May the Fuhrman Force Be With Us



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Working from home again today. I am just kind of worn out and need time to myself.

    I haven't been posting my meals since they have all been pretty similar lately. I have been making a big double batch of fat free hummus once or twice a week to throw on my salads or on pitas or tortillas with lots of veggies. Oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. Salad with beans and grains for lunch, pita or a bowl for dinner, fruit for dessert and snacks.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Your meals sound good, Mihani. I need to make more hummus. I always like having it on hand. It goes well with almost anything. I wish I could remember where I saw it, but there was a recipe for soup, I think, that was pretty fast and easy and you added hummus to it. (I just googled hummus soup and didn't find the one I was thinking of, but apparently it isn't that uncommon).

    Work continues. I am testing probably all this week. In between, I'm getting in a few moments here and there to work on my tapestry. It is taking a bit longer than I thought - I figured I'd be done after the weekend, but I don't think I'm more than a quarter of the way through. I am having fun with it, but as I don't have a tapestry stand my back and neck get very sore from hunching over.

    Although we haven't completed the conversion of our shed to a greenhouse, we do have the electricity all wired and functional and a grow light hanging off of the ceiling. The fan is also installed for circulation/cooling. It is already much warmer in there than the other half of the shed, and that's without most of the insulation added yet. We were given some bell pepper plants from Joe's dad, so in this heap of a mess of a greenhouse, with crap all around, there's one shelf stuffed full of pepper plants and a light hanging above.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    So impressed with all your projects, and your greenhouse and everything Carla! It's going to be wonderful when you have all those fruit trees producing and all your veggies and spices in the greenhouse.

    I had a rough day, we're still (always) super busy. I'm also having major tooth pain which I've been ignoring for a while, but today my tooth said yeah you're done waiting. The dentist can get me in tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to go deal with it. Ugh. I have a bad feeling it's a crack and is going to require a crown. That's expensive stuff.

    Still battling ants too, but I think I'm winning!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    One of the deer got into our fenced orchard and ate a significant amount of our 2 new blueberry bushes :(
    It is our fault...we put up the fence and the topmost wire and there's too big of a gap between them. We knew we needed to do a second wire but just haven't gotten around to it. That's what we get for being lazy! At least we still have our one major producer blueberry plant and 2 potted ones that do so-so.

    Sorry about your tooth, Mihani. I have had more than my share of tooth problems so I can totally empathize with putting things off and dealing with pain day after day.

    The rest of the week is supposed to be sunny and warm so I'm expecting a huge growth spurt for the cherries and garden veggies.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Oh no Carla... sorry about your blueberry bushes. I recall when we lived out in the country and watching the deer sometimes run through the pasture, clearing the fences on either side, they can jump amazingly high!

    Dentist says nothing wrong with my tooth (yay) but x-ray shows a slight spot he wants an endotontist to look at which means possibly a root canal if there's infection or an abscess. Ugh, who needs that? Never had a root canal before, don't want one. :/

    I do love the fresh, clean and shiny teeth when you get 'em cleaned though.

    Fell a bit off the wagon this week, nothing major just some blue corn chips and nuts, but back at it today. Did great with cereal and almond milk for breakfast, brown rice with leftover steamed kale and black beans for lunch, watermelon, dinner will be a whole wheat pita piled with homemade fat free hummus, baby spinach, steamed asparagus.

    I sure hope we hear from Lia soon. I'm worried about her! I want to know she and baby are doing fine.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I have decided that I'm going on the bowl diet! I don't know if there's really a bowl diet, but this is the Carla bowl diet. A grain, fresh greens, beans, veggies, and whatever little added bits sound good, plus a dressing or sauce. I'm going to try to make them from scratch as much as possible, but Joe and I stopped in at TJ's to pick up some of their vegan options that will work in a pinch. (Plus 4 Trader Joe pepper grinders for my Dad for Father's Day. He's a pepper fiend and loves the chunky pepper flakes from our TJ grinder! )

