The endless plateau



  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    bump to learn more
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I totally hear you. I will answer all questions!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    And this is why I bang my head against a wall. I was finally around 150 last week. Had that fried chicken/waffle meal and shot up a number of pounds...sodium/carbs I get it. All week I've been busting *kitten* teaching and keeping my diet tight. Yesterday I still had 700 left (I taught two classes back to back) I was 151.6 yesterday. 152.4 today. I mean, I know we fluctuate, but COME ON. It feels all for nothing. If I eat anything off my routine this weekend I will put 2-3 pounds BACK on and then fight it all week. Again. So discouraged.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I totally hear your frustration! I've had the same deal myself -- a couple of free meals at the weekend can mess up my whole week's work. I'm not presuming to offer any advice on this -- my situation is completely different from yours in so many ways. I'll just say that what I decided was to work on being consistent every day. A little bit more during the week, and a lot less on the weekends. I know that doesn't work for everyone.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Moving this to the top so we get to it soon.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks so much Steel. 153.2 this morning after a rest day. Logged every little thing as usual. Face meet palm.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Outside of the classes that you teach, do you do any formal resistance training and do you have the capacity in your schedule to add resistance training as part of your programming?

    To be clear, it's not a necessity, but it's quite desirable and given that you are already lean and trying to get even leaner, your ability to retain LBM may drop significantly in the absence of proper resistance. This alone is not going to magically cause more weight loss -- we are still discussing the intake piece.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I teach Bodypump 3 times a week (Usually 4 but I dropped one for the Summer) which is high rep/low weight...not low low weight...but by the end of class you have done over 800 reps of squats, chest press, clean and presses/ deadrows and lifts, tricep extensions/presses/dips/overhead extensions, bicep curls, lunges, shoulder exercises and abs. BUT it's not heavy resistance. It would be tough to add in MORE exercising, but I will!

    My kick in the butt is that for example yesterday my son and I went out for a son/mom breakfast yesterday at our Pennsylvania Dutch market (amazing). They have incredible pancakes and sausage etc all made from scratch. I had a bleeping egg white omelet and a small biscuit (as a treat!) and I'm still up 3 pounds from last week and up from yesterday and the day before. I deny myself things that I'd love to have constantly. Many times a day every day. So when I see no results for such an extended period of time, it makes me want to throw up my hands.

    Ok. Tantrum over. :laugh:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I teach Bodypump 3 times a week (Usually 4 but I dropped one for the Summer) which is high rep/low weight...not low low weight...but by the end of class you have done over 800 reps of squats, chest press, clean and presses/ deadrows and lifts, tricep extensions/presses/dips/overhead extensions, bicep curls, lunges, shoulder exercises and abs. BUT it's not heavy resistance. It would be tough to add in MORE exercising, but I will!

    The potential issue with the above scenario is that under any situation where you're able to move a load through 800 reps, you're basically doing cardio. While there may be some resistance bearing, the adaptations occurring are largely endurance based and not likely to be strength/hypertrophy based beyond a beginner going straight off the couch and into that program. Someone well trained like yourself is probably only getting (mostly) cardio/endurance-type benefits from this type of exercise.

    I deny myself things that I'd love to have constantly.

    This could potentially be problematic too. Although that requires more discussion.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I teach Bodypump 3 times a week (Usually 4 but I dropped one for the Summer) which is high rep/low weight...not low low weight...but by the end of class you have done over 800 reps of squats, chest press, clean and presses/ deadrows and lifts, tricep extensions/presses/dips/overhead extensions, bicep curls, lunges, shoulder exercises and abs. BUT it's not heavy resistance. It would be tough to add in MORE exercising, but I will!

    The potential issue with the above scenario is that under any situation where you're able to move a load through 800 reps, you're basically doing cardio. While there may be some resistance bearing, the adaptations occurring are largely endurance based and not likely to be strength/hypertrophy based beyond a beginner going straight off the couch and into that program. Someone well trained like yourself is probably only getting (mostly) cardio/endurance-type benefits from this type of exercise.
    You're probably true. While I have a lot of definition, I feel my BF should be lower. I need to do the picture analysis of BF and have ya'll take a stab at it.
    I deny myself things that I'd love to have constantly.

    This could potentially be problematic too. Although that requires more discussion.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I teach Bodypump 3 times a week (Usually 4 but I dropped one for the Summer) which is high rep/low weight...not low low weight...but by the end of class you have done over 800 reps of squats, chest press, clean and presses/ deadrows and lifts, tricep extensions/presses/dips/overhead extensions, bicep curls, lunges, shoulder exercises and abs. BUT it's not heavy resistance. It would be tough to add in MORE exercising, but I will!

