Junk-Free July

Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
Thanks for coming up with a thread title Carla. I am looking forward to a full on ETL July.

The first week of the 6 week plan went really well. I think simplifying things, having lots of food prepped and ready to go, made it so much easier than it has been in the past. I really feel like I can do the whole 6 weeks. I am going to try to stick with no starches on most days, but will have a potato, some grains, or oatmeal other days. It was good for me to go a week without any to break the cravings.

Speaking of, I didn't get food prepped today but will do it before bedtime. I have collards, kale, broccoli to steam all ready for bowls and salads. Mushrooms to saute. Also got an eggplant... not sure what I am going to do with it yet. Maybe just steam it too. Too hot to fire up the oven. Also got some peaches, strawberries, and a nice cantaloupe.



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Oh, and Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends!

    Carla, on your last June post you mentioned the tu-no salad, and I saw the recipe. Are you making it with beans or cashews? I think I'll give it a try with beans. I didn't make the cheezy chickpeas after all. Will make them this week and let you know how they turn out.

    Yesterday was a repeat of prior days. Today was tofu scramble and oven roasted no-oil potatoes. Late breakfast so I just ate some fruit late afternoon and getting ready to eat a big salad for dinner.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited July 2017
    I meant to make it with half beans half nuts the first time, but I decided at the last minute to cut the recipe in half and the cashews were already soaking. Yesterday, I did a Tbsp of cashews and the rest beans. I'll use beans from now on unless for some reason I don't have another easy fat to eat with my meal.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Steamed up a ton of broccoli, kale and collards last night so I am all set for the next 5 days I would think. I ended up just steaming the eggplant since I already had the steamer out for all the other stuff. I cut it into quarters lengthwise and put in the steamer skin side down, and it was sooo good. I ate a quarter of it before I got the rest safely in the fridge. I don't think I've ever had eggplant just plain not mixed in with other stuff (or fried!). It was very mild and sweet. Still need to saute the 'shrooms tonight. I haven't been eating onions much lately, not sure why because I love them. Carla, I remember you making some sort of caramelized onion thing without oil. How were you doing those?

    This is the steamer I bought a couple years ago. I didn't use it as much as I thought I would for a long time, but the past couple months I am using it once or twice a week for big batches of veggies and it is so convenient. I can do a lot of veggies at one time and it's easy to clean. https://amazon.com/BELLA-Quart-Healthy-Steamer-Basket/dp/B00DPX8UBA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499001783&sr=8-1&keywords=steamer+bella

    Heading to the office today, then the hospital to visit a friend. Just got a text from a friend who is in town for the day. I forgot all about it, and we're supposed to have lunch so I'll have her meet me at Panera which I can walk to from the office. I can have a cup of black bean soup or a small salad and eat my "real" salad at the office.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    The original recipe for the Tahini Caramelized Onion Sauce (http://hellyeahitsvegan.com/tahini-caramelized-onion-sauce/) uses oil to caramelize the onions. I saute the onions, using water and a splash of tamari as needed to keep them from burning. Just before removing them from the pan, I add a mix of 2 Tbsp tahini, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, and 1 Tbsp water.

    I'm going to keep that steamer in mind for the near future. I need to get more steamed greens for sure and that would help.

    Week one almost complete! This time around, it has been a lot easier and tastier than I remember.Not having a migraine every day was really helpful. I'm definitely keeping the pinto bean chili and the pinto bean broccoli burgers in the rotation. I can cook up the beans for both ahead of time and make the recipes day of, or make it all up at once and have it ready.

    Yesterday was on plan. I had a red plum that was outstanding. I made some Green Goddess dressing, and really enjoyed it over my salad at lunch. Dinner was a starchy treat! I had half of a baked yam, stuffed to the gills with black bean chili. I drizzled it with the GG dressing.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Lunch today. I really enjoyed this.
    Leftover black bean chili with yam added, half an orange, greens, sprouts, tomatoes, 1/4 of an avocado and GG dressing.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Wow, that lunch looks delicious! The salad looks so fresh and crisp.