    I'm hoping to keep it nice and simple...use the instant pot to cook up a big batch of grains for the week, some yams, and a different kind of bean each week. Then whatever fresh veggies, maybe tofu, steamed broccoli all on a big bed of mixed greens. Make up a dressing every few days. For breakfast I'll probably just have a smoothie, but all of this bowl talk does remind me of the phenomenal vegan breakfast bowls we had in Maui. Maybe I'll have to play around and try to replicate them. (basically super thick smoothie in a bowl with some fresh fruit, nuts/coconut/granola/whatever on top) They will hit the spot when it starts getting hot out. Here's a link to their menu if you want some smoothie or breakfast bowl inspiration

    I took a picture of my lunch bowl before devouring it. It has lettuce from the garden, wild mixed rice, avocado, shredded cabbage, beets marinated in balsamic vinegar, black beans and roasted red peppers, topped with the amazing Green Goddess Dressing.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    I got a PM back from Lia yay!!! She said she'll be posting a pic here soon. She and baby are just fine and she's just been super busy being a new mom. I know you all have been worried too so wanted to let you know.

    Carla your bowl looks awesome! I am a complete convert to bowls and flats after doing the 7 day rescue thing. It makes life so much easier to just batch cook a few things a couple times a week and all your meals are ready to go. Mixing up toppings and spices, what grains/beans/potatoes/veggies you use, keeps them interesting. My long unused steamer (big electric one with two baskets) has been getting regular use lately for sure. With working so many hours I just couldn't deal with prepping and thinking about recipes all the time. Now it's just like open the fridge and throw a bunch of stuff in a bowl, ta da! My dinners this week have been E2 hummus, lots of baby spinach, and several stalks of steamed asparagus piled on a whole wheat pita. Heavenly.

    It's been an unbelievably busy and trying week, but boss is out of town all weekend, and I will have the office to myself. Planning some marathon working. My tooth is still twinging a bit. Need to get the trip to the endodontist scheduled and see if there's an infection in there. Ugh... root canal may be in my future.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi you guys!!!!!!!
    Baby arrived!!! She arrived on May 5 actually and two weeks have just flown by. I had heard so many people say the first few weeks are insane but I didn't know how/why if newborns were so sleepy, but it's true, I find I'm tending to her all day long and not napping at all!! Haha
    We named her Edith (Edie) and she's such a sweetie. I actually miss her when I'm running an errand. I really want her to stay small but I also can't wait to see what she does when she gets bigger. She was 6lbs 6oz when she was born!

    Miss you guys! Sorry I've been mia. Nice to read everyone's posts although I felt so sad for poor Stella, Carla!! Ruby did so well! How are they doing? Also, I feel like we have similar food tastes haha. I am obsessed with rice bowls and I loved the acai/smoothie bowls we had in Hawaii but I've never been able to recreate it on my own. Let me know if you find a magic recipe haha
    Mihani, your simple pita dinner sounds great actually! I'm going to write that down. When things calm down, I'm excited to look at E2 :)
    Ps thanks you two for holding the fort!!


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Awwwww Lia... what a sweet sweet baby!!! Love the pictures!!! Love the name Edith, not one you hear a lot these days.

    I'm getting a super late start today and need to get to the office. The weekends go by so fast, especially when you mostly work all of them lol.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Congrats, Lia! She is adorable! What a sweet cap and blanket, did someone make those for her? How are you feeling? Are things starting to settle into a bit of a routine or is it pretty much chaos? As for the Acai smoothie bowls, I wasn't able to recreate them when I got back from vacation, either. I'm sure I won't be any better at making them, but by this time I've forgotten what they should taste like, and will hopefully be satisfied!

    Mihani, did you get a lot done with your boss out of town? How is your tooth doing? I hope you manage to get at least a day off for the coming long weekend! I really don't know how you do it.

    I think I'm through most of the testing I had to get done for work, so I should have some more time to work on my tapestry and to do some cleaning around here!

    So far, our bowl diet plan is going well. The bowls are easy to throw together and customize. This week we're taking them in a Spanish direction. I'm thinking some lime cilantro wild rice as a base, black beans, avocados, tomatoes and I'm going to try out a cashew queso recipe. I'm putting down a pretty heavy base of mixed greens at the bottom of all of these bowls and I'm realizing that we really need to plant more lettuce! We're probably going to have to buy some lettuce before our next crop is ready.

