, so there's that...)

    I was all prepared to wake up early this morning and get my walk out of the way (I won't be starting sprints until April 15th). But the kitten decided to walk on me and purr until I was awake. I thought "ok, kitty, time to get up", and I grabbed my phone. It was 2:22am!!! Holy smokes!! After a little while, he fell asleep again, but I found it hard to fall asleep, myself... Then he was purring in my face again at 3:30! Little bugger. He jumped off the bed and started to meow, so I took him to his room in the basement and closed the door. WTF?!?!?!?!

    I had a hard time falling asleep again after that, but finally did. When my alarm went off at 5, I thought NO WAY! Slept until 7. So now I have to do my walk after work/school... Blah.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Did my walk yesterday after supper. And kitty was good this morning. I think it might be a growth spurt - I think maybe he was hungry. So last night I only fed him a small "snack" after school/work, and then after I finished my workout I gave him his normal supper. Seems to have done the trick. He slept until 4-ish this morning and he fell back asleep with me until 4:50, so that is much more manageable.

    So I got up at 4:50 and got my workout in; feels good to be done that for the day!! :smiley:

    Mihani, I just freeze my spinach from fresh; has never given me any problems. (You asked that in the March thread).

    Tonight I'm making the OSG red lentil & kale soup and the OSG Tortilla soup. Yummy!!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, I'm so impressed with you getting up early and getting your workout done. I have managed a routine like that a few times in my life and it feels SO good! *High Five*

    Mihani, I'm eager to start growing our produce and working on our projects for the yard but at the same time I'm worried about being here through a whole growing season. I think Joe and I are going to be wiped out by the end!

    This year we want to build an art studio in our current workshop and set it all up with proper exhaust fans and an air filtration system. Our barn needs some repairs and a new coat of paint. We have a garden shed that has some decent sun exposure so we're going to turn half of it into a greenhouse. We also are starting the new orchard and have to put a fence in for that in the next few weeks. We were going to get the fence in this week but Joe pulled a chest muscle and needs to rest it. We also want to build a new chicken coop and we have to redo some of their fencing. It just isn't reliable enough. Ruby got in their coop again. She didn't hurt them but she scares them with her herding and super intense ways. I don't want it to happen to them again.

    Oh, we have 2 horses in one of our pastures now! The neighbor is using the one adjacent to her place to graze the horses. Their names are Flip and Rusty.

    Our trip to the tree nursery was worthwhile. We bought several trees but left them there. We need to build a 7 foot high fence to keep them safe from the deer. I thought apricots were the easiest to grow here out of the stone fruits, but I was wrong. It turns out the peaches are easier, simply because they bloom later in the season so our later frost dates don't kill off the harvest. Good info and I love peaches!! I was going to plant goji berries too but decided on currants instead. They grow better here and the bushes are nicer to look at year round. And I found out that I can grow figs here! I'm super excited about that. Not that we go through a lot of figs or anything, but they just seem like a cool thing to pick out of the yard.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Hi Sabine! What’s the fitness plan this month?

    Way to go Karrie! So great getting that workout done early. I have never been able to get into that habit. Glad to hear kitty let you sleep last night. Thanks for the tip on the spinach. You’re making two of my favorite soups!

    How fun to have horses in the pasture Carla! I used to have several when I was younger, would be out riding in all weather, and it was nice to sit and drink coffee in the morning and watch them grazing. It was not so fun slogging through feet of snow in the winter to feed them and break ice out of water buckets lol. I didn’t mind it so much back then, but I am definitely too old for that now. I don’t even like opening the back door long enough to let the dog out when it’s super cold. Sounds like you guys have plenty of projects to keep you busy all summer and into the fall.

    I am doing “okay” the past couple days. I am still super busy at work, but April 15th is coming and once that is over some of the pressure will be off. I’ve been having smoothies for breakfast, fruit and an Amy’s burrito during the day. Last night I ended up eating toast for dinner. :huh: Tonight I am making the smoky black bean tofu enchiladas from the first Happy Herbivore cookbook. I find a lot of her recipes hit or miss, but that’s an old standby that I go to often. Super easy to throw together (especially if you just use canned enchilada sauce rather than making your own), they taste great leftover, and they make enough for four meals.

    Oh, and I’ve had a cupcake the past two days. Last week a client said she was bringing me some as a thank you and I said oh don’t worry about it, I’m vegan and couldn’t eat them anyway, but thanks for the thought! Well, yesterday here she comes with homemade vegan cupcakes. Said it took her a few days to talk to friends and find a recipe. They are beautifully decorated, she obviously loves to bake and has a talent for it. They have a light layer of icing and different toppings, and super moist and fluffy. They are regular size cupcakes at least, not those big honking things people buy at bakeries that probably have 800 calories (and don’t even taste that great) so I don’t feel too bad about eating one a day. We're all enjoying them so they will probably be gone in another day or two.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    The plan is to run 3 days a week even while traveling!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Great plan Sabine! I am still trying to get myself to treadmill more consistently, but at least I'm getting a few days in per week. My life is still crazed until after next week, then things will get better when tax season is over and I will be ready to buckle down again. I have a bunch of deadlines before end of April, but I think most of them are going to be fairly easy to get done, plus my boss will be gone again most of next week. We're both going to work all weekend and then I'll have next week for more catch up.