    We ended up at the cantina a couple blocks from the office for lunch, had two vegan soft tacos. They are small, but definitely not 6 week plan adherent with the vegan aioli. Further proof that if I'm going to stick with this I have to eat homemade. I just have to avoid dining out until the 6 weeks is up. I think I only have one other thing coming up the end of July but it's a potluck and I can bring an ETL friendly dish to share. And fortunately it was only 1:00, my friend had a long drive back to Pennsylvania, and I had to get back to the office, so no margarita temptation lol.

    Didn't visit my friend in the hospital because she was released this morning. I'll go visit her at home in a couple days. She's exhausted and not up for company at home right this second, quite understandably.

    Other than that I had a big bowl of steamed broccoli and a little cantaloupe for breakfast. Dinner will be steamed collards and eggplant and water sauteed mushrooms with black beans, lemon juice and balsamic glaze. I realized last night that I could spin my steamed greens in the salad spinner to reduce the water. I have tried patting them dry and squeezing, and just doesn't seem to do the trick just makes them clumpy.

    I vow the rest of July will be 100% compliant! I am down 3 pounds the first week, which is great considering I had already lost 11 doing E2. I am excited to see where I am at the end of the 6 weeks and want to be sure I don't stray again.

    I agree with Carla that I am finding everything tastier this round. Maybe we've learned a thing or two after all this time!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Oh, and thanks, Carla, for the caramelized onion recipe, I guess it's out until after the 6 weeks with the tahini, but I have saved it in my recipe file! I love tahini and lemon.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    uh...oops? LOL I've been having tahini almost every day! Hmm. Really should dig up that book. I'm not having a lot of it, but several recipes call for a tablespoon or two per recipe for 4 to 6 people. I just had a tahini/lemon/chickpea veggie patty with my salad for dinner. That recipe is going into the rotation as well.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Has anyone tried the chickpea tofu recipe that's making the rounds? It *looks* good.

    Great thread title this month!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Carla, I tried to find a specific reference to tahini not being allowed in the book and online and couldn't... not sure why I have it in my head it's not allowed. I think it wouldn't be allowed because the sesame seeds are roasted and he says eat nuts/seeds raw because roasting alters the beneficial fats. I don't think the amount you are eating is going to make a difference if it's just part of your nuts/seeds serving for the day. The hummus recipes he has use raw sesame seeds rather than tahini. A quick look found some raw tahini brands and recipes though, so maybe your tahini uses raw not roasted sesame seeds.

    Hi Sabine! Long time no see. I haven't heard of that recipe, do you have a link for it?

    I don't want to go to go work today. I planned to work from home but we have a client coming in at 9:00 and my boss wants me there. I am going to leave about noon though. I will be in the office tomorrow (the holiday) but I'll have the place to myself and I can get a lot more done when nobody is there bugging me.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Great loss, Mihani! Are you digging out smaller clothes from your closet? 14 lbs must mean a change in wardrobe! I think you're right about the tahini. Seed form is what would be on the 6 week plan, and raw tahini from then on. I can't get myself too worked up about it right now though, especially not with a new large jar of regular tahini. :D

    I hadn't heard of the chickpea tofu thing until you mentioned it, Sabine. Interesting. Let us know if you make it!

    I am down 5 lbs after the first week. Not bad considering I didn't get in much exercise and I had more than my share of avocados.

    Yesterday's meal:
    Breakfast smoothie
    Lunch - salad w/ side of yam bean chili
    Dinner - Lemon Tahini Chickpea veggie burgers - yum!

    Today I've got leftover chickpea patties to serve over salad for lunch. I think we'll have a tu-no salad for dinner. I think I could eat that for every meal! Now that we've tried a few of these recipes and know we like them, I think it's safe to start doubling the recipes, or even tripling them and freezing them. I like the idea of having both veggie patties on hand for a quick meal.

    Yesterday's photo was of my meal, so today's is my yarn! This is a blend of Jacob wool, Alpaca, and sari silk.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Woohoo Carla!!! 5 pounds is awesome!!! You are rocking it. I am definitely seeing my clothes fit better and even getting loose, but I’m not into a smaller size yet. I was getting ready to burst out of this size though lol. Plus I haven’t been getting any exercise, quite sedentary in fact, sitting at my desk all day every day. I know I need to get back to walking and a moderate amount of strengthening exercises to see real changes in my body.

