Athletic in April



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    That is a TON of work Carla! So exciting that you'll have lots of fresh fruit right outside your door.

    Had a good day! Just tired, stayed up too late last night. I am looking forward to a very early bedtime tonight. Here's what my first E2 day looked like...

    B - oatmeal with a big handful of spinach wilted in at the end topped with strawberries and walnuts
    L - big ol' salad with lots of veggies and black beans, salsa for dressing, two small corn tortillas, cantaloupe
    D - brown rice with sauteed onions, peppers and collard greens topped with fat free black bean hummus, pineapple and cantaloupe

    The goal is to get in greens at every meal. I thought that the spinach in oatmeal thing sounded odd, but I like spinach in smoothies so I tried it and it was good. It's not a lot different than ETL other than more grains are permitted and right now that makes me happy.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, the E2 rescue sounds amazing!!! Good for you. 6 lbs is huge!! How are you liking it? Does it feel different than ETL? I like the more grains idea... I feel less "deprived" when I stick to it lol. I don't know if I could handle the spinach texture in oatmeal though, lol, you're adventurous.

    Wow Carla my arms hurt just looking at your photo lol. That is a crazy amount of work!! You will be in top shape by the end of the season for sure. It's so nice when it's your own property and you can reap the rewards soon enough. I can't believe that is all of yours!! Our grass is finally lovely and green like that too.

    I was stupid and went crazy this weekend with chores, and now I feel horrible lol. I cried last night and this morning I'm so hormonal, and I just want the baby out. Funny how it flipped like a switch from week 37 to week 38. I am regretting saying yes to working this week big time, but we are so busy. Also, at least I'm not sitting at home worrying about when I'm going to go into labour? I say that but really, I just want to be home lol. I'm so uncomfortable! At least I'm dreading the labour part less!?!?

    B - strawberries and yogurt, banana
    L - swiss chard italiano recipe from ETL book with a piece of toast, pineapple
    S - pear, granola
    D - brussel sprouts, and whatever else I scrounge for!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Lia, I feel really good, and I'm definitely not having any cravings or hunger like I often do when starting the 6 week plan of ETL. I think it is very close to the life plan of ETL. I just don't think lately I have the ETL 6 week plan in me, it's too strict for my current mindset although I think it is great. My guess is I will stick with the E2 for a while, but may have to cut back on the grains at some point if weight loss stalls. They have a really active and enthusiastic private facebook group that you can access by joining the challenge on the E2 website. I haven't posted on it, it's very busy and I don't have time to get too involved with it, but I do scroll through and it's motivating reading all people's meal ideas and successes.

    Sorry you are sore and uncomfortable. Won't be long now! So excited can't wait for the baby pics!!!

    Today's meals were a repeat of yesterday, except there will be watermelon for dessert tonight. I am going to hit the treadmill for at least half an hour tonight too. Woohoo!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, your watermelon for dessert reminds me of the time last year when you had a ton of it to eat through! (Or was it another melon/fruit???) We thought you were going to turn color and start exhibiting the traits of the melon!

    Aww, Lia…I hope you make it through the week okay. Hopefully only a few more days to go before you can stay home. I'm with Mihani, I can't wait to see pictures :)

    Something about doing preliminary gardening and tree planting has me craving veggies. Thank God!! I'm going with the flow and eating them while they appeal. Blueberry Spinach smoothies, salads with Green Goddess dressing (yum!!) and tofu veggie stir fries. I just re-discovered a recipe for a simple Tofu Broccoli ginger stir fry, so I'm going to make that in the next few days.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Carla, I thought of that too. I think I ate watermelon almost every day last summer lol. All your food and fresh veggie things sound delicious!

    Another good day, rockin' the E2 7 day rescue diet. I just got done batch cooking a bunch of regular and sweet potatoes, dusted off my steamer and made a huge batch of broccoli and cauliflower and one of asparagus. I kept them a bit crisp for salads, or I can nuke 'em for hot meals. Also chopped a package of romaine ready for salads.

    B - oatmeal with half a banana and walnuts (forgot to add greens, will do that tomorrow got two packages of super greens today)
    L - big romaine salad with fat free black bean hummus and grape tomatoes on top, 2 small corn tortillas
    D - baked potato with broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and salsa, apple for dessert
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Great work, Mihani. I always had it in my head that you have to steam vegetables the day you are going to eat them. Having veggies steamed to add as needed would be really handy! I may have to try that.

    Today I'm going to take on the task of cleaning out my fridge. I want to throw out any sauces that are old or that we don't use, make sure the fruits and veggies drawers are all cleaned out and just generally reorganize everything. Spring cleaning fever has struck.