    Not eating too bad this week. Mostly smoothies, leftover black bean tofu enchiladas, fruit, salads. Oh, and I think I've finally kicked my awful tic tac habit! I haven't had any at all for 2 days.

    Speaking of work, I best get busy. Brought home a couple files to work on.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry it's taken me a week to write in the April thread, I'm the worst! I would complain about work but I think Mihani's work ghost would hunt me down lol. I feel like you're always looking forward to something that will make your work load lessen, but it never comes or something new comes. Sigh. How were the enchiladas? I agree re HH, I like some of her stuff sporadically but I find a lot of it bleh. PS How are you only eating 1 cupcake a day?! Haha. That is some dedication. Such a nice client of yours too, it's nice when they appreciate you going above and beyond.

    Carla, HORSES! Ahhh. Can you send some pictures?! Hehe. Just reading your posts makes me feel like spring is imminent lol. Although today it snowed and I took my snow tires off, and by Monday it's supposed to be super warm, so who knows. Your yard and property sounds so serene. I'm picturing you like Alice in Wonderland (but less creepy and fewer heart-shaped trees, of course, hehe). Is Joe okay?

    Sabine, awesome re running! How is it going so far? I think I'd like to re-start C25K this summer and really get moving again.

    Awesome dedication to your treadmill Karrie!!!!! You're so good. Your kitty sounds like the cutest devil. I just made the tortilla soup from OSG last week and I honestly never get sick of it... it's good in winter and summer. My goal this weekend is a homemade veggie thai curry I think...

    MY shower was so nice! I cried of course lol. I was so touched by everyone coming and so much generosity. Our little baby is going to be so spoiled. We got the most adorable clothes and so many useful things, I'm so grateful. I feel so much more prepared now too. I think we are going to put together our hospital bag this weekend, which feels weird. Everyone was laughing because I must have a reputation as an animal lover - everything has sheep or elephants or baby animals on it! Hehe. She will be destined to be an animal lover too.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Lia, happy to hear your shower went so well. This next month is going to fly by! Have you decided on a name yet? The enchiladas didn't turn out that well. I had a new brand of enchilada sauce and I didn't like it. Was sort of greasy and tasteless. Had some heat but no flavor to back up the heat. I ended up throwing the whole batch out after trying it. I hate wasting food, but I also hate eating yucky food. :# And we ended up having to throw out the last few cupcakes too, we didn't eat them up fast enough.

    I made it to the grocery today and bought red and green leaf lettuce, spinach, carrots and celery, peppers, onions, broccoli, apples, bananas, tofu. All set for the week's salads and smoothies. Going to make either the red lentil kale soup or the golden spiced lentil soup tomorrow for dinners the next few days, then I'll make some bowl ingredients for the second part of the week's dinners. Probably maple ginger baked tofu, roasted sweet potato and broccoli, and a lemon tahini sauce over quinoa. I meant to buy some red cabbage, it's really good lightly roasted and added to bowls.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Mihani, how's your salad streak going this week? I've surprised myself and I'm actually sick of toast and enjoying my salads this week! Hope that lasts lol. I made this thai curry with lots of veggies but I overcooked the broccoli and it's not as good as it could be. Something different though. I've also got corn on the cob, green beans, and potatoes for miscellaneous dinner items this week (which I love actually!). This weekend, we are off the Friday adn the Monday which is really nice. Hoping to have some warm weather to enjoy! Although suddenly we are seeing bugs inside the house and all my phobias are back lol. I'm such a baby
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Sorry I've not been around much; I'm reading, but I just don't have time to reply. I'll check in tomorrow when I finally get a moment to myself!! (kids are helping my mom do her gardening to earn some extra bucks, and the hubby is shingling the garage with some buddies. I'll actually have some time to relax!!)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    I am still in work H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks. After next week I will be able to take a breath I hope, but there's so much work that has piled up while I was busy with taxes. Going to be working all this weekend, but boss is out of town so I have the office to myself for two whole weekend days. I should be able to get through a LOT with no appointments, phone calls, etc. I hope anyway. I'm feeling a bit of depression settling in just from being overwhelmed and working so much and still not seeming to get anywhere.

    Food is okay, not great. Oatmeal with walnuts and fruit in the morning, hummus pita with broccoli slaw for lunch, glowing spiced lentil soup for dinner. Ate up the last of the soup last night, going to have a salad tonight with lots of greens, black beans, tomato, carrot, salsa for dressing. I have been snacking on blue corn chips and nuts during the day though. :|
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Hey y'all... struggling with eating right this week. Doing okay with meals but snacking too much on tortilla chips, trail mix, etc. I did treadmill 3 times this week so yay for that.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Quiet around here this month. I've been buried in work but tax day has passed and I hope that I can get some more catching up done this coming weekend, then maybe take some time off, a long weekend maybe, in May.