    I do miss that strong confident feeling that comes with doing strength training. I never lifted heavy or anything, but a fair amount of work with dumbbells, half-*kitten* pushups, etc. At least I’ve continued with 15 or 20 minutes of very basic yoga in the evenings. I’m not trying to do much, just rotating through a few poses and stretches. That’s enough for now. My muscles scream in protest just doing that with my total lack of flexibility right now!

    The yarn is BEAUTIFUL. So fun!

    B – steamed broccoli, some cantaloupe/strawberries/blueberries
    L – nothing yet, going to eat a big salad with romaine, power greens, salsa, black beans, steamed broccoli
    D – think I’ll indulge my potato craving with a baked Idaho, side of collards, mushrooms, and eggplant tossed with a mixture of balsamic and dijon. I’m totally digging the steamed eggplant. And I’m going to make a pot of lentils. I just boil them with whatever spices appeal at the moment and they go with everything.

    P.S. Carla did you share the chickpea patties recipe?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Good grief... I had the lentils almost at a boil and thought ya know, I should have put a cup or so of veggie broth in there for more flavor. Grabbed the first box in the cabinet, shook it up, only got one splash in the pot before thinking ummm... why is it white? It was oat milk LOL. I drained and rinsed the lentils and put them back in the pot. Now I have a whole container of oat milk to use up. Kitchen mishaps are me!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Oat milk lentils don't sound great, I doubt you've hit on the next big craze LOL

    The talk about strength training reminds me of when Joe and I were doing P90X which is a pretty intense program. Just thinking about it now wears me out! I think I'll start with a walk every day, and then introduce yoga. I have a P90X yoga video that's 90 minutes, and a Bob Harper one that is killer too, but what I really need to find is yoga for the unfit and barely motivated.

    Are you following a video for your yoga, Mihani?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    I got this beginner's yoga book a while back... https://amazon.com/dp/1623156467?ref_=ams_ad_dp_asin_3 I just go through a few poses and stretches at my own pace. I have a couple yoga DVD's. Trying to follow along makes me look like a drunk failing a sobriety test.

    B - 1/2 cup of shredded wheat with chopped greens, strawberries, and oat milk (gotta use it up lol)
    L - 1/4 of a baked sweet potato on a bed of power greens, topped with sauteed mushrooms, lentils, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze. Very pretty I took a pic to upload later.
    D - planning a big salad with power greens, steamed broccoli and kale, red pepper, tomato, nooch, and a balsamic/dijon dressing

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys, happy July (and happy 4th American friends)!

    Wow you two are on fire!!!?! Amazing. Nice that you're on fire together too! I'm doing well and sticking to vegan but not quite strict E2 and definitely not strict ETL just yet but still pretty good. I bought a bunch of fruit to get my off the junky grains/granolas and we are having lots of baked potatoes and salads. Hopefully it'll kind of stick as I go gradually. Mihani, it sounds like that's kind of what you did!

    Carla your yarn looks so amazing! Congrats on the loss.
    Mihani congrats on your loss too!! Must be super motivating too to keep going.

    I've been sticking to real basics so far and not kmany recipes. Hopefully that helps but hearing about some of your recipes has made me itch to go looking for something new too! Any plans for today for either of you?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Hi Lia! I definitely eased into it. I did the first 7 day rescue to the letter and lost I think 5 or 6 pounds, then mostly stuck with it after that, but was having alcohol and some non-compliant foods on the weekends. Even doing it that way I lost another 5 over a few weeks. It has been easier to stick with ETL from what I learned on E2 though, and just having bowls rather than messing around with recipes. I don't have time or inclination to do a lot of cooking during the week so making big batches of veggies and beans, and then just throwing things together is the way to go for me. Sounds like you're doing great so far!
  • jrunion1
    jrunion1 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow you guys make me hungry just reading the posts! you have some great ideas. It's been 4 weeks since I started back eating ETL. When I got pregnant, I had very strong aversions to beans and veggies. So, now I'm back with a little 3 month old. I've also been working out a ton (with 2 under 2 it's been nice to get an hour or so to myself to strength train at the Y since they have childcare).