    I've had much more work than usual to do this week, and it is coinciding with Joe working half days at home and gorgeous weather. We have had blue skies, sun, and a breeze. SO NICE. It is like a switch was flipped and winter went away and spring was here. Normally, is is much less distinguishable in our area. We have mild winters so normally it goes from raining every day to staying light longer and raining less and less until it is sunny more often than not. Anyway, there's work to do inside at the computer and it is very hard to concentrate! Stupid deadlines! :tongue:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    I wish spring cleaning fever would hit me Carla. I am planning to spend most of the day Saturday cleaning though. Taking a day away from the office and just going to get it done. I like to steam big batches of veggies, I rinse them in cold water right away to stop them cooking and keep them on the crisp side. Glad you are enjoying such great weather! How are the chickens and Ruby and Reba?

    Another good day... although I forgot the greens in my oatmeal again. I just can't seem to get that into my head!

    B - oatmeal (made with water) topped with strawberries and a few walnuts
    L - big salad with a mix of romaine and super greens, broccoli and cauliflower, grape tomatoes, chickpeas, balsamic, half a baked potato
    D - plan is for sweet potato, asparagus, fat free black bean hummus, the rest of my salad from lunch that I didn't finish

    I am not snacking at all, and not even having any cravings to snack, so that's pretty huge. Planned to eat an apple last night but was too full from dinner so skipped it.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    edited April 2017
    I forgot that we got a few maternity photos done! I was so embarrassed but kept thinking I would rather have some evidence that this happened than none, and wish I did in ten years. Here is one of them! Although it's not a side shot lol. 8qlobwoq8lui.png
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Ahhhhhh seeing it blown up like that is so much more awful lol.

    Mihani, great job with the E2 stuff!! Sounds like you're doing great. It's nice to change it up and then it feels fresh and new too. I love that there is a supportive board that you can snoop through too. (Please don't leave us for them!! hehee). Also, good to know about rinsing steamed veggies in cold water, I've never done that. Glad you have tomorrow "off" even if it is a cleaning day lol.

    Carla, so nice to hear you're enjoying some good weather! We are having a good week too. Yesterday I got away with just a tshirt and leggings (apparently I don't care THAT much about how professional I look at work now that I'm this pregnant lol). I find the spring is such an instant mood lifter! Although we have lots of rain in the forecast for the weekend. How ARE all your animals doing?!? More pictures if you have them!! Hehe.

    Hope you guys have a great weekend! xox
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    lia, you look beautiful!! :smiley::heart:
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Lia, you look gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this pic, I love it. Spring is a huge mood lifter for me! I didn't even realize how much my mood needed lifting until the sun came out and I started to spend some time outside.

    Mihani, thanks for the cold water tip for steaming! I've had recipes that have instructed me to do that and I always like the results, so I have no idea why I haven't just incorporated the technique. Good luck with your cleaning day!

    Karrie, is the countdown to the cabin/lake on yet, or is it still too far off?

    I went a little crazy ordering seeds for the garden this year. I picked out a lot of herbs, both for our cooking and for medicinal uses. I'm especially excited to grow and try the medicinal ones. I ordered catnip, echinacea, calendula, lemon balm, bee balm, chamomile and I can't even remember what all else. I worked on the garden beds a bit over the last few days, getting rid of weeds and mixing in some of our homemade organic compost.

    I could ramble on more, but I still have work to get done inside and out!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Lia, beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you.

    Hi Karrie! Are you still eluding Zombies?

    Carla, can't wait to hear how all your gardening adventures go.

    My cleaning day has been something of a bust so far. I got a fair start early, but I was tired and it was dark as night with thunderstorms around noon so I decided to take a little nap on the couch and woke up 3 hours later lol. I still have a lot to do so I best get back at it.

    B - fat free hummus, cucumber, peppers, green onion, super greens on a pita
    L - same as breakfast, apple
    D - plan is for broiled marinated portobello mushrooms with sweet potato and asparagus

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Weighed in this morning, it hasn't been quite two weeks, and I've had two "cheat" days in there where I had alcohol, but kept my food on plan, and I'm down 9 pounds. Woohoo! Maybe I've finally got my head back in the game.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    OK, so I've had a hard time getting going; with a lot of false starts. But yes, I am still doing Zombies, Run! I finished season 1 and was about to start season 2, but then it said that they recommend doing the race missions for bonus storyline before starting season 2. There were 2 5km missions, 2 10km missions and 2 20 km missions. So for the 20km missions, I set my "speed" to 6 minute miles. Man, I wish I was that fast!!! I'm not even running yet; I'm still just walking.... But I'm doing it.

    It's nearly time for cabin season. My hubby went out there yesterday to start setting up. But the rest of us aren't heading out there until the May long weekend; looking forward to it!

