What's on your mind today?



  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    @RangerRickL and @craigo3154 This is some good stuff!
    I was invited to a cookout today and did NOT want to go. In the past I randomly munch, just mindlessly munch at events with food, I randomly munch when I am anxious. I don't even realize I'm doing until I feel the consequences. I have some moderate anxiety so I know what is driving this.
    So rather than put myself thru all that, I'd rather stay home. Well, I figured today I would face this head on and be AWARE of my own behavior and hide from a a challenge.
    I guess the moral of the story is to take a small bite and be satisfied, be aware of how I am relating to food, events with food and respect that my body doesn't like 'crap' so respect it. This was a major accomplishment for me because I normally drive home in shame with a bloated gut.

    I'm going to add something to my daily log in about my relationship with food for the rest of the month because it's not realllllly about the food.
    (Sorry for the rambling)
    Happy 4th Everyone !!!!!!

    @conchita962. AWESOME!!! Simply awesome.

    Happy to read comments is daily log too. It is important and is it important to you.

    I think I said earlier that weight management is as much a mental as physical game.

    Well done.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    @craigo3154 Thank you Sir I appreciate your support. I keep fighting the physical part by daily exercise and that's what we all do cuz it's the easier part. Fighting the mental part is a whole other game and I'm loaded for bear!
  • harringtonen
    harringtonen Posts: 41 Member
    I'm thinking about 2 questions today.

    Does anyone know if you measure the popcorn before or after it's popped?

    Does anyone have any iron rich recipes that hopefully don't go too far over on the calories? I recently found out I'm anemic and even though I take iron pill, I should be trying to get natural iron every day.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @harringtonen I have no idea about popcorn sorry. As for iron I'm a big fan of adding leafy greens (spinach, kale, broccoli etc) to meals as they also have vitamin c as well as iron, which is needed for absorption of the iron.

    @craigo3154 ah I'm a cat person too. But I don't have a cat analogy! :)

  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    I'm thinking about 2 questions today.

    Does anyone know if you measure the popcorn before or after it's popped?

    Does anyone have any iron rich recipes that hopefully don't go too far over on the calories? I recently found out I'm anemic and even though I take iron pill, I should be trying to get natural iron every day.

    @harringtonen. Popcorn weighs almost the same before and after popping. Just the amount of space it takes up changes (dramatically :) ). Measure by weight, not volume :) .

    I have not had popcorn in a while. We have an air based popcorn popper (no oil :) ).

    Foods rich in iron include:
    • Red meat, pork and poultry
    • Seafood
    • Beans
    • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach
    • Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots
    • Peas

    Vitamin C helps with iron absorption.

    Be wary of fruit juices if trying to lose weight (but get vitamin C). Juicing often takes out a lot of the fibre, but leaves in the calories (sugars). A 16 oz glass of orange juice contains the calories of about 4 - 5 oranges, but almost none of the fibre.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Ok my. Goal calories are set at 1220. I used 1086. Should I have a snack to get to that goal? (Pardon if this is a stupid question)
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    edited July 2017
    @conchita962 is your goal a target or a maximum limit? My calorie limit is a barrier. I consider myself more successful if I have reasonable margin below the limit. If I go over my limit, then I have passed my personal barrier.
    On the other hand, your goal may be a specific goal to attain. Some MFP users have micronutrient goals within their calorie goal.
    I am just blunt calories.

    Changing the focus:
    Congratulations on your thoughtfulness at the party! The UAC is all about achieving thoughtfulness!
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    edited July 2017
    @RangerRickL The calorie goal was set by MFP for 1lb per week weight loss. Thank you so much! I learned today that it's okay to feel hungry!!!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @conchita962 since you are in the weight loss phase you will feel hungry as you adjust. While this specific choice may not work for, let me share this concept. Carbohydrates do not give us a feeling of being full. For example, no matter how many potato chips, I eat, I will not feel full. I can eat them until I feel sick, but not full.
    On the other hand, I can eat two tablespoons of 4% fat cottage cheese and it gives me a feeling of satiety. I do need to wait a few minutes for the food to be recognized by my body. Choose a fat+protein food you like and use a predetermined portion as your satiety trigger. Another food that works for me are almonds.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks again Rick!! I will definitely think about that! I try to stick to protein and veggies! I really appreciate your advice.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Ok my. Goal calories are set at 1220. I used 1086. Should I have a snack to get to that goal? (Pardon if this is a stupid question)

    @conchita962. Actually a very good question.

    If the daily deficit is within 200, just leave it an try get closer tomorrow (without going over). If more than 200 under, snack to within 200 of target.

    If you are trying to get to a weight goal it is best to be close, but definitely not over. Too far under for too long and you risk metabolic damage (takes months to years to repair).

    Calories are an approximation and not all calories are equal. Also the target is an approximation (unless it has been refined by months of observation). How did you get your target of 1220 calories per day? (Message me if you don't want to publish numbers).

    The longer you do this, the better you get at working out what and how much you need (and how often). Always come back to some form of tracking as sneaky things slide in from time to time.
    ... While this specific choice may not work for, let me share this concept. Carbohydrates do not give us a feeling of being full. For example, no matter how many potato chips, I eat, I will not feel full. I can eat them until I feel sick, but not full.
    On the other hand, I can eat two tablespoons of 4% fat cottage cheese and it gives me a feeling of satiety. I do need to wait a few minutes for the food to be recognized by my body. Choose a fat+protein food you like and use a predetermined portion as your satiety trigger. Another food that works for me are almonds.