    I've recommitted to eating right. Have had a few good days, and today was my first day of all whole foods (as in no blue corn chips lol) other than a small square of dark chocolate. Lots of fruit, veggies, beans, etc. Dinner tonight I am making a big salad with millet, tomatoes, peppers, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, and black beans. Probably top with salsa.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, congrats on making it through tax season! My SIL Liz is an accountant and lives that cycle each year too...though she is not near as busy as you during non-peak times. She works for a very large firm and gets to work from home 90% of the time. And can I just in the world do little decorated vegan cupcakes not somehow get all gobbled up immediately?!!!? I think your office is in the Twilight Zone or something! :)

    Lia, sounds like it was a great shower! I don't have any pics of the horses yet, but I will take some and post them. It is suddenly spring around here. We have several shrubs that are in full bloom and our pear and cherry trees are starting to bloom too.

    Karrie, I hope you enjoyed some time to yourself while the kiddos were helping out your mom! We'll pay them to help out here, too...probably just a bit of travel time involved!

    I've been busy with work the last little while and will be next week, too. We have some quarterly regression testing that have to do for some custom software. Boring stuff, but it needs to be done and I get to do it from home.

    We haven't really gotten anywhere with getting our yard cleaned up and we still have to extend the fence for the deer so we can plant all of our trees before it is too late. That's on the agenda for today & possibly tomorrow in the rain if we don't get it finished after work. We've cleaned one side of our garden shed to convert to the greenhouse, so that is just waiting on wiring and insulation to move ahead. Joe is working half days all next week so we can get this stuff done.

    Time to get back at it! I will try to post more regularly again. have a great weekend everyone!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    And can I just in the world do little decorated vegan cupcakes not somehow get all gobbled up immediately?!!!? I think your office is in the Twilight Zone or something! :)

    This was my thought exactly!!! LMAO.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! sorry I've been MIA too. I feel discombobulated like everyone else it seems. I have started this thing where I don't sleep between 4-6 at night... I have no idea why but it's making me feel so awful! And then I panic because I feel like it's only a limited time until I have no sleep! Lol. Baby has dropped though and I'm 2.5 weeks away (ideally, unless she likes staying in there for awhile longer).

    My eating has been okay, and kind of not okay. I've actually been craving veggies and good things over junk. But then last night I ate an entire chocolate bunny in one sitting (and then my body felt like it was dying, and the baby had a conniption from all the sugar, lol, so that was interesting). On the plus, today I want good things again lol. Missing green smoothies lately... and I also want to do ALL the spring cleaning but my body does not.

    Carla, I cut down some tree limbs and have been too lazy to cut them up into pieces. Then I think about your property and realize how really lazy that is lmao. Good luck this weekend! Hope you guys get some fun stuff done this weekend, and good luck with work.

    Mihani, hope you're not drowning! How's your food looking these days? I always think your eating sounds pretty amazing but hope you're feeling good too :)

    Hi Karrie! How are things for you?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Carla, I am not sure. I had committed myself to only eating one a day and then I forgot the third day, and the following day I tried a bite of one and it was starting to taste a bit off so I threw the last 3 out.

    LOL Lia, I can just imagine the baby bouncing around on a sugar rush, hope your belly recovered! It is so close now! Are you all ready?

    I started something a little different this past week diet-wise, and will be going full on tomorrow. I have read Rip Esselstyn’s books and am on the mailing list for Engine 2. They are doing a 7 day rescue diet based on his most recent book, with daily emails, recipes, etc. It’s similar to ETL other than more grains, but whole food plant based and no oil, etc. The 7 day thing is more strict than the regular E2 diet, and I’ve been doing it to some extent this past week. I’m down 6 pounds so yay!! The official 7 day challenge starts tomorrow so I’ll go all in on it for 7 days and see where I am at the end of the week. I think it sounds like a good way to get my mindset back to ETL but not going quite so strict the first week.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Congrats, Mihani! A 6 lbs loss is awesome!!! I should re-read the Rip book that I have, if I can find it. I lost track of some books during the move.

    Lia, I hope you have time to relax and 'nest' a bit before the baby arrives. Not chopping up sticks? Please! You should be sipping soothing beverages while your feet are being massaged!

    We finally have our orchard fenced (still need a row of wire at the 8' height to deter deer) and planted. We are thinking about making one more trip this week to the nursery and adding a few more things. We'll see. The fenced area is huge, 140' x 70'. I was dead tired when we were done and took the lousy picture, below. Joe and I were laughing about how it highlights the worst part of the fence and doesn't show any of the plantings.

    I love how the work we do on the property also is a workout. I've got some sore muscles, that's for sure. I don't have near as much stamina as I'd like, but hopefully that improves over the season!