    This morning is my new Day 1. But this time, the whole family is on board. Both my kids have said they would like to get into better shape so they can be better at gym/track & field/ball hockey/swimming, etc...

    So we are all going to be eating healthier. I got groceries last night and spent 3 hours in the kitchen washing and chopping and bagging all the fruits and veggies into single servings. (I was so sore after all that standing - my poor feet!!)

    My son was a little worried yesterday; he thought he wouldn't get to eat as much and that he'd be hungry. I explained that it's not a diet, it's just better choices. I explained to him that if we do it right, he'll get even MORE food than he usually does and he should never feel hungry. That surprised him. I promised I would do my best to make sure they had good food and that he would always feel like he got enough to eat.

    I bought them cute little mini chiabatta buns (they're so tiny!) I'm adding 2 servings of veggies in their lunches now. And after school instead of crackers and junk food, they'll get apples with peanut butter and then at supper I'll put out a giant plate of veggies every night. Fewer empty calories; fewer carbs.

    And breakfast today was so much fun. I made banana ice cream. (7 bananas, 1/2 cup coconut milk and 2 tsp vanilla, and that made 3 servings). I made some chocolate drizzle and some peanut butter drizzle. I had crushed pineapple and blueberries and raspberries and coconut chips. And I told them to have at 'er and load up their ice cream with whatever they wanted. so basically, it was a smoothie bowl. :wink: And then when they were talking about how delicious everything was, I said - ok, when you go to school today, you tell people that our family has decided to eat healthier, so we had ice cream sundaes this morning for breakfast!!! :lol: They thought that was a riot. :heart:

    Also, I resorted to bribery for them. For every day that they do at least 20 minutes of exercise, I will give them $1. So if they do every day in May, they'll get $31 each!! I said we can do walks to catch pokemon, or we can ride our bikes or we can just do jumping jacks and sit ups and burpees. I said they can even use the treadmill as long as I'm free to sit there to supervise (safety first!) Whatever they want, but it has to be at least 20 minutes.

    They're motivated, and after breakfast was so delicious, I think they're not so nervous. It's go time!!

    Bfast: banana smoothie bowl with crushed pineapple, peanut butter drizzle and coconut chips
    Lunch: hummus with grape tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, cauliflower and kohlrabi
    Snack: bag of smart pop popcorn (70 calories for 2 cups) and some pink grapes (never tried them before - they look so pretty!)
    Supper: Not 100% sure yet; either OSG ceasar salad or OSG immunity boosting pasta on zucchini noodles.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks you guys, you're always so nice and supportive <3

    Karrie that sounds awesome!!!!!!!! I feel like trying to make it more fun and interesting for your kids will hopefully make it more fun and interesting for you too (although you never make it such a priority for yourself lol). I'm drooling over banana ice cream now too.... I saw an easy recipe for peach lemonade freeze which is basically a bag of frozen peaches and fresh lemon juice in a vitamix, and it looks amazing and decadent. So I think I'll make that tonight and trick myself lol.

    Carla, wow you are so ambitious!!! Can't wait to see your pictures of your blossoming garden of veggies and herbs. It'll be so satisfying in a little while. How long should it take for the first batches to come up you think? Our neighbour has a little vegetable garden and I want to get one too. My only worry (I'm a huge wuss) is that we have a lot of spiders around our area!! I know they aren't *bad* to have around, but I wish I could get rid of some of them. I'm terrified of having a veggie garden and then never touching it because the spiders are guarding against me lol.

    Mihani, NINE POUNDS is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow good for you!! Especially considering you said it hasn't felt like a horrible diet lol. How are you feeling? How was the rest of your weekend?

    Today is my last (real) day of work, woohoo!! Bringing some home to work on at my leisure but so happy to be out of this crazy office (and feeling guilty as heck that I'm leaving behind everyone else here to suffer lol).
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    9 pounds is amazing - congrats Mihani!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    That is so cool that your family is all on board with eating healthy, Karrie! That is going to make it so much easier for you to stay on track too I’m sure, and you are setting such a great example! I agree about getting to eat MORE. This morning I had oatmeal with super greens wilted in and topped with half a banana, some berries, and a few walnuts. I was stuffed and didn’t eat lunch until 2:00 this afternoon, and I haven’t had any snacks for two weeks other than a couple days I had an apple. Your breakfast sundaes sound sooo good, and lots of fun.

    Just hearing about your zombie runs wears me out. I’m so far away from being in shape now, every bit of muscle I had worked so hard to build is gone, but I will be getting back to the 30DS this week. I see such huge results from that, even though to start I’m sure I will be cursing Jillian and slacking on a lot of the exercises lol.