    The potential issue with the above scenario is that under any situation where you're able to move a load through 800 reps, you're basically doing cardio. While there may be some resistance bearing, the adaptations occurring are largely endurance based and not likely to be strength/hypertrophy based beyond a beginner going straight off the couch and into that program. Someone well trained like yourself is probably only getting (mostly) cardio/endurance-type benefits from this type of exercise.
    You're probably right. While I have a lot of definition, I feel my BF should be lower. I need to do the picture analysis of BF and have ya'll take a stab at it.
    I deny myself things that I'd love to have constantly.

    This could potentially be problematic too. Although that requires more discussion.

    You're probably right. While I have a lot of definition, I feel my BF should be lower. I need to do the picture analysis of BF and have ya'll take a stab at it.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Bump. :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry for the delay, SideSteel has been too busy shoving pancakes down his gullet when we talk so it makes getting through threads hard.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Sorry for the delay, SideSteel has been too busy shoving pancakes down his gullet when we talk so it makes getting through threads hard.

    Totally just clobbered a bowl of fruit followed by 3/4ths of a batch of hamburger helper stroganoff and a huge bowl of fresh green and yellow beans.

    Frozen yogurt and more fruit tonight.

    Oh, sorry OP.

    On a serious note, we will try to get to you soon. We're obviously quite behind.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hahahaha! Good on you! Whenever ya'll get a chance.

    :-) 3 classes yesterday. 3200 calories burned. 1700 eaten. Weight still up. I swear my body goes through phases. I can get on a role and it will drop and drop and drop. Then it will hit a patch and not budge no matter WHAT I do. It's so odd. This is one of those phases. :-/ My body HURTS today!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    BUMP? SNIFF SNIFF.:sad: :wink:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Here's our overall suggestion, and we'd really like to see you implement all of this. We will try to explain the decisions here.

    1) As mentioned, you really may benefit from resistance training outside of the high volume (endurance based) weight training that you do in your classes. It doesn't necessarily have to be barbell or free-weight training, some combination of machines and freeweights would be fine. As long as you have adequate resistance (training in the 6-12 rep range for example) and do a full body program two times per week (3 would be ideal but your activity is already high and 2 will probably be adequate).

    One example of a barbell program here, and note that with whatever program you choose, you will want something that has you adding weight or adding reps over time in a linear fashion.

    See All Pros:

    2) There are a few logging errors in your diary that stem from you choosing generic entries for things that are either home-made dishes or other items where the macros are simply incorrect. For example on July 27th you have a few mini donuts listed that only have fat as the macro listed. The calories and the fat context are both wrong. You'll want to pay close attention when you choose a food item in the database. Generally, since we know that there are 4 calories per gram of protein and carbohydrate and 9 calories per gram of fat, you can see when you select an item that is just very far off.

    There's also value in consistency when selecting an item. So for example with deviled eggs (28th of July) there look to be two different selections for the same food item and they have different macros for each entry.

    Another example would be July 1st, there's a salad entry with 200 calories and no macronutrients.

    Another example would be selecting net carbs on certain items and not on others as this throws off your carbohydrate total.

    These are just examples of areas you can improve that will collectively improve your logging.

    3) We'd like to set your intake as follows for the next week. This will likely need to be modified further but we want you to get as close as you can to this number. We would like you to use the recipe builder for any recipes you make and pay close attention so that the selections you choose in the database are correctly entered. Use your food scale as much as possible. Make sure every item you consume is logged as accurately as you can for the next week. This is a very important step.

    Please do not use net-carbs in your diary for the following week so we can see your actual carbohydrate intake and match it to the below values.

    Set your intake as follows please:

    1600 calories
    125 carbohydrate
    55 fat
    150 protein

    You do not eat back exercise calories on this setup. Please try to stick to this intake daily.

    We would like you to follow up 1 week from the time you implement this.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just to add to the above, you may see a slight weight gain from glycogen/water retention as your muscles repair themselves due to the lifting heavier weights creating more of a stimulus. Don't panic if the scale does go up a bit.

    Also, in response to one of your original questions, which I overlooked, apologies, our cycle can definitely get messed up at a certain leanness as well as from exercise and dieting. It impacts each woman at different BF levels and is very individual. If you are concerned however, I would recommend having a check out with your OBGYN.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thank you! I can't wait to look at this link and add in this workout. I am leaving a week from yesterday for Disney World. Total change of activity/food etc. I will try and add these strength workouts there and keep the cardio as walking...and walking...and walking.

    I will do this and let you know in a week how it goes!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Just to add to the above, you may see a slight weight gain from glycogen/water retention as your muscles repair themselves due to the lifting heavier weights creating more of a stimulus. Don't panic if the scale does go up a bit.

    Also, in response to one of your original questions, which I overlooked, apologies, our cycle can definitely get messed up at a certain leanness as well as from exercise and dieting. It impacts each woman at different BF levels and is very individual. If you are concerned however, I would recommend having a check out with your OBGYN.

    I have been twice to the OB/GYN and she didn't seem concerned. Everything else looked normal....I just felt like maybe I was doing something wrong as it's sooooo irregular! :-)