    With breast feeding and the amount of working out, it's been hard. I have not been getting enough calories to supplement the baby, and I've been feeling nausous and dizzy with headaches. But I'm always super full at the end of the day!! I felt bad but I started adding in a vegan protein shake most mornings and all that went away. i usually added it to one of fuhrman's green shakes. I'm relooking at how to do the 6 week plan differently than I did.

    Oh and Carla, that yarn is gorgeous!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    jrunion, wow! 2 little ones and working out at the Y, so impressive! And so smart to take advantage of their childcare. If you can do it with 2 little ones, then I have no excuse. Darn it! haha.

    Lia, nice job on your eating. I planned on not making any recipes and just having it really basic, but somehow that's not what happens. One thing that is much simpler is that I'm only planning a few days in a row and if I need a special ingredient or a refill on some veggies, Joe stops by at the store on his way home for a quick shop. Another thing I started doing is soaking and cooking 2 cups of whatever bean we're making. Then I google the leftover bean for vegan oil free recipes. Since it all the recipes are pretty much beans, veggies, and spices, we usually have most of it on hand.

    LOL, I can totally identify with feeling like a drunk failing a sobriety test when it comes to yoga, Mihani. It is even worse when Joe and I try to follow a video at the same time, we are lucky if we don't wipe each other out. Did you decide to cut out coffee or are you drinking it for now? I'm curious. I'm debating if I want to quit it entirely or just stay away from it for the 6 weeks.

    We had a quiet 4th of July at home. Quiet until around 9:30 pm when our neighbors started up the fireworks! People must spend a LOT on fireworks. All around us for hours on end, huge showy fireworks. I watched them for 30 minutes or so, but they were still going off when I was trying to sleep at 11:30.

    Yesterday, I had my usual smoothie, salad w/ lemon tahini chickpea patties, and saucy black beans with baked marinated tofu and, you guessed it, greens! I had fruit salad and a few strawberries and a slice of tofu as a snack. Today I have cooked black beans on hand, so I'll do something with those for dinner. I have various bits of leftovers for lunch and some mediocre black bean patties that we made late last night in a hurry when we realized Joe had nothing to take with his salad for lunch.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Okay, I keep reading about carrot dogs. I’m going to give them a try this weekend. There are lots of versions but this one sounded good… the maple syrup wouldn’t be compliant though now I think of it… darn it! Oh well, after the 6 weeks I am trying these! Or I'll look for a recipe that fits the 6 week guidelines.


    Hiya jrunion! Glad to see you jumped into the monthly thread. This is a small, but supportive and fun group of people. Good for you with the workouts. I really need to get back to regular exercise. I’m so lazy when I get home from work.

    I am really not sure whether the strict 6 week plan would be recommended while you are nursing. I did read that you should up the fats (nuts/seeds/avocados) and probably you’d want to up the whole grains a bit too, get enough calories to keep you going. More the life plan while you are still nursing. If the protein shake is helping though that’s great! Lia has a new baby too!

    Now I wonder why we say “new baby” … as opposed to what? Old baby?

    Carla, I’m still drinking some coffee. I tend not to have any on weekends. I don’t normally make coffee at home since I’m always busy getting ready to get out the door, and when I go to the office weekends I usually don’t make it. My boss always has it ready for me during the week, and will even go fill my cup and bring it to me if I don’t, so it makes it harder to avoid. If I tell him I’m off coffee he won’t though. I just need to make up my mind! I have cut down a lot. One or two cups not helping my boss polish off the first pot and he’s making another one before 9 a.m. lol

    There were a lot of fireworks here too. Poor pup was scaredy dog.

    I definitely want to try those chickpea burgers soon!

    B – steamed broccoli, shredded wheat with strawberries and a splash of oat milk
    L – salad with power greens, steamed kale and broccoli, sautéed mushrooms, lentils, salsa, a clementine
    D – going to be a repeat of the bowl with power greens, sweet potato, ‘shrooms, lentils, balsamic glaze

    Totally grooving on balsamic glaze. Adds so much flavor with just a little drizzle.

    I have been having headaches and just feeling all around blah though, this has nothing to do with doing the 6 week plan, I was feeling like this before. It has just been an awful spring/summer for allergies and sinuses. Plus work stress and my tooth has been hurty a lot more lately. Almost starting to look forward to the impending root canal.