    Reba wants to say hi to you guys...


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    LOL Carla, Reba looks like a fluffy well-fed gal. I didn’t get as much done this weekend as I hoped. There have been a lot of thunderstorms which terrify the pup and he won’t let me sleep so I was sleeping in. More storms last night I think I only got maybe 4 hours of sleep so I am definitely going to bed early. Yay for you getting work done and being able to get back to your tapestry. Your bowl ideas sound great.

    I have to do some food prep work tonight. I made brown rice last night, and took a bowl with rice, power greens, black beans, and salsa for lunch. It was okay but needed more. I am going to whip up a batch of the E2 hummus, steam broccoli and cauliflower and asparagus and kale (I do them all separately so I can pick and choose what I want in a meal), clean and chop a package of romaine, and bake some sweet and regular potatoes. Should be all set for the week then.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Reba manages to get by somehow, with the food we give her ;) She'd like you to know that she feels underfed though, and really appreciates her 'num-nums.' I have to post a pic of her again because I selected the wrong one last time.

    Last night I made up some Mexican bowls with cilantro lime brown rice, beefless crumbles (<- honestly, there needs to be a better name for these), greens, avocado, and a cashew queso recipe I tried out for the first time. Yum! I probably overdid the dressing on mine, I really like the flavor and the bit of kick it has but it is cashew based, so I need to watch it.

    Joe picked up some asparagus that was on sale, so I think I'll do a lemon dressing on those and roast them up to go in tonight's bowl. Yay for bowls!

    Okay, take 2 of Reba saying hi

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    My kitties used to like treats, but the boy cat has that urinary tract thing some cats get where they get blocked up so he has been on prescription food for years. Can't really separate cat food so both cats eat it. Not allowed any treats at all. Poor kitties.

    I'm on a total asparagus kick lately, I am sad when I run out lol. I either roll it around in a mixture of rice vinegar, soy sauce, ginger and garlic, sprinkle with sesame seeds and broil, or I steam it plain. I'll grab the bowl out of the fridge and eat them cold for a snack. I've always liked asparagus, but lately it's a must have. I just stopped and got two more bunches because I was afraid I might run out of what I steamed the other night lol.

    I am getting more adventurous with getting greens in at breakfast. This morning I had a bowl of Grain Berry shredded wheat, just discovered this cereal. NO added sugar. I actually like it plain with a little unsweetened almond milk, but can be sweetened up with fruit, and had a side bowl of cold leftover steamed broccoli. For breakfast! Lunch, I threw together a big tupperware container of brown rice, steamed broccoli, black beans, power greens, and E2 hummus for dressing. I purposely made the last batch thinner by adding more water so it would be more like a thick dressing I can mix all into my bowl. Dinner will be baked sweet potato, steamed kale, sliced tomatoes, asparagus. Everything is already cooked, easy peasy.

    Really need to get my head in the game on exercise though. Still just can't seem to work up any enthusiasm at all for that, and I know it would help my energy and mood so much.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Breakfast used to be my easy default smoothie and I just can't seem to get back into the habit. Hopefully with the warmer weather it will just naturally appeal again and I can keep it up.

    Lunch today was another bowl. Lemon cilantro wild rice, chopped fresh veggies, roasted red bell peppers and falafel. I had leftover green goddess dressing, cashew queso, and hummus, so dressings were covered! Not sure about dinner yet. We may branch out and have a veggie burger with a salad.

    Here's a cropped shot of the newborn fawn. She is in the pasture by the side of the driveway, so we noticed her when we were walking our garbage down to the road. She and her family weren't comfortable with us being around, so Joe took a picture from where we were and then we left them alone. I'm glad to know she's there - we won't let Ruby out of the back yard for a while to be safe.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    The fawn is so sweet! And so tiny!!! Your meals sound really good Carla, how are you making the cilantro lime rice? I love anything with cilantro and lime.

    Slipped a bit today, had some quinoa chips. They are so good, and not too bad calories/fat, but do have oil so shouldn't have had them. Breakfast was oatmeal with power greens chopped up and wilted in and a few walnuts. I Lunch sweet potato with steamed broccoli. Dinner will be another pita flat with hummus, baby spinach and asparagus. I realized today that I am not eating enough fruit and if I eat lots of fruit I tend not to crave snacky stuff so much. So goal for tomorrow is more fruit. I'll have some cantaloupe for dessert tonight.