    @RangerRickL. Well said. This matches my observations.

    Fibre, fat and protein trigger satiety very quickly. Processed carbs (ie. ones with little fibre), can bypass the bodies "stop eating" mechanism (and are easy to over-eat).

    Processed carbs also have a long shelf life and are cheap to produce (and are often heavily subsidised). They make great snack food, easily over-consumed and make good profits for the companies producing them. Any wonder the western world seems to be suffering an obesity epidemic.

    (Don't get Rick or myself started on gluten :) )

    @conchita962. Use this time of diet vigilance to find out what works best for you. What you can work with and deal with LONG TERM. Your health will govern what you can do in life. Best to look after it.

    Put in place habits that will help you. Your habits will make you (whatever they are - good or bad habits). Habits are what take over when you no longer think about things.

  • harringtonen
    harringtonen Posts: 41 Member
    @harringtonen. Popcorn weighs almost the same before and after popping. Just the amount of space it takes up changes (dramatically :) ). Measure by weight, not volume :) .

    I have not had popcorn in a while. We have an air based popcorn popper (no oil :) ).

    Foods rich in iron include:
    • Red meat, pork and poultry
    • Seafood
    • Beans
    • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach
    • Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots
    • Peas

    Vitamin C helps with iron absorption.

    Be wary of fruit juices if trying to lose weight (but get vitamin C). Juicing often takes out a lot of the fibre, but leaves in the calories (sugars). A 16 oz glass of orange juice contains the calories of about 4 - 5 oranges, but almost none of the fibre.

    @craigo3154 Thanks for the advice! I will change my log to reflect the starting weight. I had been using popcorn as my freebie snack. I also have an air popper and I just add a little salt.

    I forgot about beans. Right now I am trying to work in red meat and spinach. Right now I am drinking Trop50 orange juice with added vitamins with my iron supplement. I am supposed to take it on an empty stomach if I can handle it. Do you think I should switch to eating an orange with my supplement?

    @RangerRickL I think your advice to @conchita962 is benefiting everybody. I certainly feel more full from dairy than carbs.

    @conchita962 I have only just started in my weight loss journey but I would say if you're not hungry, don't eat. MFP will tell you if you ate severely under calorie for the day and it won't publish your results. If this happens (it never does to me if I'm being honest about tracking), I'd suggest eating some foods high in fiber and nutrients. If you are actually severely under calories, there is a good chance there are some key nutrients missing for the day. I like to track my nutrients (you can find them under the reports tab or nutrients in the mobile app).
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    @Slimpossible007 @harringtonen @craigo3154 Thank you for all your tips and advice!
    I've been tracking again on MFP for a week and after looking over calories in and out I realized that literally every day will be different for me. Yesterday I did walking and yoga. Today I ran for almost 2 hours and also did yoga. Today I had to ate all my calories and a little extra because I was reallllllly hungry after running. I know I need to figure out recovery food or drink that fits within my dietary requirements for after intense exercise to help with muscle recovery. Tomorrow is a yoga only day so I will not need as many calories. I have to be aware of what my plans are for the day and address my calorie intake based on what I have planned regarding exercise. I think the zig zagging of calories and exercise will actually help boost my metabolism. Which i think is working cuz I lost 1.4lbs this week !! WHOOP!!!!!!! I do have to work on going over my sugar intake tho. :#
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,357 Member
    @conchita962 with your sugar intake it really depends on which sugars you are consuming.

    I remember when i first joined MFP (it was a different profile, and a few years ago) I panicked because I was over every single day on sugar ... I opened my diary and asked in the forums for help ... I was told not to worry because my sugar was coming mainly from fruits which is "good sugar" ...
    well done on the 1.4lb loss ..

    I zig zag my calories and exercise constantly .. I'm having no issues losing weight .. its slow loss .. but then its slow loss I am aiming for 0.5 - 1lb a week suits me fine .. although I really want to speed it up at the moment to get through the 200lb mark lol

  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 119 Member
    Where's a good place to find out about MACROs?
    Can anyone help?
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,357 Member
    @lkellandmay ... I'm not fully sure what your asking ... if you are asking basically then heres a link that may help. If you are asking how you should split them up for your diet then I have no clue, I never hit them :)

  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Slim, that's a great link. Thanks
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    @Slimpossible007 Yes Some of my sugars is fruit! So I'm not too worried but I am trying to cut where I can (except for coffee in the morning!) I think zig zagging is working well so far. I know that I've plateaued for a VERY long time probably due to menopausal stuff raging in my body right now.
    Good luck you can do this!!
  • harringtonen
    harringtonen Posts: 41 Member
    @conchita962 Congrats on the weight loss! If you are going for 2 hour runs, I would definitely eat back at least half the calories MFP gives you to refuel.

    I'm jealous that you are able to keep coffee. I simply can't drink it without A LOT of sugar in it. I couldn't afford the 300 calories in the morning. I'm happy for you that you are able to squeeze your coffee and sugar into your diet :)