    Lia, I remember a recipe for a Wendy’s Frosty type dessert. It’s 2 frozen bananas, 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of non-dairy milk, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 1/4 tsp cinnamon. I had to use more milk because I don’t have a kickass blender, but it was still thick and good. Not acceptable for the 7 day rescue, sadly. So happy to hear you’re done with work. I know you feel guilty, but the memories with the baby are going to be SO worth it! How are you feeling? Have you got her room all set up and decorated? You're going to be such a great mom.

    Carla, are you up to your elbows in the garden? Hope work has slowed down so you can concentrate on the fun stuff! Are you doing any new weaving or painting projects or focusing on the outdoors stuff for now?

    Last night’s dinner was awesome. I marinated sliced Portobello mushrooms in a mixture of about 3 parts balsamic, 1 part soy sauce, a little water, some garlic and fajita seasoning, and a little liquid smoke. Then broiled them. Water sautéed a mess of peppers and onions with garlic and more fajita seasoning, when they were nearly done I added the cooked mushrooms and couple big handfuls of super greens and let them wilt in. Served ‘em up with small corn tortillas. Soooo good. Broiling the mushrooms first and adding them last to the fajita veggies seemed to keep them more “meaty” for lack of a better word. It made a lot though, I will be eating fajitas for a few nights. I’m not sad about this!

    B – oatmeal with greens, half a banana, berries, and a few walnuts
    L – bowl with a baked potato, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, chickpeas, barbecue sauce
    D – leftover fajitas
    S – apple

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm so pooped from cooking and washing dishes!! It's exhausting eating so good!!

    I made the OSG nutty croutons last night and was about to make the caeser salad when I realized that I was supposed to have soaked the almonds overnight; oops!! So we just had some flavoured basalmic vinegar (strawberry & peach) over our salad instead. It was very yummy. I made them cauliflower mashed potatoes and salad and pork chops. I had it all except the meat. And then it took me until 8:30 to wash all the dishes. So I was lazy at night and gave them some store-bought sorbet (strawberry lemonaide; dairy-free). It was too tasty! So they started and ended their day with ice cream. Not a bad way to get healthier!! :wink:

    Day 2 we added cocoa to our banana smoothie bowls. Not bad, but I prefer it plain. Today I have all my veggies and hummus again for lunch with some smart pop for my snack again. Tonight I'm making OSG granola cluster and they'll have that with yogurt for their snack. No idea what supper will be yet; but I'm leaning towards veggie samosas (store bought) and salad...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, that is so cool that the whole family is on board for a healthy lifestyle. Of course YOU are the one that is really rockin' it by doing all of that work to have healthy and appealing meals prepared for everyone. I've found that it really is a lifestyle change. It takes more care, effort and time and so becomes a bigger part of each day. Woot to cabin time coming up!

    Mihani!! 9 lbs is AWESOME!!! congrats! Your dinner sounds amazing. I wouldn't be sad about lots of leftovers either. The Frosty recipe looks good! I am going to have to remember that, especially once the hot weather hits.

    Lia, congrats on your last day of work. No need to feel guilty, you hung in there for a long time, and even put in extra days! I hope when you are reading this you are relaxing and taking some time for yourself. As far as our garden, I'm not sure when everything is ready for harvest. We have some lettuce that we could eat right now, but it is still on the small side. I get excited thinking about the harvest as soon as we start planting seeds so I'm always in a for a long wait lol. Apples and pears start in August I think.

    I've been pretty good about having a smoothie with lots of greens lately for breakfast. I've been busy with work so for lunch I just slather some homemade hummus on thin bread with lots of veggies and call it lunch. Dinners are all over the place. Last night we had a Boca faux chicken patty with tons of fixings burger-style.

    I got tired of struggling to complete my woven tea towels so that I could free my loom, so I purchased a cheap tapestry loom so that I can do two kinds of projects at once from now on. Yesterday I went a little crazy and splurged on some hand spun yarns. I found someone that makes them in WA about 1.5 hours from me. She sells them on Etsy and they are so beautiful! This is one of them here:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    I hear you on the amount of time/effort to cook healthy Karrie, plus you have to shop more often because the tender fresh greens don't last too long. But it's worth it, and batch cooking twice a week seems to be keeping me on track. It would be harder with a whole family to cook for I'm sure.

    Wow, Carla that yarn is gorgeous. What are you going to make with it?

    B - oatmeal with super greens and banana, a few walnuts
    L - bowl with brown rice, super greens, carrot, chickpeas, salsa
    D - leftover fajitas
    S - about 10 pistachios... my boss had them and I couldn't resist a few

    Brought home some work to do tonight so I best get on it.