    Where's Karrie?
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm here. It's been a week... I'll be glad when I'm back at home tonight with my butt parked on the couch.

    I have been on the go, NON-stop all week long. I'm exhausted. Among a half dozen other things I did last night, I had my guitar recital, and I played Romanza (Spanish Romance). It turned out really well. I still got nervous and I still shook a bit, but I didn't make as many mistakes because of it as I was expecting. I was pretty proud of myself and then my teacher bragged me up saying that I was only at the end of my 2nd year playing. Afterwards a number of people came up to me to say that I did an amazing job. Felt nice!! :smiley:

    I'll get back online later today/tomorrow to catch up. I've been skimming, but I just haven't had time to post. Work is crazy. Home has been crazy all week too. I've barely sat down in the evenings at all!

    Lia, your baby is beautiful!

    Carla, thanks for sharing the picture of the fawn. So sweet. And the pictures of your cat made me giggle. Reminds me that I haven't posted pictures of Oreo in a long time. He's getting big; he's 7 months old now...

    Alright, gotta jet - but I'll be back soon...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hey Karrie... glad to see you. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend in store? Congrats on your recital!

    I am not going to the office tomorrow, but will go in Sunday and Monday. I know Monday is the holiday, but my guess is I won't have much boss bugging me going on those two days. Tomorrow I'm thinking he will be there quite a bit so I'll pass on that lol. Making tiny bits of progress here and there, but I really don't think I'll ever be caught up. Ever. Really burned out and grumpy lately.

    Stopped at the store and got more stuff to steam for bowls... cauliflower and broccoli and kale. Got an extra bunch of kale to make red lentil kale soup. I haven't made it in a while and love that soup. Also got more pitas to throw in the freezer for my hummus/spinach/asparagus flats. I am so hooked on those, haven't got tired of them yet at all. I really like the E2 hummus recipe. It uses brown mustard so has some kick to it. I should experiment with adding additional spices. It just has chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic and brown mustard, with water to thin as needed. I was at a gathering last weekend and had regular hummus, it actually tasted too oily to me. Yay for getting my taste buds back to oil free.

    Tomorrow's goal is to clean from morning to night. The pet hair has taken over again and it's so dusty in here, plus mounds of linens to be laundered. I have to make myself focus on just cleaning and not get all sidetracked into projects. Like I'll start to clean the kitchen and next thing ya know I'm tearing apart cabinets and reorganizing. I need to just clean the surfaces and get the whole house done, then I can worry about projects like that. I can spend a whole day on one room if I start getting carried away on the side projects.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Weekend was nice just the girls. I could totally get used to that. I let my DD have her best friend over for a sleepover, they just stayed in my DD's room and I got to binge watch How I Met Your Mother while getting caught up on my projects.

    Then Saturday we went around town going shopping, and to the library, etc. Got home for supper and then watched a family movie on Netflix together, then an episode of Vampire Diaries. Decided it's not too bad, but maybe still a little too old for her for now.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Sounds like a nice weekend Karrie.

    Quiet weekend here. Did some cleaning and catching up laundry (and napping lol) on Saturday. Spent a good chunk of the day yesterday at the office then stopped at a friend's house on the way home and had a nice visit. Hadn't seen her in a while. Brought home lots of work, but only put in about 4 1/2 hours today. I got really sick after eating some leftover black bean soup for lunch. No idea why. I just made it Friday night so it should have been fine, but I ended up going back to bed for a while. Fine now. Steamed some asparagus, cleaned and chopped romaine, and made a batch of quinoa so I'm all ready for bowls for the next few days. Still have a head of cauliflower to steam tomorrow night, and need to make a batch of hummus. Just ate half a plain baked sweet potato tonight and a little asparagus for a late dinner and my stomach's fine.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I went carb-free yesterday. (Starchy carbs). Also got back to my zombies. I missed them. :wink:

    Down 3.2 lbs today. Yup. I gotta get off the carbs!! Going to try to have the same day as yesterday....